Bluetooth computer lock unlock in Title/Summary

PDF Lock Unlock Tool
It is a neat little tool designed to lock your personal PDF files with passwords. It can also enable you to remove PDF restrictions. Various types of restrictions can be removed from the selected PDF file like content copy, printing option, form filling, commenting and many others of this type.
- Publisher: PDF Lock Unlock Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 24th, 2013

Computer Lock Up
Computer Lock Up is a program that can lock your computer with a password while you are away, and prevent people from ejecting your CD/DVD ROM. The program can lock your PC automatically when Windows boots, upon pressing special hotkeys, or after a specified time of inactivity.
- Publisher: Rixler Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Lock My Computer
Desktop security solution for personal or publicly accessible computers. It disallows unauthorized changes to various settings of the Windows system, such as Control Panel, Desktop, Local Security Policies, Outlook Express account settings and more.
- Publisher: PC-Safety
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008
Bluetooth computer lock unlock in Description

M PC Lock
M PC Lock locks your computer to make sure no body except you have access to your computer while you are away from it and leave your computer. - Your computer will be lock also after logoff or reset your computer (before Unlock it) - M PC Lock is very cheap and have less than other same products price. - Easy User Interface. - Beautifull User Interface. - Very power full and secure.
- Publisher: M Products
- Last updated: April 27th, 2010

XUS PC Lock Ultimate Edition
XUS PC Lock offers a new and fun way for you to lock your computer. Before using XUS PC Lock, you have to define your lock pattern. The next time you will see the lock screen, You trace your mouse in the pattern you drew before and your computer will unlock.
- Publisher: EDesksoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Easy Mouse Lock
Use given below software utility to lock your mouse cusror within defined rectangle / area. Define upto two rectangles to limit the mouse cursor movements. Lock / Unlock Mouse Cursor with a simple key press within defined rectangle or close the Mouse Lock application to unlock mouse cursor and allow the mouse cursor to freely roam on your computer screen.
- Publisher: RTSoftwares
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 21st, 2010

File Lock PRO is a utility designed to protect files and folders and restrict access to them by means of a password. Using the latest encryption standards, the program can be used to protect any file type in your computer or USB drive, that is, text documents, executable files, media files, images, anything.
- Publisher: Gear Box Computers
- Last updated: August 13th, 2009

Active System Locker
Active System Locker allows you to protect your computer by blocking screen, keyboard and mouse. Restrict access to your desktop when you are away. System Locker offer flexible configuration options, reminder, scheduler, audit and other functions.
- Publisher: Sowsoft, LLC
- Last updated: November 8th, 2009
Additional Bluetooth computer lock unlock selection

Eusing Maze Lock
Eusing Maze Lock provides pattern lock for Windows PCs, similar to smartphones. It also provides a single tray icon for locking your computer using a single click. You can specify the lock screen background image, change the pattern to 3x3, 4 x 4, or 5 x 5. Eusing Maze Lock can auto-lock the computer during windows startup or computer inactivity.
- Publisher: Eusing Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 5th, 2021

Lock and Unlock Your PC With USB Drive Software
Use a physical USB device to lock your computer instead of a password. Because each USB device is different, you can see your thumb-drive as a unique car key.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Last updated: June 5th, 2014

XUS PC Lock is a powerful lock computer application. You will have to define your lock pattern and the next time you will see the lock screen. The program can auto-lock the computer due to Windows startup and your computer inactivity. It also allows you to set an alert mode when the incorrect pattern is entered a maximum times.
- Publisher: XUSSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 4th, 2012

Chris PC-Lock
Keeping your private and sensitive data away from prying eyes and protecting your work against accidental changes and loss are but two of the many reasons why Chris PC-Lock is an interesting tool to explore. Whenever you key in the shortcut you defined, this tiny utility will lock your PC or laptop in such a way that only those who know the right password will be allowed to use it again.
- Publisher: Chris P.C. srl
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

GiliSoft Exe Lock
Gilisoft EXE Lock is a program that allows you to password protect any application and EXE file. You can lock content with secure cryptographic algorithms so that Trojans, viruses, spyware, and other malware can't damage or destroy your computer data.
- Publisher: GiliSoft International LLC
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

9Locker is a security app that enables you to lock and unlock your computer using a simple pattern tracing action. It gives your computer a pattern lock screen where you drag your mouse along a 3X3 grid until you make your preset pattern. You can set an emergency password to get into your computer the more traditional way if you like, too.
- Publisher: Leizersoft
- Last updated: April 7th, 2015

WinLock is a comprehensive security software for personal or publicly accessible computers. It is a program that ensures that only authorized people can access sensitive information on your computer.
- Publisher: Crystal Office Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2017

PC Locker Pro
PC Locker Pro is a software that lock and protect your computer when you leave. It has a pretty and friendly interface. ( The interface is the style of WindowsXP. ) It is a powerful software and easy to use. You can lock you computer just by clicking one button in the system tray or using custom hotkey. Then PC Locker Pro will display a lock screen and protect your computer.
- Publisher: Silver Eagle Software, Inc.
- Last updated: March 10th, 2009

Predator is a simple, lightweight and affordable program which allows you to keep your computer safe. It works as follows: you need to set up a password and a USB memory to store the password. Then, when you leave your computer, you can remove the USB device, and when the screen turns off, it will be possible to turn it on only by entering the password, or by inserting the USB.
- Publisher: Richard Goutorbe
- Last updated: January 24th, 2018

BUFFALO Secure Lock Ware
BUFFALO Secure Lock Ware is BUFFALO’s free solution to the security needs of their external drives users. This Fort-Knox-like simple software performs two security-related tasks – first, it locks and unlocks any BUFFALO USB portable device, and secondly, SLW encrypts and decrypts any file or folder using AES encryption technology, the same the US Government uses.
- Publisher: BUFFALO INC.
- Last updated: August 16th, 2010