Cad system mit lazarus in Title/Summary

Lazarus is a Delphi compatible cross-platform IDE for Rapid Application Development. It has a graphical form designer and a variety of ready to use components to create complex graphical user interfaces. With Lazarus, you can create file browsers, image viewers, database applications, graphics editing software, games, 3D software, medical analysis software or any other type of software.
- Publisher: Lazarus and Free Pascal Team
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

MIT MathML Fonts
MathML is a XML application designed to describe mathematical notation and to capture both its structure and content. What has been said could sound little for many people but it’s not since the extremely complex that mathematical expressions can be.
- Publisher: MIT
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

MIT Kerberos
Kerberos is a network authentication protocol. It is designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography. The Kerberos protocol uses strong cryptography so that a client can prove its identity to a server (and vice versa) across an insecure network connection.
- Publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009
Cad system mit lazarus in Description

CADMAI is a CAD framework which can either be used as a standalone CAD application or as an integration module for 3rd party applications or SOA environments. CADMAI is a relational CAD system, which has its main focus in the parametric 2D and 3D design. OpenCascade herby serves as the solid modeler basis.
- Publisher: CADMAI Software GmbH
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2011

UniCAD Parametric is a specialist CAD system with different tools to help the designer to develop mainly mechanical drawings, which qualifies it as a Mechanical CAD (MCAD), opposite to the generic CAD’s. It does not implies that UniCAD Parametric can not be used in other applications successfully, as it has actually been used.
- Publisher: UniCAD
- Last updated: June 14th, 2012

The Stair Calculator
As you know, the process of preparing shop drawings for steel stairs requires many repetitive calculations to determine the required dimensions. This process is tedious and error prone. If you are working on a CAD system and use it to calculate the dimensions you must draw each stair to exact scale.
- Publisher: South Fork Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Sheet Lightning Pro
Sheet Lightning is a specialised engineering 2D/3D CAD System for creating and unfolding sheet metal designs for fabrication or manufacture. It handles cylinders, cones, square-to-round adapters, ovals, intersections and mutli-intersections.
- Publisher: REVCAD LTD
- Last updated: February 4th, 2024

Print2CAD 2016 7th Generation
Print2CAD converts PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system for editing. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. The program also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.
- Publisher: BackToCAD Technologies, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 5th, 2015
Additional Cad system mit lazarus selection

Aide PDF to DXF Converter
Aide PDF to DXF Converter is a simple and straightforward conversion tool that transforms you PDF documents into DXF AutoCAD files. Meant to be used mainly with images and illustrations saved as PDF files, the program offers specific output settings for this type of documents, thus producing high-quality graphics that can be then easily edited using AutoCAD.
- Publisher: Aide CAD Systems Incorporated.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 24th, 2009

XVL Player Pro
MSOffice Support: embed the XVL Player and model in Microsoft Office documents. Product PMI and Meta Data: view PMI and meta data that was authored in the CAD system. Security: create secure viewing with AES encryption approved by NIST. View: examine your models with robust viewing options including full camera control and multiple display modes.
- Publisher: Lattice Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 14th, 2017

CADE is a 2D vector editor that allows you to draw maps, flowcharts, electric circuits, networks and others. It provides predefined blocks to work with and also permits for custom blocks to be drawn by you. To sum it all up, CADE is a great tool for network engineers and designers as it comes with an intuitive interface and includes the basic blocks that allows specific drawings to be created.
- Publisher: Weresc
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 28th, 2012

VectorEngineer Quick-Tools
VectorEngineer Quick-Tools is a mini cad system that offers all the basic features required to make technical drawings, working drawings, designs, plans, and diagrams in a simple point and click environment.Requirements: Pentium P.C. with a minimum resolution of 800 * 600 pixels, (1024 * 768 recommended). Windows 95+. 6mb of free drive space.
- Publisher: VectorEngineer
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Ductsize lets you create a complete duct system from start to finish, and gives you control over every aspect of the design. You can let the program size all the ducts for you (using three different sizing methods), or enter your own sizes to analyze an existing design.
- Publisher: Elite Software Development
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 12th, 2012

MEDUSA4 Personal
The free MEDUSA4 Personal CAD software is part of the MEDUSA4 family of CAD solutions. Its extensive design functionality, similar to the most advanced commercial package, includes 3D, parametrics, colour image integration and sheet metal design.
- Publisher: CAD Schroer GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 18th, 2019

IDA-STEP is a new generation of standards-based tools from LKSoft. IDA-STEP is a fully modular application - you can create your own perfect IDA-STEP application for various data viewing and management purposes.IDA-STEP is based on international standard ISO 10303 (STEP) and supports various kinds of STEP data.
- Publisher: LKSoftWare GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2012

GstarCAD 2015
GstarCAD 2015 is a CAD application with a simple and fast user interface. You get some unique features such as inserting barcode and QR code, PDF underlay, sheet set manager, and cloud storage support. Barcode images can be inserted to drawings, accomplishing identification and correspondence between paper and electronic drawings.
- Publisher: Xi'an Gstarsoft Company
- Last updated: December 4th, 2015

Topocad is a CAD system for measurement engineering calculations, map editing, and other functions. Its can be used in BIM, GIS, mining surveying, mapping in 3D, volume calculation, survey data calculation, longitudinal section drawing, terrain models, and in the design of tunnels and sewers.
- Publisher: Chaos systems AB
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 18th, 2018

SimplyCam is a simple Cad/Cam system that creates 2D toolpaths. The geometric part can be created internally, with the available tools or imported from external file. The main features of SimplyCam are: opening, creating, editing and saving geometry in industry standard DXF format.
- Publisher: MR-Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020