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Bongo 1.0 bongo bonus tools in Title/Summary

Kels' Win7 CPL Bonus PacK!

Kels' Win7 CPL Bonus PacK!

Kels' Win7 CPL Bonus PacK is a collection of tools designed for computer maintenance. Features: -CPU-Z -GPU-Z -HD Tune -HP USB format tool -HWmonitor -MemTest -MSI CleanUp Utility -Microsoft Config -Smart Driver Backup -WhatInStartup -Services and Devices -User Accounts 2 CPL

  • Publisher: Kelsenellenelvian EverDawn
  • Home page: www.wincert.net
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2012
Bongo Evaluation

Bongo Evaluation

Bongo is an application developed to cater to the needs of the Rhino 3.0 and 4.0 users and allows them to animate moving, rotating and scaling Rhino objects without exporting them. The application features the ability to constrain objects to curves, force objects to look at other objects, look-along constraints, viewport keyframing, constrain viewport camera location and target to path, automatic

  • Publisher: Robert McNeel and Associates
  • Home page: www.bongo3d.com
  • Last updated: June 6th, 2017
Bonus Pack for Super DX-Ball Deluxe

Bonus Pack for Super DX-Ball Deluxe

Super DX-Ball is the perfect mix of classic game play and amazing graphics that everyone in the family is sure to enjoy. The Bonus set is a collection of both geometric designs and lighthearted boards that are created for players looking for an amazing new challenge.

  • Publisher: BlitWise Productions, LLC
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Bongo 1.0 bongo bonus tools in Description

ODM Tools

ODM Tools

The ODM Tools application was created to allow administrators and users of ODM to visualize, manage, manipulate, edit, and export data that have been imported to their local instance of the ODM. The ODM Tools application is organized into three general areas: 1) query and export; 2) visualize; and 3) edit.

  • Publisher: CUAHSI's Hydrologic Information System
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2011
The Permutator

The Permutator

Pay per click (PPC) advertising can be expensive. To save money, experts develop large keyword phrase lists that few competitors are bidding on. The Permutator helps create these lists in just minutes. Great for use with Google Adwords and Yahoo!

  • Publisher: Boxer Software
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2010
Avid Pro Tools

Avid Pro Tools

Pro Tools is an award-winning professional’s choice for music and audio post-production that allows anyone to compose, record, edit, and mix with great quality. From tons of new MIDI enhancements to timesaving batch renaming capabilities, Pro Tools boosts your creative efficiency like no other DAW.

  • Publisher: Avid Technology, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2018
Doc to RTF Converter Batch

Doc to RTF Converter Batch

Doc to RTF Converter Batch can convert large number of MS word files in Doc format to Rtf format in a single batch process. The tool is very useful for users using text editing tools as such tools generally don?t support Doc format.

Punch! ViaCAD Pro

Punch! ViaCAD Pro

Quickly create intelligent walls that automatically heal when positioned next to other walls. Explore new wall configurations by dragging or precisely changing parameters that control length, angle, and thickness. Add custom wall styes for detailed wall components or drag intelligent doors and windows onto walls.

  • Publisher: Punch! Software, LLC
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2010

Additional Bongo 1.0 bongo bonus tools selection

RegVac Registry Cleaner

RegVac Registry Cleaner

RegVac is a sort of vacuum cleaner to keep our Windows Registry free from useless and obsolete entries, thus making it possible for the computer to run faster and without errors. RegVac has a very easy-to-use smart interface. If we are active Internet users and like to try software, games, share music, video, etc, we need to have a tool like this one.

  • Publisher: Ray Geide
  • Home page: regvac.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
BonusTools -

BonusTools -

Bonus Tools is a free collection of useful Maya scripts and plug-ins. After installing Bonus Tools, users will have a pull-down menu for easy access to the tools that cover all aspects of everyday use: general UI, modeling, animation, texturing, rendering and cloth.

DAEMON Tools Lite

DAEMON Tools Lite

DAEMON Tools Lite 10 allows you to mount all known types of disc image files and emulates up to 4 DT + SCSI + HDD devices. It enables you to create images of your optical discs and access them via well-organized catalog. DAEMON Tools Lite is ideal to work with files you have and to create new images from optical discs, data files and Audio CDs.

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is a collection of programs to help you create vector illustrations, edit photos, and create page layouts. You get CorelDRAW for creating vector illustrations, Corel PHOTO-PAINT for editing images, and Corel CAPTURE for capturing images of your desktop screen.

  • Publisher: Corel Corporation
  • Home page: www.coreldraw.com
  • Last updated: February 7th, 2022
DAEMON Tools Pro

DAEMON Tools Pro

DAEMON Tools Pro provides multiple virtual DVD drives where you can mount images of optical discs. It can also grab images from physical discs and save into various formats. DAEMON Tools can create Dynamic and Fixed virtual hard disks where you can store your files. TrueCrypt containers provide password-encryption for additional security.

McAfee Internet Security

McAfee Internet Security

McAfee Internet Security is probably one of the most famous internet protection antivirus programs. it's non-intrusive, easy on the system and has some handy additional features. It does not only scan and delete viruses, but helps you protect your privacy, optimize the system, and install content control.

  • Publisher: McAfee, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2020


Creating pro-looking DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and video CDs is a simple and hassle-free task with CyberLink PowerProducer. This wizard-based tool can also transform your image collections into slideshows and capture video and photos via any camera connected to your system. You can then combine any of these captures with existing video clips and slideshows to create stunning discs.

  • Publisher: CyberLink Corp.
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2020
PC Tools Registry Mechanic

PC Tools Registry Mechanic

PC Tools Registry Mechanic is a simple tool designed to clean up your PC and secure your personal privacy. Clean up and optimize your PC Keep Internet and PC activities private Permanently erase sensitive information Find and remove programs you don’t use Works on Windows 8

  • Publisher: PC Tools AntiVirus PC Software & Windows Tools
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2014
Android SDK Tools

Android SDK Tools

Android SDK Tools is a component for the Android SDK. It includes the complete set of development and debugging tools for Android. It is included with Android Studio. The program enables you to create and test Android applications, enabling you to emulate your Android projects.

DAEMON Tools Ultra

DAEMON Tools Ultra

DAEMON Tools Ultra is the most powerful, ultimate and advanced imaging software created. Get the immense list of possibilities to work with virtual drives, create bootable USB-sticks for operating system recovery, use RAM disks to speed up your PC and evaluate the unique iSCSI Initiator that allows connecting to USB devices.