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C program to generate groceries in Title/Summary

Soap Generate Gear

Soap Generate Gear

With Soap Generate Gear, you will find that soap programming becomes easier and more comfortable. Soap Generate Gear can directly compile and generate a source code to be dll or static library. The program can also generate a makefile if your protocol is designed for linux or unix platform

  • Publisher: upRedSun, Inc.
  • Home page: www.upredsun.com
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2010
Generate Random Strong Passwords Software

Generate Random Strong Passwords Software

Generate many passwords with uppercase, lowercase, numbers and/or specified characters. Save results as Excel or text files.

Outlook Generate Emails From Excel File Software

Outlook Generate Emails From Excel File Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to generate multiple emails based on MS Excel spreadsheet data. With this software you can generate lists of email recipients, subjects, and bodies.

C program to generate groceries in Description

Passwords & Keys

Passwords & Keys

This software can be used to generate and store random passwords, data and keys. To generate a password just click on the generate button and the application will display a password on its main window. You can choose different settings that the application will follow before it generates a password. The passwords will be a sum of numbers and letters.

  • Publisher: Softaddress Ltd
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2010
JavaScript Gallery Builder

JavaScript Gallery Builder

JavaScript-producing design tool for creating gallery with sliding thumbnail image columns on web pages. The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify image, size, color, link and more to script. It is unnecessary to write any code manually. SCP will generate all necessary codes automatically.

  • Publisher: USINGIT
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2009
Makefile Creator

Makefile Creator

This program generate easily a file makefile in C/C++ destined to MinGW, but also accept Microsoft Visual C++ . - Bug Fixed: Parent directories and spaces in filename - Bug Fixed: Add environment variable - Bug Fixed: Enable build DLL - Bug Fixed: Build only with objects - Bug Fixed: long filename to short filename

  • Publisher: francimar
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020


ICGrocery is a script for building an easy to use, flexible grocery shopping site. Site users can register, choose groceries from categories, add to cart and pay with paypal accounts - then they will receive the groceries from the store.

  • Publisher: ICloudCenter
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2014


A program that helps you manage your money by providing an easy and convenient format for tracking all money earned and spent. Keep track of your cash flow and categorize spending on groceries, entertainment, gas, rent, laundry, bills, donations, and...

  • Publisher: Gecko Studios
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2010

Additional C program to generate groceries selection

Image-Line PoiZone

Image-Line PoiZone

The concept behind PoiZone was to design a synthesizer that had the smallest number of controls while providing the maximum flexibility and features. rnrnOnce you have spent some time auditioning the preset patches we are sure you will agree that PoiZone packs a lot of punch in what appears to be a simple package, enjoy!

  • Publisher: Image-Line
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2010


Sociogram is a simple program to generate sociogram-graphics showing the relationships between individuals (humans or animals). By clicking the checkbox "Show names", the name of the individual "M1" is shown. In order to re-name it, double-click on the circle and press the button "Change Name".

  • Publisher: Lars Lewejohann
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2009


The Weldassistant is able to utilize plugins from well-known manufactures of various welding products with the corresponding data and product information. You can quickly find the needed WPQR (PQR) welding procedure qualification record and keep track of the status. It provides standard compliant data for parent materials, fillers, gases etc. along with the product data sheet.



CppSim automatically generates, compiles and runs C++ code corresponding to the schematic design that you create. VppSim combines Verilog with CppSim to seamlessly include C++ modules and linear networks with switches with Verilog as specified within a schematic driven framework.

  • Publisher: Michael H. Perrott
  • Home page: www.cppsim.com
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2014
Model Explorer

Model Explorer

Model Explorer will generate a custom program written in the Econometric Views language. This program will allow you to estimate (and optionally apply standard multicolinearity and heteroskedasticity tests on) every possible regression model mixing a group of independent variables and transformations.

  • Publisher: Rho-Works Software
  • Home page: www.rhoworks.com
  • Last updated: August 21st, 2011
Affiliate Marketing Dude Console

Affiliate Marketing Dude Console

Affiliate Marketing Dude Console provides various videos to help you make money with affiliate marketing SEO, affiliate programs, and more. Also, the program includes a guide showing you how to use the simple sites big profits method to generate an income online.



Time and project management software that can be used to generate customizable timesheets or invoices.



XCPlan is a tool to automatically generate the old pen & paper style flight logs. It's an invaluable tool to student pilots, as it helps you generate the flight logs without having to do all of the math. It's not a graphical-type planner.



For the first complexity, the occasional extra +1 Da in the precursor mass arises when Extract-MSn is used to generate the peaklist and a ’0′ is encountered. In those cases, the mass of the most abundant isotopic peak is chosen, which is the M+1 peak for precursor masses higher than about 1700 Da

  • Publisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2012
Kobayashi Colorbox

Kobayashi Colorbox

Colorbox is a simple program that lets you generate HTML <BODY> tags using sliders or the Windows color dialog. Once you’ve selected your colors, simply click on the Copy button to copy the <BODY> tag to the Windows clipboard. Added snap to screen edge.

  • Publisher: Kobayashi Software