Broadband download monitor in Title/Summary

Broadband Download Monitor
If your brother takes all your internet connection bandwith downloading music or your service provider gives you a limited download capacity monthly, Broadband Download Monitor is for you. Broadband Download Monitor, as his name explain, is a free internet traffic monitor that can limit the connection bandwith
- Publisher:
- Last updated: October 8th, 2008

Mobile broadband logging monitor
If you are a mobile broadband user you can use The Mobile Broadband Logging Monitor to help your computer get a better and longer life by checking if it is affected by the excessive logging issue. The Mobile Broadband Logging Monitor as a small and simple to use Windows program to help you and the more than 2.000.000+ other mobile broadband users diagnose your mobile broadband connection client.
- Publisher: The Mobile Broadband User Blog
- Last updated: July 5th, 2010

Beagle Software Broadband Monitor
Beagle Software’s free Broadband Monitor lets you quickly tell if your broadband connection is working. By running regular checks you can tell if your connection is up and if your connection speed is normal. It can run in the background (in the system tray) to monitor your connection.
- Publisher: Beagle Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 4th, 2008
Broadband download monitor in Description

AB-Clock is the indispensable tool for your desktop. At last the clock in your Windows taskbar shows the current date. Additionally, with AB-Clock you keep ahead because of the integrated system and download monitor. Calendar, alarms, world time ...
- Publisher: GRAHL software design
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008

PC200W is a free starter software package designed for first-time users or users with simple data communication needs; it provides basic tools (clock set, program download, monitor data, retrieve data, etc.). PC200W supports direct connections between a PC and datalogger (no telecommunications or scheduled data-collection support).
- Publisher: Campbell Scientific, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 24th, 2015

Dan Elwell's Broadband Speed Test
Dan Elwell's Broadband Speed Test is a downloadable utility that can test your Broadband connection, identify any areas of concern, monitor performance over time and generate diagnostics you can use to send to your ISP. The ultimate connection monitoring and benchmarking tool.
- Publisher: Dan Elwell
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

AOL Broadband Check-Up
AOL Broadband Check-Up makes it easy to run diagnostic tests on your PC and fix problems that affect your AOL Broadband service. AOL Broadband Check-Up also makes it easier for Member Services staff to diagnose and resolve more complex problems. equirements: -- Must be an AOL Broadband member -- Must have a BT phone line -- Must be using either AOL 8.0 or AOL 9.0
- Publisher: AOL LLC
- Last updated: October 28th, 2012

Mobi Connection Manager
MOBI is at the leading edge of broadband revolution in Lebanon by introducing an exclusive software application called the MOBI Connection Manager with unique features! Using the MOBI Connection Manager, users will be exposed to all the needed information to ensure the MOBI experience is fruitful and bursting with excitement!
- Publisher: Cedarcom Broadband SAL
- Last updated: February 26th, 2010
Additional Broadband download monitor selection

Internode Monthly Usage Meter
The Internode Monthly Usage Meter is a free program designed to monitor download usage for anyone on an Internode broadband plan. The 'Daily Averages' box can help you plan and adjust your downloading habits to suit your chosen plan. The usage information is updated automatically every hour with data retrieved directly from Internode's webserver.
- Publisher: Angus Johnson
- Last updated: December 9th, 2014

IGSS is full featured automation software – a SCADA system for process control and supervision - with a long row of releases since the start of 7T in 1984. At that time, 7T was the first company in the world to develop an object-oriented and mouse operated SCADA system under the name of IGSS – Interactive Graphical SCADA system.
- Publisher: Schneider Electric
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 30th, 2016

LAN Monitor
Karen's LAN Monitor starts by displaying important information about every network adapter on your computer. These details include the adapter's speed, IP address(es), DHCP Lease information, and more. The LAN Monitor also displays real-time traffic statistics, including bytes sent and received, transmission errors, and network connection load factors.
- Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

UPSmart2000R is a monitoring program for dry-contact UPS, which connect to the PC by DB9 port or USB. UPSmart2000R provides automatically alarm and send the e-mail notification when the battery capacity is low. It also could provide other functions such as automatically keep in files, shut down the system safely.
- Publisher: Guangdong East Power Co, Ltd
- Last updated: November 28th, 2012

AllNetic Working Time Tracker
AllNetic Working Time Tracker is the software to track how much time you spend on different projects and tasks. You can bill your customers on time based reports. You can plan your working day better and be more effective in managing your time as you see where your time is gone.
- Publisher: CHMV Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

URL Monitoring Tool
URL Monitoring Tool is a software that checks if your server and website is online. It tests a response from your http or ftp server on port 80 to a given URL and determines if your website or particular URL is accessible for other internet users. It will notify you if the URLs that you are monitoring are appear to be offline and allow you to take an immediate action to fix the problem.
- Publisher: Filesland
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Internet Security Monitor
Internet Security Monitor prevents your sensitive information from being sent to the Internet in open, unencrypted format. Internet Security Monitor In 85% they will be sent in the flat text format over HTTP thus making them available for packet sniffers.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 30th, 2011

TPG LeechOmeter
TPG LeechOmeter is a Windows utility designed primarily to monitor download usage for anyone on a TPG Internet plan. Usage information is updated automatically with data retrieved directly from TPG's webserver. TPG LeechOmeter does not monitor usage for other internet providers.
- Publisher: SLOB Enterprises
- Last updated: May 24th, 2011

DownOff monitors the average download rate and initiates computer shutdown if the download rate has been below a specified percentage for a preset time. It can also be used to shutdown a remote computer. DownOff supports all the normal shut down modes.
- Publisher: A.J Shadlock
- Last updated: October 19th, 2011

CMailGroup is an email sharing, monitoring and archiving program. It can download all company' emails from the external email server and store it on the internal server within company. All emails can use the same public email address to be sent out. CMailGroup can keep the records of all employee's emails activities.
- Publisher: CMailGroup
- Home page: