Calculate kappa in Title/Summary

In Ecrin a fully integrated Well Performance Analysis module (Amethyste) has been added to the suite. The drive to integrate the modules continues with substantial enhancements to the integration process that includes sector identification and transfer from the full field model to transient analysis and inflow performance (IPR) from Amethyste to Saphir.
- Publisher: KAPPA Engineering
- Home page:

KAPPA Workstation
KAPPA-Workstation is an integrated engineering suite which offers analysis and modeling tools for reservoir dynamic data. Main features: - Merging of vs depth and vs time data in a single application. - Handling of unlimited number of stations. - Automated test identification / quality rating / pressure and mobility profile vs TVD.
- Publisher: KAPPA Engineering
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 19th, 2017

Quick Calculate
Quick Calculate is a wonderful free game which helps anyone to develop an interest in solving mathematical problems. It has a very simple and interesting user interface. The game is restricted to ten levels, but it takes a very high speed as well as a good level of accuracy to complete those ten levels with a high score. Levels get difficult as game progresses.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Calculate kappa in Description

AnSWR is a software system for coordinating and conducting large-scale, team-based analysis projects that integrate qualitative and quantitative techniques.AnSWR has been designed to meet the following QDA needs:- Coordination of team-based qualitative data analysis
- Publisher: CDC
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2008

mini Ring Core Calculator
Using the mini Ring Core Calculator application will make it easier for amateur radio enthusiasts to calculate inductors, numbers of turns, wire lengths, and many other factors related to both powdered iron and ferrite toroids. The program will also enable you to calculate parameters for air wound coils used in the construction of linear amplifiers, low pass filters and antenna matching units.
- Publisher: DL5SWB
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 26th, 2008

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design
DHex is a software tool that is made to demonstrate the chemical design calculations of Double pipe (hairpin) Heat Exchangers.The software will do all the thermal calculations involved in the design and will generate a summary of all results..etc
- Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Z-Calculate is an innovative calculator for students, scientists etc. It combines mathematical power and cool features with a clear and user-friendly interface. Both real and complex numbers are supported. And, best of all, it is completely free!
- Publisher: Reinhard Nopper
- Last updated: April 26th, 2008

ED-Elas2D is an educational program package for the analysis of 2D solids and structures using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The Finite Element Method is undoubtedly the most powerful numerical technique for solving a great variety of problems in science and industry.
- Publisher: FEMSCOPE
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 16th, 2011
Additional Calculate kappa selection

HashTab provides OS extensions to calculate file hashes and supports many hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RipeMD, HAVAL and Whirlpool.
- Publisher: Implbits LLC
- Last updated: April 11th, 2018

Microsoft Mathematics
Microsoft Mathematics provides a set of mathematical tools that help students get school work done quickly and easily. With Microsoft Mathematics, students can learn to solve equations step-by-step while gaining a better understanding of fundamental concepts in pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, physics, chemistry, and calculus.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022

ArcGIS for Desktop
ArcGIS for Desktop allows you to analyze your data and author geographic knowledge to examine relationships, test predictions, and ultimately make better decisions. Simplify data design, input, and cleanup with advanced editing capabilities. Automate many aspects of cartography, making intelligent map production a less time-consuming task.
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 5th, 2020

Microsoft Money
Microsoft Money Essentials is a product that belongs to the Microsoft Money Suite family. It is a powerful and easy to use tool for the management of home accounting. It allows working offline and online, in the latter mode the program updates balances and movements from your bank accounts. It runs only on Windows Vista and Windows XP Service Pack 2.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: July 6th, 2020

NokiaFREE Unlock Codes Calculator
With Nokia Free Unlock Codes Calculator we can unlock our cell phones and we can use it in any company that we want. When we open the program can find eight boxes and one little window. In the first box we can put our cell phone model we can choose between: Alcatel, LG, Maxxon, NEC, Nokia, Samsung, Siemens, Sony, Panasonic and Vitel.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022

PIXresizer is a very vital software tool for those users who own a website or a website developer. PIXresizer, as the name itself suggests is a software tool for resizing the photo and the output comes out with drastically reduced file sizes. The conversion is quicker as it can allow resizing of multiple image files in batch mode.
- Publisher: Bluefive software
- Last updated: April 19th, 2013

Pirates: Battle for the Caribbean
Pirates: Battle for the Caribbean is a simple action game where you watch a barrel of a base while defending the siege from the pirate ships (if you play the British) or British (if you play the pirates). Besides, Pirates: Battle for the Caribbean is totally free and you can download, install and play it, just simple like that.
- Publisher: Media Contact LLC
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Pocket Tanks
Pocket Tanks is a turn-based artillery game for one or two players, inspired by an old title for Amiga called Scorched Tanks. The objective in Pocket Tanks is to attack and destroy your opponent by using the several weapons at your disposal. The game is accessible and easy to learn, without all the complicated details found in games of this type.
- Publisher: BlitWise Productions, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

PSpice Student
PSpice Student is an analog circuit simulator that was specially designed for Electrical Engineering students in need of simulating circuits and of solving circuits-related calculations. If you find yourself in the posture of not understanding a bit of what your professor is teaching you in Circuit Theory class, then you should definitely try this software.
- Publisher: Cadence Design Systems, Inc
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

ImageJ 1.41is a free Java image processing program. The program runs as an online applet or as a downloadable application, on any Java enabled computer (with Java 1.4 or later virtual machine). ImageJ can display, edit, analyze, process, save and print 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit images.
- Publisher: NIH
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022