Ccc pathways in Title/Summary

Pathways is a free to use planning tool for Windows OS. This is a tool that supports a comprehensive planning process, including goal setting, strategy development, managing of time (time budgeting, appointment scheduling, and to-do list), managing of money (financial planning, budgeting, and tracking of revenue and expenses), etc.
- Publisher: Arthur de Leyssac
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2015

CCC Software - utilius coachASSIST
CCC Software - utilius coachASSIST is a program that will allow to create training exercises. You will be able to prepare documents describing exercises that the players you train must perform in order to train for the game they play. The program includes graphics with players, obstacles, balls and all the objects that can be needed on a training.
- Publisher: Campus-Computer-Center GmbH
- Last updated: January 13th, 2012

CCC Software - utilius easyINSPECT
The distance of a pass, the approach angle of a ball, its speed … a good athlete realizes these parameters within split seconds and without thinking. However, an objective assessment of a match or a training situation requires physical measurement parameters.
- Publisher: Campus-Computer-Center GmbH
- Last updated: September 21st, 2017
Ccc pathways in Description

CCCAPP allows you to take mock tests for Computer Concepts (CCC) exam conducted by NIELIT (DOEACC) or Gujarat Technological University (GTU). Question papers are available in both English and Hindi. You can select the exam and language from its interactive wizard interface easily.
- Publisher: Acwinux Software
- Last updated: August 31st, 2016

CAVER is a software tool for the identification and characterization of transport pathways in static macro-molecular structures. It implements new algorithms for the calculation and clustering of pathways. A trajectory from a molecular dynamics simulation serves as the typical input.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2016

ArrayTrack (Non-FDA Network)
ArrayTrack™ provides an integrated solution for managing, analyzing, and interpreting microarray gene expression data. Specifically, ArrayTrack™ is MIAME (Minimum Information About A Microarray Experiment)-supportive for storing both microarray data and experiment parameters associated with a pharmacogenomics or toxicogenomics study.
- Publisher: NCTR/FDA
- Last updated: December 20th, 2011

ClockBlocker (Say no to downclocking)
ClockBlocker is a tool designed to block GPU downclocking on AMD's latest Fiji graphics cards. Specifically, it was designed to do so on cards operating with the newest power-management scheme - where customization of AMD's CCC profiles no longer works to lock clock speeds at the maximum.
- Publisher: ComroeStudios
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2017

Integrated with GenMAPP are programs to perform a global analysis of gene expression or genomic data in the context of hundreds of pathway MAPPs and thousands of Gene Ontology Terms (MAPPFinder), import lists of genes/proteins to build new MAPPs (MAPPBuilder), and export archives of MAPPs and expression/genomic data to the web.
- Publisher: The J. David Gladstone Institutes
- Last updated: March 31st, 2012
Additional Ccc pathways selection

CCC Software - utilius VS
With this software, video recordings can be fast classified and analyzed, and be filed intelligently. With the help of a time stamp and of systematic abbreviated features you can locate the scene you are looking for at any time, very fast and targeted.
- Publisher: Campus-Computer-Center GmbH
- Last updated: April 28th, 2012

ccc software - utilius fairplay
The video player utilius® fairplay offers many comfortable playing functions and excellent analyzing opportunities and can be handled very easily at the same time. You can use the video cutting function in order to cut, insert, copy or attach sequences. Fix images or single images can be saved as image files.
- Publisher: ccc software gmbh
- Last updated: April 27th, 2013

Blio is a feature-rich eReading application that allows you to go beyond the written word. Experience books through the eyes of the author, with crystal clear sound and images that come alive in brilliant color. In Blio, books are more than just words and pictures. They're pathways to new and exciting ways of learning, living and doing.
- Publisher: KNFB Reading Technology, Inc.
- Last updated: March 21st, 2014

Running Sheep Tiny Worlds
The game is an uncomplicated brainteaser consisting of small labyrinths which are filled with various obstacles. The most dangerous ones are wolves and pits: Coming across them will cause the player to lose sheep. The player's objective is to safely lead the sheep under his care through the labyrinths.
- Publisher: Ladia Group Copyright
- Last updated: May 20th, 2012

PerkinElmer ChemDraw Professional
ChemDraw Professional helps you quickly turn your chemical engineering ideas into drawings and research publications. It facilitates the management, reporting, and presentation of your Chemistry research. ChemDraw allows for an easy search of the latest research papers and their inclusion in your list of references.
- Publisher: PerkinElmer Informatics, Inc.
- Last updated: March 30th, 2023

MapMan is a user-driven tool that displays large datasets (e.g. gene expression data from Arabidopsis Affymetrix arrays) onto diagrams of metabolic pathways or other processes. Main fetures: - Small BUGFIX release - BUGFIX: alignment options when editing pathways where blocked - BUGFIX: VennDIagramm4 misinterpretation of data due to typo
- Publisher: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2010

Advanced Pathway Painter
Advanced Pathway Painter visualizes pathways (KEGG, GenMAPP, BioCarta). It allows you to display any kind of quantitative data from gene and protein experiments. The linking between the pathway items and the experiment data is done over the gene or protein names and their accession numbers.
- Publisher: GSA
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

TurboFLOORPLAN Landscape & Deck
Create the perfect outdoor living experience for you and your family with beautiful landscaping with gardens, decks, pathways and sheds. Select from over 7,500 plants, flowers, shrubs and trees to create the look you want. Then watch them grow by changing their age, or see what they'll look like through the seasons. TurboFLOORPLAN Landscape & Deck is compatible with drawings created from 3D Home Architect versions 5-8. Perfect for: Architects Hobbyists Illustrators Engineers Contractors Students Builders Educators
- Publisher: IMSIDesign
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

BrainStorm enables high-speed thinking, planning and organizing. You can capture, store, modify and rearrange ideas and other info in a free-form tree-like and hyperlinked model. Publish and email these 3D models as HTML, XML or text outline.
- Publisher: BrainStorm Software Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008

Mind Snares: Alice's Journey
Alice is a young woman who spends a lot of time at a very frustrating work. After being involved in a car accident she finds herself a patient of the mysterious Hospital. Join Alice as she travels through the complex and intriguing pathways of her mind. Find yourself transported to mythical worlds, meeting their unique inhabitants on the way.
- Publisher: World-LooM
- Last updated: July 4th, 2014