Builder lite compiler in Title/Summary

HI-TECH PICC Lite Compiler
The goal of the project is to empower regular people, having no programming or electronics experience, to build basic useful electronic systems around the home, office, store, etc. To achieve this goal we are creating a set of embedded system building blocks that are easily connect together to build a huge variety of basic but useful monitor/controller systems.
- Publisher: Custom Computer Services, Inc. (CCS)
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

DKW Builder Lite
DKW Builder Lite is a freeware application which allows your to make a digital copy of small charts using a standard size (A4) scanner.DKW Builder Lite can also be used to add new or adjusted charts to the WinGPS 4 Chart Manager.When calibrated well, the charts will join seamlessly.
- Publisher: Stentec Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Borland C++ Compiler
The Borland C++ Compiler (BCC) is the foundation and core technology of C++Builder 5. Borland C++ Compiler is a blazingly fast 32-bit optimizing compiler. It includes the latest ANSI/ISO C++ language support including, the STL (Standard Template Library) framework and C++ template support and the complete Borland C/C++ Runtime Library (RTL).
- Publisher: Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: July 25th, 2017
Builder lite compiler in Description

lupo Manager
With lupo manager, an Adobe® AIR® application, easily extract strings from your source code, manage resource bundles and implement i18n logic in your Adobe Flex® / Adobe AIR applications, in a very productive way.Main features: -Parse ActionScript and MXML code using a smart search engine to find the strings which should be localized.
- Publisher: David Deraedt
- Last updated: December 16th, 2011

Lite-c is intended for quickly and easily developing graphics or virtual reality applications - such as 2D or 3D computer games - even without previous programming knowledge. Sounds, images, movies, user interfaces, 2D and 3D models, collision detection, rigid body physics, multitasking, and DirectX functions are already a native part of the language.
- Publisher: Conitec oP group
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 4th, 2009

IPWorks C++ Builder Edition
The most comprehensive suite of components for professional Internet development. For more than a decade IP*Works! has been powering connectivity solutions for almost every Fortune 500 and Global 2000 company as well as thousands of independent software developers worldwide.
- Publisher: /n software inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2014

The tool allows you to do the compilation and linking in a separate process what gives you real background compilation. The own make system improves the speed of the “Make project” action, too. It also compiles pascal files first so the generated .hpp headers are available when the .cpp files are compiled.
- Publisher: Andreas Hausladen
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2008

Chart FX Lite for .NET
With Chart FX Lite for .NET you will be able to integrate basic charting capabilities into your Windows Forms applications. Whether you code in C# or VB.NET, you will find Chart FX Lite for .NET is an extremely versatile charting control that can be deployed.
- Publisher: Software FX Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012
Additional Builder lite compiler selection

Juicebox is a complete web image gallery solution. Use Juicebox to create spectacular HTML5 image galleries for your web site with no coding required. Juicebox is simple to set up and use, and includes complete browser and mobile device support. Features intuitive image navigation and smart image pre-loading.
- Publisher: Juicebox
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

SourceBoost IDE
SourceBoost IDE is a modern development environment that allows rapid development of code. The code can be compiled under one of the SourceBoost compilers, or under under a third part compilers. It features: project management, syntax coloring, auto complete, value hover, function prototype tool tips, built-in debugger, clock accurate simulator for PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18 targets, and more.
- Publisher: SourceBoost Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 13th, 2016

JS Builder
With this program, you can combine and compress JS files and resources from a simple user interface. It compresses JavaScript and removes comments (uses JSMin), build arbitrary file types to multiple output targets in one project and includes a console version for automated command-line building.
- Publisher: Jack Slocum
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 20th, 2008

900Builder™ Temperature Controller Software for Bulletin 900-TC32 Temperature/Process Controllers provides a graphic configuration alterative to using the controller's on-board keypad and displays. The 900Builder™ Lite is FREE configuration software for Bulletin 900-TC8 and 900-TC16 Temperature/Process Controllers.
- Publisher: Rockwell Automation
- Last updated: November 25th, 2011

TerraBuilder LITE
TerraBuilder is suitable for conversion of large-size high altitude terrain images or satellite pictures into photorealistic high quality MSFS2000/2002, FS98 and CFS landscape BGL files with accompanying terrain textures. It is also capable of generating high quality, pseudo-photorealistic (synthetic) scenery using Microsoft's Combat Flight Simulator textures (MS CFS required).
- Publisher: TerraBuilder
- Last updated: March 31st, 2010

Sanny Builder
Sanny Builder is a fast and powerful tool designed for the GTA 3D game series. It includes a disassembler, permitting the end-user to transform the game scripts into text. The compiler feature offers a convenient editor with a large number of useful functions such as syntax highlighting, error checking, advanced search tools, player coordinates reading, fast movement through code and much more.
- Publisher: Seeman
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

K-Lite Codec Pack
The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files.
- Publisher: Codec Guide
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
The Mega variant is the largest of the four variants of the codec pack. It provides everything that you need to play all your audio and video files. Compared to Full variant it contains some extras such as ACM/VFW codecs that can be used by certain old video encoding applications such as VirtualDub.
- Publisher: Codec Guide
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

DAEMON Tools Lite
DAEMON Tools Lite 10 allows you to mount all known types of disc image files and emulates up to 4 DT + SCSI + HDD devices. It enables you to create images of your optical discs and access them via well-organized catalog. DAEMON Tools Lite is ideal to work with files you have and to create new images from optical discs, data files and Audio CDs.
- Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

Crossword Compiler
Crossword Compiler is a program that lets you create your own puzzles and word games in an easy and pleasant way. It is an excellent tool for educators, crossword enthusiasts, and anyone interested in classic word games. Puzzles created with this app can be published to a web site, printed out, or exported to PDF for sharing.
- Publisher: WordWeb Software, Antony Lewis
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020