Bulk file renaming script in Title/Summary

Batch File Renaming Kit
Batch file renaming kit is a batch file renaming tool. Only need three steps to excuted bulk files renaming. It allows to rename or copy multiple files at once. When renaming or copying, the file names are changed according to the rules use
- Publisher: Swmost Inc
- Last updated: January 15th, 2015

Bulk File Merger Pro
Bulk File Merger is a desktop program that will quickly merge multiple files on your Mac or Windows in literally seconds. The application allows you to merge high volumes of files of any size, right on your desktop. The program is simple to use you just have to drag and drop your files into the application's window and click Merge.
- Publisher: Essex Software, LLC
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2015

YetiShare File Hosting Script
Yetishare is a PHP script that allows you to create your own professional file sharing service that you can earn a revenue from. The script has a wide range of features including an extensive admin area, file manager, user accounts, and more.
- Publisher: MFScripts
- Home page: yetishare.com
- Last updated: March 4th, 2024
Bulk file renaming script in Description

EnTitle Bulk File Renamer
Perform deep searches across local storage or network shares to find and organize files then rename using free-text patterns, number sequencing, find and replace and case changes. Print files lists or export to Excel with detailed file attributes.
- Publisher: ByteShift Ltd
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2015

PFrank is an acronym for Peter's Flexible RenAmiNg Kit. This is a freeware professional grade bulk file/folder renaming program that runs under Windows. With this tool, you can easily organize your music, picture, video, or any other types of files.
- Publisher: Peter Frankenberger
- Last updated: July 29th, 2013

LupasRename is an extremely flexible free file renaming tool that allows you to select and change the name of any number of files in an accurate and safe way. The number of filters and selections options available will surely meet all your expectations, covering the needs of the most demanding renaming tasks. Besides, it can create batch files (.bat) to be used in a DOS console.
- Publisher: Ivan Anton Albarracin
- Home page: rename.lupasfreeware.org
- Last updated: November 29th, 2011

EF Multi File Renamer
EF Multi File Renamer is a versatile tool for easily renaming multiple files or whole directories (including subfolders) in one step. Is clear approach to renaming rules stands out when compared with similar programs. Multilingual. Shareware
- Publisher: EFSoftware
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Rename Expert
Rename Expert is a file renaming tool with advanced options. Designed to help you organize your data in your PC, Rename Expert offers a wide range of features to rename multiple files and folders in a simple and efficient way. It can help you batch rename all types of files and supports metadata for automatic renaming of media files and documents.
- Publisher: Gillmeister Software
- Home page: www.rename-expert.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Bulk file renaming script selection

Advanced Renamer
If ever in need of organizing a large number of files and folders in a limited amount of time, Advanced Renamer can help you encode them with the right name and attributes in just a few clicks. The high level of flexibility that the program provides will help you design your made-to-measure renaming profiles and to combine as many of them as you wish to achieve your most demanding requirements.
- Publisher: Kim Jensen
- Home page: www.advancedrenamer.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Free Image Converter
Free Image Converter is a graphic tool which allows you to convert and resize your photos. You are able to convert your photos in two different ways: simple and advanced. The simple conversion allows you to set up only several options such as image size and image quality. The advanced mode is suitable when you want to apply additional settings to your photos.
- Publisher: Victor Onishchencko
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

Though, as its own ad goes, “The name says it all...”, Tag&Rename moves audio file tagging and renaming to a higher level. This comprehensive editor can tag and rename any amount of audio files in batches using accurate masks and profiles. It supports all the most popular audio file formats and all ID3 tags, up to those in the new ID3v2.4 set.
- Publisher: Softpointer Inc.
- Home page: www.softpointer.com
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2017

File Renamer - Basic
This program is more than its name suggests. Besides helping you batch rename your photos or documents, this application is also capable of altering the names of your directories including their correspondent subfolders within moments. File Renamer Basic comes with easy-to-configure renaming settings, features a comprehensive help manual, and works very fast.
- Publisher: Sherrod Computers
- Last updated: December 7th, 2010

Better File Rename
Better File Rename is the type of programs that comes in handy when organizing large collections of files, such as personal images or videos. The utility lets you choose between multiple renaming options, supports batch processing, and immediately completes any given task.
- Publisher: Publicspace
- Home page: publicspace.net
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Batch File Renamer
Batch File Renamer is able to rename all the files or folders of a chosen directory. There are a number of ways that the names of files and folders can be changed. The names can be completely redone and new names can be given, such as in number order or with meta variables. It is also possible to edit the names that are already given.
- Publisher: cerebralsynergy.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

ImageConverter Plus
Having a full-featured graphics converter and a versatile image editor in one single tool will save you time, money, and eliminate compatibility issues. Especially, if that program includes support for most image file formats, an image viewer, and a file renaming utility. features and a powerful batch conversion process.
- Publisher: fCoder Group, Inc.
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2017

File Renamer Turbo
File Renamer Turbo is a file renaming software fitted with extra features which is a sure attraction. The tool is used to rename a multiple number of files, in thousands, at one go thereby reducing the time and energy of the user. The renaming can be done to both files and folders at a time and the presence of extensive renaming filters proves to be handy.
- Publisher: Kristanix Software
- Home page: www.kristanixsoftware.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

All To MP3 Converter
All to MP3 Converter is capable of both re-encoding nearly any audio file into MP3, and of extracting the audio stream of most video files. The program adds to its conversion capabilities some useful file renaming features, as well as support for ID3 tags and playlists. This extended functionality turns this simple MP3 conversion tool into a useful and easy-to-use music organizer.
- Publisher: All To MP3 Converter
- Home page: www.wma-mp3.com
- Last updated: February 1st, 2012

NexusFile is a simple and effective file manager for Windows. It offers a lot of advantages and therefore represents a great alternative to the default Windows file explorer. NexusFile features the typical dual pane interface that shows two folders side by side, allowing you to easily copy, paste, browse, or just compare files.
- Publisher: JungHoon Noh (xiles)
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021