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Blue marble geographics in Title/Summary

Blue Marble Geographics Geographic Tracker

Blue Marble Geographics Geographic Tracker

The leading GPS interface tool for Windows! GPS answers the significant world demand for accurate, viable and cost effective positioning systems. The Geographic Tracker delivers all of the power and utility of GPS to the Windows environment by allowing you to link a GPS receiver to other Microsoft Windows applications through standard Windows DDE messaging.

  • Publisher: Bluemarble Geographics
  • Last updated: October 12th, 2011
Marble Arena 2

Marble Arena 2

Marble Arena 2 is a game where you will guide a marble through a 3D environment. The goal is to smash as many stars as you can, guiding your marble with precise movements. You will control the marble by using the keyboard, and you can view how it goes through the different paths by adjusting the camera that follows it with your mouse.

  • Publisher: Brightside Entertainment
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Marble Blast Gold

Marble Blast Gold

Marble Blast Gold introduces new players to the game with a set of progressively more difficult beginner training levels, each designed to showcase a power up or game hazard.The hazards players will face in Marble Blast include powerful fans, whirling tornados, land mines, pinball-style bumpers, narrow catwalks, moving pistons, dizzying chasms, and more.

  • Publisher: Steveredrum
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Blue marble geographics in Description

Beautiful Earth

Beautiful Earth

Beautiful Earth is a Wallpaper generator and Screen Saver. Beautiful Earth shows you how the Earth looks like from the space at this very moment. You can see which parts of the Earth are enjoying the sun light. And in night areas you can see the city lights. Based on NASA's Blue Marble and City Lights satellite images.

  • Publisher: GimmeGoody.com
  • Last updated: December 21st, 2011
Catfood Desktate

Catfood Desktate

Catfood Desktate is an eye catching earth simulator that combines satellite imagery and near-live cloud data. Day and night are continuously calculated and the result can be set as your desktop wallpaper or used as a screensaver.

  • Publisher: Catfood Software
  • Home page: www.catfood.net
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2009
World Wind Java View Volume

World Wind Java View Volume

This is the most basic usage of the SDK. It shows the default globe with the default layer list and panel. It features the Earth with SRTM Plus elevation and bathymetry, the Blue Marble Next Generation may 2004, I Cubed Lansat 15m, and United States Department of Agriculture NAIP imagery layers among others.

  • Publisher: NASA WorldWInd
  • Last updated: April 29th, 2012
Tiger Oscar Aquarium

Tiger Oscar Aquarium

Tiger Oscar Aquarium features an assorted color variation of Astronotus ocellatus Oscar, Jaguar Cichlid, and Firemouth Cichlid. It is also known as the Marble Cichlid or the Velvet Cichlid and is a colorful addition to a large aquarium.

Marble Mayhem!

Marble Mayhem!

Marble Mayhem is a third-person platform, action game with puzzle elements in which the player is a marble that can change between three forms that allow the player to interact with the world differently. The game has platform elements like in Super Mario 64 mixed with enemy confrontations like that of the Legend of Zelda series.

  • Publisher: Matthew Helbig & Dustin Vertrees
  • Home page: sites.google.com
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2008

Additional Blue marble geographics selection

Geographic Calculator

Geographic Calculator

Geographic Calculator is a coordinate conversion tool that offers support for legacy ATS grid formats in addition to the existing support for Alberta Township System 4.1. There is also enhanced batch file processing features, such as a new batch interface for point data conversions and the ability to use an unlimited number of Desktop jobs in a batch conversion.

  • Publisher: Blue Marble Geographics
  • Last updated: June 21st, 2008
Geographic Transformer

Geographic Transformer

Geographic Transformer contains the most powerful raster transformation tools available today allowing for higher order math transformation models, up to fifth order polynomial, for true warping and accurate reprojection. The Transformer also sits on GeoCalc.XML, the world's largest, most reliable and accurate coordinate transformation datasource.

  • Publisher: Blue Marble Geographics
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2009
Global Mapper SDK

Global Mapper SDK

Global Mapper SDK is a DLL file for developing applications that leverage the functionalities of Global Mapper. Global Mapper is an and easy-to-use GIS application. This SDK works with Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual C#, and other Windows programming IDEs.

Geographic Explorer V3

Geographic Explorer V3

Discovery is a click away! The Geographic Explorer extends the Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT Explorer to view and find map files. The Geographic Explorer provides a number of powerful utilities. You can explore map files directly on your desktop with the Geographic Explorer! Supports MIF, SHP, TAB, DWG, DXF, DGN, TIFF, BMP & JPG.

  • Publisher: Blue Marble Geographics
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011
GeoCalc .NET

GeoCalc .NET

Coordinate Conversion for Object Oriented Programming! GeoCalc.NET is the latest drag-and-drop component for .NET application development. GeoCalc.NET provides .NET developers seamless coordinate conversion when creating custom GIS software for said development platform.

  • Publisher: Blue Marble Geographics


Desktop Earth is a wallpaper generator that creates desktop Earth representation backgrounds. The imagery is based on NASA's Blue Marble Next and Earth's City Lights. It offers real-time cloud imagery from satellite data and 33-megapixel (8192x4096) textures so it looks perfect even on 4K monitors.

  • Publisher: Márton Anka
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2015
Genesis Smart Client

Genesis Smart Client

The Genesis Smart Client Framework is a application development framework that allows developers to develop modules of code that is hosted inside of the framework. The framework takes care of user security, application deployment and online data access.

  • Publisher: Blue Marble
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2011
Blue Iris

Blue Iris

Overlay text and graphics. Use the built-in web server, or post to a website. Push to a Flash or Windows media server. Choose from equal video window sizes or one larger than the others. When you size the main window, the video images size with you. Use your mouse wheel to digitally zoom in and out.

Blue Satin Skin

Blue Satin Skin

Blue Satin Skin 2.2 is a skin to be used with MorpVOX Voice Changing Software. Blue Satin Skin is more compact, it only shows you the most used sections: Voice Selection and Sounds (renamed Sound Effects). Of course, you will be able to customize the sections showed as you like.

  • Publisher: Screaming Bee
  • Last updated: August 21st, 2014
Tasty Blue

Tasty Blue

Tasty Blue is a Windows-based game that takes you on an adventure through a series of levels. You play as a goldfish with a voracious appetite whose sole purpose is to eat as much as it can. In the initial stage, you start as a small goldfish swimming around in a fishbowl.