C5-03 desktop shortcuts in Title/Summary

XP Shortcuts
XP Shortcuts allows you to create BOTH keyboard and desktop shortcuts to perform shutdown, restart, and stand by. Features : -XP Shortcuts do not make your computer start slower as some similar programs do; -you can assign keyboard shortcuts for performing restart, shut down, and other tasks (please refer to the user guide below).
- Publisher: Maksim Sosnovskiy
- Home page: msosno01.tripod.com
- Last updated: May 10th, 2008

Shortcuts Map
Shortcuts Map will help you to manage hotkeys assigned to shortcuts on the desktop or in the Start menu hierarchy. With the straightforward user interface, you can easily to change a hotkey or find an unused hotkey.
- Publisher: Zeal SoftStudio
- Home page: www.zealsoftstudio.com
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2008

Favorite Shortcuts
A quick launch desktop menu that provides fast access to the hierarchical list of favorite programs, documents and folders. To bring it up, right-click on the Desktop, point to Favorite Shortcuts or Quick Launch and then click an item on the menu.
- Publisher: ContextMagic.com
- Home page: www.contextmagic.com
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
C5-03 desktop shortcuts in Description

Solve window clutter, speed-launch desktop shortcuts and access your computer desktop easily with just two mouse clicks. How many application windows do you have open during your typical computer work? If your answer is "many" - DESKonTOP is right for you!
- Publisher: Alexander Cherepnev
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012

Create A Shortcut
With a click it can create the following shortcuts on your Windows desktop:Lock WorkStation, Switch Account. Shutdown, Restart, Log Off, Hibernate, Show Desktop, Uninstall Programs, Device Manager, Security Center, Windows Defender, Windows DVD maker, Flip 3D, Launch Screen-saver, Disable Windows Firewall, Enable Windows Firewall, Clear Clipboard, Connect to Internet.
- Publisher: Lee Whittington
- Home page: www.thewindowsclub.com
- Last updated: September 12th, 2010

RegMagik is an enhanced version of Windows Registry Editor and combines familiar user interface with a number of unique enhancements including fast search (all matches displayed in the search results pane in the bottom part of the window), drag and drop, desktop shortcuts to registry keys, address bar with autocomplete, automatic smart recognition of files and folders.
- Publisher: Guzner Software
- Home page: www.regmagik.com
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Launch It! Pro
Launch It! Pro is a desktop utility that provides an alternative method of launching applications, easier to use than Windows Start menu, and neater than having large numbers of desktop shortcuts. Shortcuts can be to applications, documents and URLs, and can include parameters, and a description that is displayed when the shortcut is selected
- Publisher: rbytes solution
- Home page: freedownloads.rbytes.net
- Last updated: February 20th, 2010

DE Launcher
DE Launcher is a desktop utility that provides an alternative method of launching your favorite applications, documents and URLs and starting common Windows tasks. It's easier to use than Windows Start menu.
- Publisher: DEngine software
- Last updated: October 11th, 2009
Additional C5-03 desktop shortcuts selection

Install Creator
Install Creator a very easy to use and professional tool to create software installations.
- Publisher: Clickteam
- Home page: www.clickteam.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

eXPert PDF
eXPert PDF is a suite of applications intended to create, manipulate, convert, and protect PDF documents. Thus, it is composed of PDF Creator, PDF Batch Creator, PDF to Word Converter, PDF Settings Editor and Folder Watcher. The package also comes with a virtual printer, which allows creating a PDF file from any application that supports printing.
- Publisher: Visagesoft
- Last updated: April 19th, 2023

Desk Drive
Desk Drive is a simple Windows application which provides you with a quick and simple way to access the data within the external storage devices that you connect to your PC. The program lives on your system tray from where you can access and configure its settings according to your needs.
- Publisher: Mike Ward
- Home page: mike-ward.net
- Last updated: July 25th, 2015

Hidden Fixer
Ever been infected by a shortcut virus? It hides your valuable files and folders and places itself at the end of fake desktop shortcuts, so that every time you click on any of them you will be executing this half-Trojan, half-worm malicious software tool. Hidden Fixer has been developed to fix that problem and to bring all those hidden files and folders back to life.
- Publisher: Trialation
- Home page: hiddenfixer.blogspot.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

BetterDesktopTool allows you to arrange all windows in a non overlapping layout. Main features: - Can be applied to minimized, non-minimized and foreground application windows. - Supports Multi-Monitor setups. - Moves all windows away from your desktop to give you access to Desktop-Shortcuts and Sidebar-Gadgets.
- Publisher: Florian Schwarz
- Home page: www.BetterDesktopTool.com
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

All in one Cleaner
All In One Cleaner is a suite of tools to clean your system, it includes Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, History Cleaner, and Startup Cleaner
- Publisher: YL Computing Inc
- Home page: www.ylcomputing.com
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

Wise Anti Malware
A malware scanner and system optimization utility that enables you to keep virus, malware, adware, ransomware, phishing, spyware and unwanted programs away from your PC, to ensure your PC running at its top performance
- Publisher: WiseCleaner.com
- Home page: www.wisecleaner.com
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2020

Z-DATdump is a program that allows to copy data to tape easily and reliably. Z-DATdump lets you select your data for a 1:1, incremental or differential copy to tape. With the integrated 1-click tape backup function, you can create desktop shortcuts for dump jobs, so you can quickly and comfortably start a tape dump.
- Publisher: IMU Andreas Baumann
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

RapidKey provides you with a new Windows functionality. This software autocompletes text phrases and autoexpands shorthands in any Windows applications. You find the RapidKey icon on the taskbar after starting RapidKey. Then you can use: * Autotexts (quickly type frequently used text) * Macros (for repetitive text needs) * Fast access to desktop shortcuts
- Publisher: Neuber GbR
- Home page: www.neuber.com
- Last updated: March 26th, 2011

AdRem iTools
AdRem iTools is a networking toolset combining Ping, Traceroute, DNS Lookup, SNMP viewer, port/network/bandwidth scanner, and more. The tools? output can be saved to a file (text, XML, HMTL, or Excel), while Ping or Traceroute tests can be graphed.
- Publisher: AdRem Software
- Home page: www.adremsoft.com
- Last updated: April 7th, 2011