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Bsc menu management lot mod in Title/Summary



The BSC Menu Management Lot Mod is based on a "construction lot" that triggers a reward script, much like the in-game rewards. When plopping this construction lot, the script will unhide the other icons of a lot set, as long as the construction lot is placed in a city. Bulldozing it will gray out the rest of the icons, and after saving and restarting your city, the icons will be hidden again.

  • Publisher: daeley and Andreas Roth
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2009
Anthropomorphic Mod

Anthropomorphic Mod

This mod contains a lot of new units for both sides. Most Mods have special nation units but this Mod doesn't. All Allied units are for all Allied sides. Some new units are: Mobile Air Platform, Anti Aircraft Tank, Assault Tank, Ultra Artillery, Mobile Allied War Factory, Missile Boat, Demolition Plane, F117A Stealth Bomber, Sniper Tower etc...

  • Publisher: RG Modding
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2009
BSC E-Mailer eXtreme Edition

BSC E-Mailer eXtreme Edition

Shareware software used to send email messages/newsletter to clients on fast and easy way with many options and features.

  • Publisher: "BS Computer" SA
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2010

Bsc menu management lot mod in Description

Screen Ruler Pro

Screen Ruler Pro

Do you need a way to measure the distance between two points on your screen? To get the exact location and size of an element on a web page? To measure in pixels, centimeters, millimeters, points, inches or your own units? If so -- Screen Ruler is your choice.



DualBootPRO has an easy to use interface that makes it easy for both the novice and advanced user to make changes to the BCD (Boot Configuration Data). Simply put... our program will save you time and make editing your boot menu a lot faster and easier!

  • Publisher: PROnetworks
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2010
tAPI r15

tAPI r15

tAPI is a standalone mod for Terraria, allowing creation, management and handling (playing) of multiple mods at once. tAPI works by creating manageable mod files which can be loaded as the user wishes, with an in-game menu for controlling load order and mod options.

  • Publisher: tAPI Development Team
  • Home page: forums.terraria.org
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2015
eZee Burrp!

eZee Burrp!

eZee Technosys is a leading hospitality technology solutions provider with its presence in more than 70 countries around the globe. eZee provides various hospitality products like eZee FrontDesk - Hotel Management Software, eZee Reservation - Web Based Hotel Reservation Software and eZee BurrP - A Restaurant POS System.

  • Publisher: eZee Technosys Pvt. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.ezeeburrp.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Moo0 RightClicker Pro

Moo0 RightClicker Pro

Moo0 RightClicker Pro is a neat, simple and effective application that adds plenty of useful options to the context menu of Windows Explorer. Anyway, Moo0 RightClicker Pro doesn’t only enhance the Windows context menu with a lot of useful additional functions, but it also represents a solution to customize this menu.

  • Publisher: Moo0
  • Home page: www.moo0.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Additional Bsc menu management lot mod selection

PI TagConfigurator

PI TagConfigurator

PI Tag Configurator is a powerful Excel add-in used to create new tags and modify the attributes of existing tags from within a spreadsheet. To install the Tag Configurator, run the PI System Management Tools setup it. After installation, the Tag Configurator add-in appears under the "PI-SMT" menu from within Excel.

  • Publisher: OSIsoft, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Nexus Mod Manager

Nexus Mod Manager

The Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is a free and open source piece of software that allows you to download, install, update and manage your mods through an easy to use interface. It integrates with the Nexus sites to provide you with a fast, efficient and much less hassle free modding experience.

  • Publisher: Black Tree Gaming
  • Home page: www.nexusmods.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023
XLNation User Interface Mod

XLNation User Interface Mod

XLNation User Interface Mod is a free program designed for Cities XL 2012 and 2011. The mod can be used as a standalone program and adds quite a lot of extra menu items to the game. It expands the gameplay of the simulation game by adding new challenges.

  • Publisher: Altiris
  • Last updated: September 1st, 2014
GTA San Andreas Powerful Mode Mod

GTA San Andreas Powerful Mode Mod

GTA San Andreas: Powerful Mode Mod gives you the ability to become a superhero (or supervillan) with just the push of some buttons. It gives CJ the ability to fly, run faster, swim faster, create fireballs and so much more. It really gives you a lot to do for such a small download.

  • Publisher: Rapier
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2008
MKV File Player

MKV File Player

MKV File Player is a lightweight video player that lets you load and play MKV (Matroska video) files. Its obvious main characteristic is simplicity. It offers only basic video file playing functions and just a few additional options: controlling the audio volume and delay, the playback speed and the embedded subtitles.

  • Publisher: mkvfileplayer.com
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2019
Analogue Vista Clock

Analogue Vista Clock

We live in a world that focuses a lot on time management, so a good alarm clock can be really helpful. Analogue Vista Clock is a small application that will display the system clock on your desktop. You can install it in just a minute and start using it right away. This application is easy to use and you will not have any problems in setting your alarm properly.

  • Publisher: 4Neurons
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2013


Memory is one of the most important pieces of PC hardware in constant use. Cacheman optimizes system cache and takes control of RAM. Auto-optimization modifies Windows setting so that less tracking data is recorded and sent back to Microsoft.

  • Publisher: Outertech
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2020


Bitser is a powerful tool that lets you manage archives and backup files of various types, including popular ones like ZIP, 7-ZIP, EXE, RAR, ISO, MSI, TAR, and so on. Anyway, it supports most of these formats only for extraction, as for creating new archives it can handle only the ZIP, 7-ZIP and self-extracting EXE output types.

  • Publisher: Bitser
  • Home page: www.bitser.org
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2015
Internet Download Manager

Internet Download Manager

Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.



Winamp is an advanced audio and video player, which was released in 1997. It comes with a comprehensive list of features, including the ability to manage media files in your computer. Winamp can automatically scan selected folders and sub-folders in your computer to add audio/video files to its media library.

  • Publisher: Winamp SA
  • Home page: www.winamp.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025