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Boa script font in Title/Summary

Boa Script

Boa Script

Boa Script Font is available from Monotype Imaging for licensing and instant download. Click on the License link below if you are interested in Boa Script for including with a software or hardware product, or web server license. Click on the Download link below if you are interested in purchasing Boa Script for your use on personal computers.

  • Publisher: Monotype Imaging
  • Last updated: October 10th, 2009
Boa Constructor

Boa Constructor

Boa Constructor is a cross-platform Python IDE and wxPython GUI Builder. It offers visual frame creation and manipulation, an object inspector, many views on the source like object browsers, inheritance hierarchies, doc string generated html documentation, an advanced debugger, and integrated help.

MenuLink BOA.NET Client

MenuLink BOA.NET Client

MenuLink Client is the store-level application and can be installed on any computer. The application works as an ActiveX for Internet Explorer using OCX as deployment file format. You can install it only on Internet Explorer since it's the only one supporting this technology.

  • Publisher: Radiant Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2022

Boa script font in Description

FontCombo ActiveX Control

FontCombo ActiveX Control

FontCombo ActiveX Control offers an easy method for a user to select a font from an enumerated font families, support TrueType/OpenType recognizing, Multi-language Charsets enumerating, font scripts and powerful items data management capabilities.

  • Publisher: NiceFeather Software Solutions Corp.
  • Home page: www.nicefeather.com
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2010
Typograf font manager

Typograf font manager

With Typograf, users can manage TrueType, OpenType, and PostScript Type 1 fonts on an individual PC or network PC. Typograf allows users to display all meta data for a font file, view different character sets, and find similar fonts.

  • Publisher: A. & M. Neuber Software
  • Home page: www.neuber.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Mangal to DevLys Converter

Mangal to DevLys Converter

If the user is unable to put the text in Mangal font in Page Maker for typesetting this software can be extremely helpful. The user just simply needs to convert Mangal font to DevLys and typeset it with ease. For conversion tasks, the user needs to first select RTF/TXT file in which font needs to be converted and click ‘Start Conversion’ button to convert font.

TransType Pro

TransType Pro

TransType Pro is a universal font format converter betweem Mac and Windows, and also works on both operative systems. It allows you to convert practically any font into any other format, converts fonts between major font formats like PostScript Type 1, TrueType, Multiple Master and Open Type.

  • Publisher: FontLab Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008


BabelMap is a free character map application for Windows that allows you to browse through the entire Unicode character repertoire of over 110,000 characters, or search for a particular character by name or by code point. Characters can then be copied to the clipboard for use in any Unicode-aware application.

Additional Boa script font selection

AMP Font Viewer

AMP Font Viewer

AMP Font Viewer 3.82 is the latest version of this free utility we can download directly from the developer's website. Setting up is quite easy and takes no time. We can use this application to view,manage and categorize all the fonts installed and not installed in our computer.

  • Publisher: Alberto Martínez Pérez
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


Lipikar is a handy tool that provides a very comprehensive character map to view, browse, and use a large variety of fonts to compose any kind of texts, in any language, using various types of encodings. Lipikar is basically a desktop authoring tool that provides extensive options for the manipulation of Windows bitmap fonts, both ANSI and ASCII.

  • Publisher: Santanu Ghosh
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2008
ShaPlus QuranViewer

ShaPlus QuranViewer

QuranViewer is a program to display Quran in the Uthmani script. The program doesn't include any translations. Features for changing the text size and adding bookmarks are present. The program can be used along with QuranReciter which will recite the pages from QuranViewer.

  • Publisher: ShaPlus Software
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2013
progeCAD 2008 Smart!

progeCAD 2008 Smart!

progeCAD 2008 Smart! reads and writes AutoCAD® DWG files from 2.5 to 2009, it has industry standard AutoCAD Commands, AutoCAD® Menu, Script, Font Compatibility,AutoLISP® Compatibility!, has Basic Rendering Options, Express Tools, export to PDF and JPG and 11,000 standard symbols and blocks available for free.

  • Publisher: ProgeSOFT
  • Last updated: July 21st, 2008
Lao Script for Windows

Lao Script for Windows

Lao Script allows Lao language text to be easily entered in text processors.Main Features:- Lao Unicode OpenType fonts optimized for screen and webpage use. - Non-Unicode Lao/English TrueType fonts. - Lao phonetic input keyboard mapping, using an easy-to-learn romanized method of writing Lao syllables. - Lao standard keyboard mapping, using the familiar Lao typewriter layout.

  • Publisher: Dr. John M. Durdin.
  • Home page: www.laoscript.net
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2012
Extended Asian Language font pack for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Extended Asian Language font pack for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Reader XI Font Pack enables you to display and interact with documents authored in languages other than those supported in your native Adobe Reader. It is needed to correctly display a document when an author does not embed the appropriate font into the document.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2015


Notepad2 is a code editor program and a replacement for Windows Notepad. It supports different programming languages, such as HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, Javascript, etc. and integrates rich text format with syntax highlighting (which is very useful to avoid mistakes in the coding process).

  • Publisher: Florian Balmer
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2011
Zebra Font Downloader

Zebra Font Downloader

Convert TrueType fonts into soft fonts compatible with your printer. This program works only on EPL printers only. Zebra TrueType provide powerful added value to your Zebra bar code printers. Take advantage of enhanced printing, conversion, and administration capabilities; message management; and much more.

  • Publisher: Zebra
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2012
FREE English-Marathi Translator

FREE English-Marathi Translator

This tool allows you to translate any kind of text between Marathi and English in a fast, accurate, and easy manner. Furthermore, this app supports the Unicode standard, which is required for typing in Marathi, as Marathi is a language that uses a version of the Devanagari script.

  • Publisher: AdeptDict, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2016
Thai Romanization

Thai Romanization

Thai Romanization is a simple application that allows you to romanize text in Thai in order to be understood more easily. In case you are not familiar with this word, romanization means transforming a script into the Latin alphabet. With this program, you can easily enter any word or phrase or even an entire text to be romanized.