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Button builder pro torrent in Title/Summary

Button Builder Pro

Button Builder Pro

Button Builder Pro is a program that creates button designs for the Badge-A-Minit button-making equipment. This program allows you to design and print 1 ¼”, 2 ¼”, and 3” button designs. Button Builder Pro will show the button´s template on the screen. You can create buttons adding to this template any image, shape, background or text that you want.

  • Publisher: Badge-A-Minit
  • Last updated: April 13th, 2008
CoffeeCup Button Builder

CoffeeCup Button Builder

Button Builder helps you craft good-looking and fast-loading buttons that adapt depending on display space and context. You can change their size, swap out text, or adjust contrast and font size to battle glare on mobile devices. The user can apply fierce gradients, add multiple shadows to make them feel real, and control corners to produce any shape you desire.

  • Publisher: CoffeeCup Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.coffeecup.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
BenchLink Waveform Builder Pro

BenchLink Waveform Builder Pro

BenchLink Waveform Builder Pro Software is a waveform creation tool. Main features: - Free-hand, point, and line-draw modes to create custom shapes. - Equation editor allows you create waveforms with exact polynomials. - Sequencing editor allows you to build and arrange composite waveforms to optimize your design.

  • Publisher: Keysight Technologies
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2015

Button builder pro torrent in Description

A9Converter Pro

A9Converter Pro

A9Converter Pro is a powerful application that provides users with the function of converting DWG or DFX files into different image files, including BMP, PCX, JPG, TIF and PNG. The program has the advantage of working with a very fast conversion speed.

  • Publisher: A9Tech, Inc.
  • Home page: www.a9tech.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2008
Mugshot Pro

Mugshot Pro

Network-ready, MugShot Pro features comprehensive fixed data fields, EZ Custom Line-ups, 25 user-addressable fields, and unlimited search capability. Generate arrest reports, photo lineups, and suspect history reports; keep track of arrests, non-arrests, and Megan's Law; and create BOLO, Wanted, and Missing posters – all available at the click of a button.

  • Publisher: Gateway Digital, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011
KitLog Pro

KitLog Pro

KitLog Pro is an organizational tool that allows the builder of any type of aircraft to create, archive, maintain, and display the entire building process. Whether your experimental aircraft is a plans-built EAA bi-plane or even a Lancair IV-P, KitLog Pro is the most efficient way to ensure that you meet the requirements of a builder's log for the certification of your homebuilt aircraft.

  • Publisher: Matronics
  • Home page: www.kitlog.com
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2009
LView Pro 2006

LView Pro 2006

LView Pro is a full-featured Image Processor that eliminates the need to purchase and learn how to use many separate single-purpose applications. LView Pro integrates specialized editors that rival or surpass features found on other high-end (costly) products. No task is too complex or too simple for LView Pro. It excels as an efficient and comfortable image-viewing tool. Supports image creation and capture from external devices, such as scanners and digital cameras. Offers sophisticated and professional image enhancing capabilities for the advanced user. Full support for image proofing and publishing, in paper or on the Web, is also part of the LView Pro toolbox. The editors included in LView Pro are listed below: Image Editor Image File Browser Slide Show Viewer Contact Sheet Builder Web Gallery Builder Batch Print Image Catalog

  • Publisher: CoolMoon Corp
  • Home page: www.lview.com
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2008
Scenery Designer Toolkit

Scenery Designer Toolkit

The setup of the toolkit installs the following programs:- DEM builder 1.2 to create DEM's in *.STD format that can be used by the Scenery Builder. - VT Builder transforms USGS and other DEM formats to *.BT format that can be used by DEM Builder * Scenery Builder 1.1 reads *.STD format created by DEM Builder.

  • Publisher: Stentec Software, Heeg (NL)
  • Home page: www.sailsimulator.com
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2010

Additional Button builder pro torrent selection

Website APK Builder Pro

Website APK Builder Pro

Powerful set of tools that allows you to customize everything and create stunning apps out of your website. You NEVER need to learn coding, complete process is automated, you are a few clicks away from your app. Special JavaScript functions that allows you to interact with native android functions via your Web Applications.

  • Publisher: Goyal Softech Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2018
EasyBuilder Pro

EasyBuilder Pro

EasyBuilder Pro is a program that greatly simplifies the visualized project editing process. The program supports various Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP communication protocols, it offers you multi-function objects with dynamic usage support and it shows the traces of the progress for record checking.

  • Publisher: Weintek Labs., Inc.
  • Home page: weintekhmi.com
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2014
Setup Builder Pro

Setup Builder Pro

SetupBuilder version 8 is a powerful software installation system for developers and organizations deploying applications to the Microsoft Windows Platform,including Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server and Vista.

  • Publisher: Lindersoft, Inc.
  • Home page: www.lindersoft.com
  • Last updated: December 5th, 2013
Web Button Maker Deluxe

Web Button Maker Deluxe

Web Button Maker Deluxe, now renamed as Button Shop, is indeed an application, which can make a world of difference to the charm of the homepage of an ordinary website, by adding elegant and stylish buttons and good looks, thereby making it user friendly and eye catching.

Agilent BenchLink Waveform Builder

Agilent BenchLink Waveform Builder

The first full-featured waveform creation software for pulse/function/arbitrary waveform generators. The software enables you to take full advantage of the signal generation capabilities of the Agilent 33200, 33500, 81100 Series waveform generators and makes custom waveform creation fast and simple!

  • Publisher: Agilent Technologies
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2013
Instantiations WindowBuilder Pro

Instantiations WindowBuilder Pro

This is a power tool that greatly enhances the process and results of building user interfaces for VA Smalltalk. It lets you interactively create, place, and edit user interface controls in your Smalltalk applications. As you interactively build your application you can experiment freely and easily tune and perfect your UI.

Smarbee GetRecap PRO

Smarbee GetRecap PRO

Features: - Select and identify specific keywords. - Jump to the most important sentences from your source. - Detect frequently used themes and expressions. - Control the size of your recap, in number of sentences or percentage of your source. - A Skip Words function to suppress unwanted keywords. - Pull out elements such as links and numbers.

  • Publisher: Smarbee Inc
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
WorldBuilder Pro

WorldBuilder Pro

WorldBuilder Pro™ 4, a stand-alone scene builder and renderer with unsurpassed compatibly with Max, Maya, LightWave, and SoftImage, is the premier tool for laying out and rendering 3D outdoor environments. WorldBuilder’s professional interface is streamlined for productivity and control.

  • Publisher: Digital Element, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
TerraBuilder PRO

TerraBuilder PRO

TerraBuilder is a Windows based application intended to aid in the design and production of elevated mesh terrain scenery for: Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 (TB version 1.56 only), Combat Flight Simulator, Flight Simulator 2000 and Flight Simulator 2002.

  • Publisher: TerraBuilder
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2011
FenceBuilder Pro

FenceBuilder Pro

Afraid that trespassers will enter your private little airfield? Or that your virtual cows will seek greener virtual pastures? Or maybe you just want to make the entrance to your airpark look a little friendlier? So you need walls, fences, barbed wire even, or just a low row of flowers!

  • Publisher: FSAddon Publishing
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2012