Breakthrough game pool live tour in Title/Summary

Tom's Live Chess Game Viewer
Games you are watching are recorded in PGN format in real time so that you have a record of the game. Users can also get up to date results table information that will show who is winning the tournament and the results of the last round of games played. The Viewer can be opened multiple times to watch different games being broadcast from separate sites.
- Publisher: Thomas McBurney
- Last updated: January 26th, 2010

3D Live Pool
This piece of software allows you to play a game of pool with your friends on the same computer (hot-seat) or over a network. The design of the game is pretty standard, much like other pool games available on the market. There are different modes available for playing (in trial version there are only 8-ball and Bonus modes) as well as the possibility of changing the cue and table.
- Publisher: Etiumsoft, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

ATP World Tour Live Connection
ATP World Tour Live Connection - ATP World Tour presents ATP World Tour Live Connection. This Adobe AIR application brings live tennis match tracking directly to your desktop. Following live matches, viewing match results, this app is a complete information gateway to the ATP World Tour.
- Publisher: ATP World Tour
- Last updated: December 21st, 2010
Breakthrough game pool live tour in Description

NBA Live 2003
NBA Live 2003 is among the first few editions of this game to be really good. At the time this game released, I remember that NBA Live 2002 had sucked so bad that I was really not going to get NBA Live 2003. However, this game, which is the first NBA game ever released on the PC, was quite OK. The game featured nice graphics for the time.
- Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

CSOFT Marketwatch
Free stock market software. Live Streaming Quotes. Virtual Stock Trading Game. Get Live stock quotes of BSE scrips. Get Live stock quotes of NSE scrips. Buy and Sell Shares. Master the art of Trading. TWS/ODIN Terminal look alike. Live Graph of all scrips and sensex. Create Custom Portfolio. Instant start.
- Publisher: Chirayu Software Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 9th, 2011

AVN Audio Recorder
WAV MP3 WMA M4A Audio Recorder is a useful, real-time, sound-recording program that lets you record any sound from your sound card and save the recording directly to MP3, WAV, WMA, AU, AIFF, or M4A files. WAV MP3 WMA M4A Audio Recorder can record sound being played by other computer programs.
- Publisher: AVN Media Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 6th, 2008

Live Billiards
Live Billiards is a 3D game that excellently simulates multiple pool games in your computer in a 3D environment with realistic sound. It comes with an integrated online competition feature, thus maintaining the realism of pool championships in style of the real life.
- Publisher: Tavex, Ltd.
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2008

Tennis Elbow 2004
Tennis Elbow is a series of tennis games which has been developed for several years now. As its name indicates, this game is about tennis and almost everything related to it. If you always wanted to grab a racket and get in the court as the famous players that you watch on your TV, this is a chance to live that sensation.
- Publisher: Mana Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 13th, 2008
Additional Breakthrough game pool live tour selection

This is a application that will help you in aiming and doing reflections on Pool Live tour. The only change in this version is that you can decrease and increase the ball size a little bit more than before. In order to use reflector you must have 8BallRuler 1.1.
- Publisher: 8BallRuler
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 21st, 2012

Saints & Sinners Bingo
Play bingo with other players and use powerups to complete the board. As a new player on the championship bingo circuit, you will need to collect and use lucky charms at just the right time to beat a motley crew of characters who will try every trick to get bingo.
- Publisher: GamesHouse
- Last updated: September 17th, 2010

XSplit Gamecaster
XSplit Gamecaster lets you record and live-stream your PC or Console gameplay. It provides a simple interface and automatically adjusts all of the necessary encoding settings, guiding you through the setup process to let you stream video at the highest quality.
- Publisher: Splitmedialabs, Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 7th, 2022

Pool 'm Up
Pool 'm Up is a pool simulation game. Pool´m Up is a straightforward pool game with a few added things. For instance, if you shoot a ball down a pocket with the Dommelsch logo, you will receive one of three kinds of jokers. These let you sabotage your opponent's balls in three different ways. For example you can make one of your opponent's ball stick firmly to the table.
- Publisher: Lost Boys interactive
- Last updated: February 19th, 2008

Pool Sharks
Pool Sharks is a free program that makes it possible for us to play virtual pool or snooker games online at Pool Shark website. In the game, we are in a Pool or Snooker room, where the computer is going to play with you. The high quality 3D colorful graphics are very realistic.
- Publisher: Pool Sharks
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2012

Pool Practice
In this game there will be a pool table with 10 randomly placed red balls. Use the mouse to control the direction and speed of the white ball. You score higher when you can pop in red balls for consecutive cues. First you need to decide the position of the white ball, then you need to hit the white ball with the cue and let the white ball hit the red balls into the pockets.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

Poolians Real Pool 3D
Poolians Real Pool 3D is an online pool game that offers fast, realistic and satisfying game play. It features realistic controls, graphics and sound effects; a 3D edition for serious players and a 2D edition for casual players; powerful in-game social functions, such as buddy list, messenger, gifting, and more.
- Publisher: Poolians, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2017

Gameshow is a program for streaming your gameplay online. This program includes easy, on-the-fly editing tools for customizing broadcast templates. You can add camera shots, images, use green screen technology, rotate and rearrange items on screen. Gameshow comes with a number of built in templates and widgets, but you can also create and share your own with other gamers.
- Publisher: Telestream, LLC.
- Last updated: July 11th, 2016

Snooker147 & Poolster
Snooker147 & Poolster is a package containing two free games: a virtual snooker game and a virtual pool (billiards) one. Although these two small games are 2D snooker and pool simulations that include realistic ball-motions and sound effects, their graphics are considerably outdated and too simplistic for nowadays’ demands.
- Publisher: JHC Software Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 19th, 2008 3D Pool
Finally - a pool table that will fit into any home! Play 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball, cowboy or golf pool in eight exotic environments. Crisp 3D graphics make you feel like you're right on the felt. And you'll be amazed with the game's super-realistic physics.
- Publisher: Shockwave
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008