Bulk rename utility rename mp3 in Title/Summary

Bulk Rename Utility
Bulk Rename Utility helps you rename the batches of files and folders according to various criteria. This type of program comes in handy for photographers, editors, web masters and network administrators, and other users who frequently need to organize long lists of files.
- Publisher: Bulk Rename Utility
- Home page: www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Bulk Rename Utility 7, 0, 4
Bulk Rename is a utility that becomes very useful while dealing with multiple files or folders at once. The application can rename files, folders or both, change the case of filenames, remove or change a filename, perform string substitution, Append dates in many formats, remove characters or words, append the parent folder's name, remove digits or symbols, append or propend text and much more.
- Publisher: Jim Willsher
- Home page: www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

Rename MP3 Files Pro
Rename MP3 Files Pro scans your system’s drives looking for all kind of media files and organizes them following your favorite settings. Together with MP3 files, this extremely flexible tool can change the name of nearly any file in your system, as it supports more than 1,000 file types. It offers you a special process specifically aimed at organizing your photo collection.
- Publisher: Rename MP3 Files Now, Inc.
- Last updated: March 5th, 2009
Bulk rename utility rename mp3 in Description

EnTitle Bulk File Renamer
Perform deep searches across local storage or network shares to find and organize files then rename using free-text patterns, number sequencing, find and replace and case changes. Print files lists or export to Excel with detailed file attributes.
- Publisher: ByteShift Ltd
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2015

MP3 Music Sorter
Sort MP3 music easily with MP3 Music Sorter. All your MP3 music will be sorted, fast and qualitative, with MP3 Music Sorter. MP3 Music Sorter automatically sort, organize and rename all your MP3 music - exactly as you want. There is variety of MP3 music sorting methods - you may select how to sort your MP3 music with one mouse click using user-friendly Wizard. Full automatic MP3 music sorting (you do not need to do anything - all is done for itself) + Sort MP3 music exactly as you want (sort music by artist, by genre, by album or somehow else - more than 986 MP3 music sorting methods supported) + Sort All your MP3 music, even of rare types (more than 684 music formats are supported) - It is all about MP3 Music Sorter! MP3 music sorting never was easier. Key features: Sort MP3 music (Automatically) (all your MP3 music will be sorted, fast and easy); Sort MP3 music Exactly As You Want (by artist, album, genre, song name-variety of MP3 music sorting methods available); Sort MP3 music qualitative (are used all MP3 music tags, including ID3v1, ID3v2, ID3v3,etc.); Sort MP3 music fast (even if you have thousands of MP3 music files - all they will be sorted in several minutes); Sort MP3 music anywhere (on your computer and notebook, CD/DVD disks and many other places); Sort MP3 music of all types (all MP3 music formats are supported); Sort MP3 music easily (with user-friendly wizards); Sort MP3 music and music of all other types (all music will be sorted - including all types of MP3, AC3, OGG, etc. - more than 684 music formats total); Sort MP3 music and All other files (all is supported - sort any types of music, photos, videos and other media with one program) Want all your MP3 music to be sorted - fast and exactly as you want? Then download and use MP3 Music Sorter, the easiest way to get your MP3 music to be sorted. MP3 Music Sorter - let all your MP3 music to be in Ideal Order! More info and Free Download at Mp3MusicSorter.com
- Publisher: MP3 Music Sorter Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

File Renamer Pro
File Renamer Pro is an advanced yet simple utility to batch rename your files and folders. It supports renaming according to the ID3 tags found in MP3 files. Bulk renaming supports adding a string at the start or at the end of the file name. You can also bulk change multiple files extensions and insert or replace a fixed text inside the file names at once.
- Publisher: TotalDownload inc.
- Home page: www.totaldownload.com
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Complete File Renamer
Complete File Renamer is a practical application that allows you to rename large numbers of files in batches, using different sets of parameters. For example, you can change the spaces in current file names to other special characters, change their case, or format the numbers in their file names. It is especially useful to rename MP3 files, as it also supports renaming by ID3 tags.
- Publisher: Tr Works
- Last updated: October 7th, 2011

WinExt Bulk Renamer
WinExt Bulk Renamer is a 100% FREE file renamer utility for Windows 10/8/7, used to rename multiple resources (files and directories) at once. Supports to manage renaming templates, a template contains Pattern, Start Serial Number and Case settings.
- Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
- Home page: www.trisunsoft.com
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021
Additional Bulk rename utility rename mp3 selection

Flash Renamer
Flash Renamer is a utility designed to help you batch rename your files, directories, and subfolders. The application might prove to be of good use if you're looking for a quick and simple way to organize your local documents or folders by renaming them.
- Publisher: RL Vision
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

Better File Rename
Better File Rename is the type of programs that comes in handy when organizing large collections of files, such as personal images or videos. The utility lets you choose between multiple renaming options, supports batch processing, and immediately completes any given task.
- Publisher: Publicspace
- Home page: publicspace.net
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Taggin' MP3
Taggin' MP3 is an application designed to help you to easily rename MP3's.Main Features:- Programmed in C++ Builder 5.0. - Supports the ID3 v1.1 and ID3 v2.3.0 standards. - Automatic detection and notification of ID3 tags. - Automatic importing of ID3 based on filename.
- Publisher: Lazor Software
- Home page: lazorsoftware.com
- Last updated: June 7th, 2013

Rename Master
Rename Master is a freeware utility designed to rename multiple files. Main features: - Intelligent number sorting. - Full Unicode filename support. - File and folder renaming. - Custom filelist columns. - Auto-Preview. - Subfolder Scanning to rename files in multiple folder.
- Publisher: JoeJoe Soft
- Home page: www.joejoesoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Best Rename
Best Rename is a fast and easy-to-use mass renamer. You can rename mass files and folder,remove, replace and insert text , rename extention part of filename,clean symbols, numbers or shortcut name and much more. This software application allows you to load files or folder very easily, batch rename files or folder with plenty of choices.
- Publisher: Best Rename
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

File Renamer - Basic
This program is more than its name suggests. Besides helping you batch rename your photos or documents, this application is also capable of altering the names of your directories including their correspondent subfolders within moments. File Renamer Basic comes with easy-to-configure renaming settings, features a comprehensive help manual, and works very fast.
- Publisher: Sherrod Computers
- Last updated: December 7th, 2010

EF Multi File Renamer
EF Multi File Renamer is a versatile tool for easily renaming multiple files or whole directories (including subfolders) in one step. Is clear approach to renaming rules stands out when compared with similar programs. Multilingual. Shareware
- Publisher: EFSoftware
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

A-PDF Rename
A-PDF Rename is an utility program that lets you batch rename multiple PDF document based on content, metadata and file attributes(Size, Datetime) within PDF files. You can batch change or update multiple PDF files metadata (title, creator, producer, author, subject and keywords) as well as.
- Publisher: A-PDF Solution
- Home page: www.a-pdf.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Though, as its own ad goes, “The name says it all...”, Tag&Rename moves audio file tagging and renaming to a higher level. This comprehensive editor can tag and rename any amount of audio files in batches using accurate masks and profiles. It supports all the most popular audio file formats and all ID3 tags, up to those in the new ID3v2.4 set.
- Publisher: Softpointer Inc.
- Home page: www.softpointer.com
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2017

Rename Us
Rename Us is a free batch file renaming utility, which allows to rename or copy multiple files at once. When renaming or copying, the file names are changed according to the rules user specified in the project. A user can add any number of different rules like enumeration, changing the case of symbols, adding prefix or suffix, using file date, using MP3 tags etc.
- Publisher: Vitaliy Levchenko Software
- Home page: www.vlsoftware.net
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024