Cccam silicon integrated system in Title/Summary

Funshare CCcam Control
Funshare CCcam Control is a free software application that allows you to set up the parameters for the funshare camera. The application is absolutely free, easy to install, easy to use and with a friendly user interface. It also allows you to set up the FTP username and ID and much more
- Publisher: sami.sami, Funshare
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

Silicon Mirror & Kaleidoscope
The Silicon Kaleidoscope is a screen saver that uses the Silicon Mirror to create kaleidoscopic images that flow in real time. You can use your own images to create your kaleidoscope background and you will be able to get the mirror effect that you want by adjusting the settings.
- Publisher: Elliot Leonard
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Silicon Laboratories CP210x VCP Drivers for Windows 2000XP3
This review pertains to the latest version of the CP210x family of USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers from Silicon Labs Inc. CP210x drivers are required for proper operation/ facilitation of host communications for CP2101, CP2102, CP2103, CP2104,CP2105&CP2108 bridge devices.
- Publisher: Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
- Last updated: January 14th, 2014
Cccam silicon integrated system in Description

SiS Compatible VGA
This Softpaq contains the Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation Compatible VGA Multimedia Package software.This program is compatibilitywith the following OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000
- Publisher: Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation
- Last updated: April 28th, 2012

ServiceXp Software is an integrated system designed specifically for the Service Industry and is the one tool that no service company should be without. With ServiceXp, you can monitor the progress of all your Service Tickets, keep track of all costs associated with each Job or Service Call and track movement of inventory in and out of multiple warehouses and trucks.
- Publisher: servicexp
- Last updated: November 4th, 2009

ZW3D, all-in-one, affordable CAD/CAM, enables concept to finished product design in an integrated, collaborative environment. It also shares and exchanges CAD files with all leading design systems such as CATIA, Inventor and SolidWorks.
- Publisher: ZWSOFT CO., LTD.(Guangzhou)
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

RelCalc for Windows automates the reliability prediction procedure of Telcordia SR-332, or MIL-HDBK-217, providing an alternative to tedious, time consuming, and error prone manual methods. RelCalc makes reliability predictions a snap for all your requirements, from single circuit board designs to very large multi-circuit board systems.
- Publisher: T-Cubed Systems, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 5th, 2012

Circuit Creator
CircuitCREATOR™ CAE system is the most complete and high performance solution for electronic design using IBM and compatible personal computers. The integrated system includes Schematic Capture, Symbol Editor, Circuit Simulation, PCB Layout Editor, Automatic Router, Gerber Viewer and complete CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) support.
- Publisher: AMS Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 8th, 2008
Additional Cccam silicon integrated system selection

Classic Client
Classic Client is a smart card-based crypto-library product that brings portability and the highest level of security to enterprise networks. It is an easily integrated system that delivers all key functionalities required for a safe corporate infrastructure: - Secure smart card authentication when accessing desktop, network and web applications
- Publisher: Gemalto
- Last updated: June 26th, 2012

Omni Accounts
Omni Accounts is a fully integrated system, taking care of all your financial transactions, updating all relevant ledgers automatically. Omni Accounts controls all your customer, supplier, banking, nominal ledger and stock records, whilst at the same time allowing you to produce customer invoices, supplier invoices and all relevant statutory reports such as VAT analysis etc.
- Publisher: C.H.Kudla
- Last updated: September 16th, 2012

It is an integrated system of several statistical, methodological, and display software packages that are used to determine and display the consequences of the different decisions clinical trialists might make about the participants, treatments, and conduct of their randomized clinical trial (RCT).
- Publisher: PRACTIHC
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 17th, 2009

DNAMAN is a one-for-all software package for molecular biology applications. This package provides an integrated system with versatile functions for high efficiency sequence analysis. It can also perform multiple sequence alignment, designing PCR primers, protein sequence analysis or drawing plasmids.
- Publisher: Lynnon Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2016

HEC-SSP is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface (GUI), separate statistical analysis components, data storage and management capabilities, mapping, graphics, and reporting tools.
- Publisher: Hydrologic Engineering Center
- Last updated: January 11th, 2011

LingvoSoft Traveler’s Suite English <-> Turkish for Windows
LingvoSoft Travelers Suite English-Turkish for Windows is a unique combination of useful applications that make traveling easier than ever before. Designed for beginner and intermediate level language skills, they require no previous knowledge of a foreign language and feature a unique combination of advanced talking Dictionary, talking Picture Dictionary, talking travel PhraseBook.
- Publisher: LingvoSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2014

Revelation Enterprise
Revelation Enterprise is a fully integrated system providing Debtors, Creditors, Nominal & Stock Ledgers with virtually unlimited capacity. Revelation Enterprise can operate on anything from a stand-alone PC to a Local Area Network with up to 140 terminals.
- Publisher: Revelation Accounting Software
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

It is an integrated system of several statistical, methodological, and display software packages that are used to determine and display the consequences of the different decisions clinical trialists might make about the participants, treatments, and conduct of their randomized clinical trial.
- Publisher: Eduardo Bergel
- Last updated: December 6th, 2010

SPORTSYSTEMS Entry Manager Rev
SPORTSYSTEMS Entry Manager Rev offers integrated computer systems for competitive swimming clubs. SPORTSYSTEMS Entry Manager Rev features: -Use swimmers Registration Number to look up Swimmers current ranking times -Use a 'Valid Swimmer' list of registered Club swimmers -Automatic Qualifying and Upper Limit Time checking as times are entered
- Last updated: December 31st, 2015

APS Config
APS Config is a program that contains all tools necessary for programming and testing of user programs, basic diagnostics and a simple online visualization of all operating statuses of the APS 400 system. It can operate with numerous registers (variables) and timers test various status flags of particular system modules and integrated system.
- Publisher: TechFass s.r.o.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 19th, 2014