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Body temperature in Title/Summary

My Body Temperature

My Body Temperature

This program allows you to keep a record of your temperature or of that of your family members and create charts and printable reports for your personal use or to show them to your doctor on your next visit. Especially useful for persons with chronic illnesses who need to keep track of their temperature.

  • Publisher: My Health Software
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
DS18x Temperature Logging Service

DS18x Temperature Logging Service

This program is a native Windows Service and it logs temperature measurements from the 1-Wire temperature sensors. Service can run without user logged in. Program can broadcast measurements to the local area network using so called mailslot's and so temperature readings can be seen from the other workstations.

  • Publisher: MR Soft Tmi
  • Home page: www.mrsoft.fi
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2008
MB Free Body Mass Index

MB Free Body Mass Index

MB Free Body Mass Index is an interesting health software that calculates the body mass index of a person which is calculated from the body height and weight. This index is an indicator of body wellness and lets a person know where he stands.

  • Publisher: MysticBoard.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Body temperature in Description



My-Diet-Program.com - Metabolic Rate Calculator Use this program to estimate your metabolic rate and the recommended calorie intake according to your height, weight and age. Also taking into account how active you are and if you are male or female.

  • Publisher: My-Diet-Program.com
  • Last updated: November 24th, 2008
Women's Advanced Calendar

Women's Advanced Calendar

This program is a tool that allows women to keep track of their fertility periods so they can plan if they want to avoid or achieve pregnancy. It has many different options that users can set according to their own data, such as their age, their birth date, and so on. The program will calculate automatically their Western and Chinsese horoscopes, as well as their child's and other data.

  • Publisher: OvulationCalendarSoftware
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2022
VitaDock® Online PC

VitaDock® Online PC

VitaDock® Online PC is a free program that allows the synchronization of your VitaDock data with your computer. It allows to save, view, analyze and export your personal vital data like blood pressure, blood glucose, body temperature and weight. You can view your results as statistical graphs or in the table view.

  • Publisher: Medisana
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2014


HeatHit -Arbitrary body shape editor and heat transfer analysis Main Features: - Easy creation of 3D bodies with holes, 3D views with different angles - STL files import. You can import the body shape from STL files created by CAD/CAM or other 3Dsoftware - Automatic net determination for heat transfer analysis, normally between 50,000 and 1,000,000 points

  • Publisher: Stanislaw Raczynski
  • Home page: www.raczynski.com
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2010


KomWin 2.2 is a kit for controlling the heating system of rooms under different conditions. The kit is available for hot water and for direct electric system. It has a working principle relating to change in temperature. The temperature of the rooms is different during morning, afternoon and night. The kit can lower the temperature and save energy up to 30%.

  • Publisher: Etatherm s.r.o.
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2010

Additional Body temperature selection

NEO Scavenger

NEO Scavenger

NEO Scavenger is a game where you must survive in the wasteland long enough to figure out who you are. Each turn you must decide where to go, how to scavenge for supplies, and how to deal with anything and anyone you encounter. And with each passing minute, the pit in your stomach grows, your dehydration worsens, your muscles tire, and your body temperature drops in the cold autumn air.

Body Spectrum

Body Spectrum

How does the blackbody spectrum of the sun compare to visible light? Learn about the blackbody spectrum of the sun, a light bulb, an oven, and the earth. Adjust the temperature to see the wavelength and intensity of the spectrum change. View the color of the peak of the spectral curve.

  • Publisher: University of Colorado
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2008
Body Balance Comfort Select

Body Balance Comfort Select

It is an application which allows you to manage you weight measurements through the Body Balance device. Main Features: - Automatic recognition of up to 8 persons with individual name. - Precise measurement of all relevant body values personal action recommendations through concise symbols.

  • Publisher: Soehnle
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2013
HDD Temperature

HDD Temperature

This software is used to control the temperature of hard disks and prevent failures in their work due to overheating. HDD Temperature works invisibly in the background mode and bothers you only when there is an actual threat to your data and warns you about a dangerous overheating of your hard disk.

  • Publisher: BinarySense Inc.
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2012
Temperature Converter

Temperature Converter

Converts temperature between Celsius, Kelvin,Fahrenheit and Rankine. Self-extracting executable. Required VB 5.0 libraries, not included.Requires the VB 5.0 Runtimes.

  • Publisher: academy-info.com
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2010
3M Temperature Logger

3M Temperature Logger

The 3M Temperature Logger is a small electronic device designed to monitor the environmental conditions of temperature-sensitive goods in transit or in storage.User-friendly and cost effective, the 3M™ Temperature Logger TL30 conforms to CFR data security standards and can be used for a variety of pharmaceutical, food, industrial, and other applications.

  • Publisher: 3M Company
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2008
Lookin'Body Basic

Lookin'Body Basic

Lookin'Body Basic is a free data management program compatible with the InBody 720, 520, 230, 220 and J10 devices. It enables you to store the data that the devices provide and you can make body composition analysis, muscle fat analysis and obesity diagnosis.

  • Publisher: Biospace
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2015
Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

BMR Calculator will help you know the number of calories you need daily to maintain your weight. Your BMR is influenced by a number of factors: gender, age, height, weight, body composition, stress, environmental temperature and other.

  • Publisher: Actabit Weight Loss Program
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008
Temperature Logger

Temperature Logger

Temperature Logger is a software tool which allows you to install the Temperature Logging System. This program has the following functions: - Graphical display of the measured temperatures of each sensor - Maintenance of the settings per sensor - Export of data in many formats

  • Publisher: Arexx Engineering
Body Fat Calculator

Body Fat Calculator

Body Fat Calculator determines body fat using tape measure or skin fold calipers. Support for both 3-fold and 7-fold Jackson – Pollack methods of calculating. Simply enter your measurements and the calculator will display your body fat percentage as well as the total pounds of body fat and your lean body mass.

  • Publisher: Asgard Capital, LLC
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020