Bot perfect world divine in Title/Summary

Perfect World
Perfect World is a full-feature 3D online game that is based on rich Chinese mythology and set in the world of Pangu, with entire generations of gods that paved the way for the creation of great civilizations. Starting from a Chinese traditional myth that the god Pangu built the sky, land, and beings, the game creates a profound cultural base.
- Publisher: Level Up! Inc.
- Last updated: March 12th, 2013

LMS Perfect World
LMS Perfect World is a diverse community of gamers nestled in a massive multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) that takes place in ancient mythical China. Home to dragons, foxes and more - The 'Perfect World' is where you'll find yourself as you spawn into one of three starting areas.
- Publisher: Andromeda Server
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 11th, 2011

Perfect World Europe
In the beginning of time, the first God of the universe, Pan Gu, lived an immortal life. But with no subjects to lord over, Pan Gu grew tired of his solitary existence and decided to decompose his body into five elements-fire, metal, wood, earth, and water. With his divine power, Pan Gu forged these elements into air, land, rivers, seas, and plant life—and laid the foundation for a new world.
- Publisher: Perfect World Europe
- Last updated: December 6th, 2009
Bot perfect world divine in Description

Jade Dynasty
Jade Dynasty is an online game developed by Perfect World Entertainment. It is free and has a catchy story line. It features outstanding graphics and addictive gameplay, allowing the users to choose whether they fight other players (PVP) or just the environment (PVE). The game is in continuous development and has been updated with several expansion patches by now.
- Publisher: Perfect World Entertainment, Inc.
- Last updated: April 20th, 2012

Perfect World Vision
Perfect World Vision is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Discover your place in the struggle for power amidst a realm of stunningly beautiful, fantastical environments. Fly freely to access new heights, set out on new adventures, and obtain more power to spread your name throughout the land.
- Publisher: Vision Server Managemen
- Last updated: March 29th, 2017

Best Numerology
Numerology is the science that is closely associated with numbers. It treats numbers as symbols that can both be your strength and weaknesses. Human nature can be strong or weak, talented or otherwise and all these aspects depend on numbers and their combinations. At present, this science of Numerology is as old as the registered history of the humankind.
- Publisher: VeBest
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 7th, 2010

General description: - The PikkuBot can e.g. work as a model in your shops (catwalk) -You can use it as a Security System (with waypoints) - You can use it for your automatic Group Invitor System -The PikkuBot can follow and listen to the master in many ways -You can use it to show customers something - You can use it as a Camping Bot - You can drive cars or fly helicopters
- Publisher: EVES
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 29th, 2009

Neptune Dekaron
Neptune Dekaron is an oldschool action private Dekaron server. With an increased exp ratio of x100, you can quickly create the character of your dreams up to level 190. You can also farm dils and items at an increased custom rate, fortify & socket them with a 15% & 5% higher chance compared to 2Moons.
- Publisher: NeptuneDekaron team
- Last updated: February 27th, 2018
Additional Bot perfect world divine selection

Arc by Perfect World Entertainment
Arc is a tool that brings your favorite games, communities, media and entertainment together onto one easy-to-use platform.
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

Blacklight Retribution
Blacklight: Retribution is as much about a quick draw as it is about the right equipment -- for every task, a tool. Not only does Blacklight: Retribution feature a vast selection of weapons, weapon modifications, skills and armor to take into each and every match, the combat zones provide their own destructive tools via weapon depots found throughout maps.
- Publisher: Perfect World Entertainment Inc
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Forsaken World
Forsaken World is a 3D fantasy MMORPG set in the world of Eyrda. Play this game and learn about the rise and fall of the gods Dyos and Nyos, and discover the true threat upon the land of Eyrda. You must fight against Dyos and Nyos whom were the rulers of the universe and could create and destroy as they saw fit.
- Publisher: Perfect World Entertainment, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2012

SoftPerfect World Route
SoftPerfect World Route lets you find out what gateways your data goes through and how fast it travels. You will receive comprehensive route details, with each city and country conveniently marked on the map. You can enter any IP-address or website and see the path which the network packets take to that destination.
- Publisher: SoftPerfect
- Last updated: November 30th, 2016

Rusty Hearts
Rusty Hearts is an online role playing game with an engaging story and available with multiple PvP modes. For free to play a game, it has good graphics and the story is portrayed with cut-scenes which are of a very high quality. This attention to detail is rarely seen in online oriented games.
- Publisher: Perfect World Entertainment Inc
- Last updated: May 4th, 2012

World of Touch
World of Touch is a 3D dancing game! You can find couple & dance together with your friends ! And also, you can listen to your favorite songs such as 2NE1, AOA, BigBang, BTS, EXO, Girl’s Generation, G-Friend and many more ! Come & Join the World of Touch.
- Publisher: Touch Perfect World.
- Last updated: January 26th, 2018

Accent Internet Password Recovery
This is a specialized program to recover all Internet-related passwords on any computer that you can access. There is a handy Wizard-like interface for fast and easy recovery and the program knows where your standard MS applications (Internet Explorer, Outlook, Outlook Express, dial-up, DSL, VPN and RAS) store your passwords and how to recover them.
- Publisher: AccentSoft Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2008

Production skills allow the player to craft a variety of useful items, ranging from forging weapons and armor, to brewing potions, and taming mounts. A total of eight crafting skills are available for the player to learn. Though basic components will suffice in many recipes, rare materials are needed to produce high quality items.
- Publisher: Perfect World Entertainment Inc,
- Last updated: June 13th, 2011

Cafe World Bot
CafeWorld Bot is a program which possible you more effective play CafeWorld. Bot is easy to use and absolutely free. Сook dishes (Choose Cheeseburger 20 seconds. This Cheeseburger is prepared very quickly !).Add ingredients to dishes. Serve dishes. Bot instantly sells all cooked dishes
- Publisher: CafeWorld Bot INC.
- Last updated: December 29th, 2010

Thousands of years ago, the mighty Bartbarod kingdom thrived near what is known today as Macedonia. The royal family held a strict bond with each other, maintaining a pure bloodline for centuries, until a genetic mutation nearly wiped them out in 1000 BC. The few who survived the mutation lived in hiding and continued to pass on their blood, breeding a race that would come to be known as vampires.
- Publisher: Perfect World Entertainment Inc
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012