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Brainwave jammer in Title/Summary

JAMMER Professional

JAMMER Professional

With JAMMER Professional you can instantly create musical accompaniment and full arrangements of popular songs and original music in a wide variety of styles. JAMMER turns your PC into a 256 track studio with built-in studio musicians.

  • Publisher: SoundTrek
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008
Traffic Jammer Deluxe

Traffic Jammer Deluxe

A mind-bending logic puzzle game. Test your mettle over 100+ levels, or try your skills on the real-time Arcade Mode! Then build your own levels with a complete Level Editor, and share them with your friends.

  • Publisher: Crystal Squid Ltd
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2008
JAMMER SongMaker

JAMMER SongMaker

JAMMER SongMaker is a program that offers you an enhanced musical composition engine. It brings you a set of feature specifically designed to help you create and edit your own music styles. The program comes with comes with 116 band style files and 53 drum style files.

Brainwave jammer in Description



The quality of the instrument sounds that you hear when playing MIDI files or working in JAMMER depends on the sound card or sound module that you are using. With a good wave synthesis sound card or MIDI sound module, songs created and played by JAMMER sound as good as songs you hear on the radio or on CDs.

  • Publisher: SoundTrek
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2008
Mind WorkStation

Mind WorkStation

Mind WorkStation enables you to work with brainwave entrainment in ways that were not possible or cost-effective before. While it handles many of the complex, technical aspects for you, you are able to drill down into the details and fine tune every aspect of the neural stimulation.

  • Publisher: Transparent Corporation
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2015
Atmosphere Deluxe

Atmosphere Deluxe

Atmosphere Deluxe is a unique tool that allows you to turn your computer into a complete nature sound environment generator. There is no experience of sound editing required and you may have your first soundscape running within just a few seconds.

  • Publisher: Vectormedia Software
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2021
Mind Stereo

Mind Stereo

Mind Stereo is a media center that allows you to listen to musical playlists and Internet radio along with mesmerizing visualizations and brainwave stimulation. While the music or the visualizations are playing, Mind Stereo is subtly modifying the audio and visual patterns to affect the neural activity of your brain.

  • Publisher: Transparent Corporation
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2015


BrainStimPro Binaural Brainwave Generator is a Professional Medical Brainwave Tuning tool for medical personal. With adjustable freq, base frequency, modulation, duration, 8 programmable mask/background noises (White, Pink, Surf, Rain, etc) 16 programmable color strobe sets (foreground/background), 4 waveforms (Sine, Square, Saw, Triangle.

  • Publisher: PWS
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2008

Additional Brainwave jammer selection

BrainWave Generator

BrainWave Generator

Brain Wave Generator is actually a brain simulator. It can simulate your brain with different states by using your sound card and speakers or ear phone. It actually generates different sound waves with different frequencies, wavelength, pitch and intensity, and when you listen these sound waves as a sound by using ear phone for some time then your brain will be stimulated.

  • Publisher: Noromaa Solutions
  • Home page: www.bwgen.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Brainwave Visualizer

Brainwave Visualizer

The Brainwave Visualizer is a colorful, interactive application controlled by your brain, that shows you a graphical representation of your brain’s activity. The Brainwave Visualizer includes the Brainwave Visualization, Brainwave Power Spectrum Graph, and the eSense Attention and Meditation meters.

  • Publisher: NeuroSky, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2011


I-Doser is an advanced binaural dosing program designed for meditation and simulating experiences. The program scientifically syncs your brainwaves to achieve a specific mood or experience, as outlined by the dose you are taking. It does this through the use of a binaural beat dose that changes your brainwave patterns to make you feel a certain way.

  • Publisher: I-Doser Labs
  • Home page: www.i-doser.com
  • Last updated: August 3rd, 2012
Natura Sound Therapy

Natura Sound Therapy

Natura Sound Therapy is a cute little program. I really like its style. It has got a nice interface. Sound therapy is an ancient form of healing. Natura Sound Therapy has many features that make it a very good program. It uses both sound frequencies and visual content to make us concentrate and focus when doing some important job and also to relax by the special sound frequencies.

  • Publisher: Blissive
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2015


Neuro-Programmer can change brain wave activity, which is directly connected to your state of mind, using brainwave entrainment. This program is compatible with AudioStrobe devices such as the Procyon, Proteus, and Light & Sound Synergizer. The BioOptimization feature allow you to use biofeedback devices to automatically enhance the effectiveness of the neural stimulation.

  • Publisher: Transparent Corporation
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2015
ThinkGear Connector

ThinkGear Connector

ThinkGear Connector lets you transfer data from the NeuroSky brainwave sensor headset to a custom serial port. This can be used by any programming interface that can read data from the sockets. The application stays in the taskbar and has very few settings to customize making it easy to use.

  • Publisher: NeuroSky, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 1st, 2013
NeuroSky MindWave

NeuroSky MindWave

The headset takes decades of laboratory brainwave technology and puts it into a bundled software package for under $100. It safely measures brainwave signals and monitors the attention levels of students as they interact with math, memory and pattern recognition applications. Ten apps are included with experiences ranging from fun entertainment to serious education.

  • Publisher: NeuroSky, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2012
Mind WorkStation Visualizations Pack

Mind WorkStation Visualizations Pack

This add-on includes the community's favorite visual plugins, in an easy to install package. With this package, you can handle the entire process of creating professional brainwave entrainment sessions, you can offer a wide range of audio/visual effects, cutting-edge neural stimulation methods and easy integration with biofeedback and EEG devices.

  • Publisher: Transparent Corporation
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008
Subliminal Message Flash

Subliminal Message Flash

Nice subliminal-messaging program for self-hypnosis. Subliminal messages can help you in reaching your ideal weight, in stopping your bad habits, like smoking and drinking, in achieving good results in your business, in love.

  • Publisher: Subliminal Message Flash
  • Home page: www.cheapest4you.com
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2008
Zzzbla's Flasher

Zzzbla's Flasher

Brainwave stimulators use light and sometimes sound, in order to induce your brainwaves and change the brainwaves frequency. Doing that, by neuroscientists and others(people who want money), may change your mood, improve memory, imagination - your mental state. Some claim they even get into a sort of a hypnotic state.

  • Publisher: Zzzblaware
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008