Chakras desktops pictures in Title/Summary

Chakras describes the chakras as energy centers in the spine and how the chakras can be activated. The application introduces the 7 chakras (Root Chakra to Crown Chakra) along with their Sanskrit names: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara.
- Publisher: Zentrum Publishing
- Last updated: January 30th, 2016

MB Free Chakras Software
MB Free Chakras software is a great tool for examining your inner self and understanding the state of activity of all 7 chakras. Chakras are the 7 nerve centers along the spine. This software analyzes the level of activeness in all 7 chakras.
- Publisher:

Sysinternals Desktops
In Linux, we can use multiple windows easily. The same can be implemented in Windows by using different programs. Sysinternals Desktops is one of these programs. Sysinternals Desktops sits quietly in the taskbar and pops up when we need to switch windows just like in Linux. Now, the program creates a separate explorer.exe instance for each desktop and displays them when we need.
- Publisher: Sysinternals (Microsoft)
- Last updated: February 11th, 2013
Chakras desktops pictures in Description

Power Chakra
Power Chakra is a unique software which unlocks the mystery of ancient Indian healing methods, and helps you to develop into a more developed and evolved human being. It works interactively to examine your inner self and understand the daily rhythm of activity of all the seven chakras.
- Publisher: Power Chakra
- Last updated: April 10th, 2011

MindSutra E-Kundali Premium
Astrological Particulars (Indian & Western), Notable Factors, Ghata-Chakra, etc. The longitudes, positions, & dispositions of Planets; Lagna- & Navamsh- Kundalis. The 12 Bhavas (House-Cusps & Spans); Bhava-Kundali & Bhava-Chalit Kundali . The Shodasha-Varga (16 Divisional) Charts [ with options for 10 or 7 or 6 Vargas ].
- Publisher: MindSutra Software Technologies
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

Citrix Desktop Receiver
The Desktop Receiver is the client-side software that supports XenDesktop. Users run the Desktop Receiver on their endpoint devices to access virtual desktops created with XenDesktop. The Desktop Receiver combines ease of deployment and use with quick, secure access to those virtual desktops.
- Publisher: Citrix Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: June 13th, 2012

AltDesk is a desktop managing software application which allows you to create several virtual desktops where you can place different open windows and/or applications, and to clear your taskbar and main desktop area. It proves to be very useful when you need to keep many windows opened and work with all of them at the same time.
- Publisher: Gladiators Software
- Last updated: April 21st, 2010

Xilisoft Multiple Desktops
Xilisoft Multiple Desktops is a program that creates multiple desktops for a single user just like in Linux. The program is freeware and very small. You can create up to four desktops and open any number of windows in desktops. We can save different configurations of icons on each desktop.
- Publisher: Xilisoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 25th, 2011
Additional Chakras desktops pictures selection

Wyse PocketCloud
PocketCloud Remote Desktop is a secure and fast way to remotely connect to your Mac or Windows desktop with your iOS or Android device, no matter where you are. You can access your files, pictures, and applications like Outlook, Word, Photoshop. If you want to access data on your company computer, PocketCloud allows enterprise-grade secure access to the company server.
- Publisher: Wyse Technology Inc.
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Panda Security for Desktops
Panda Security for Desktops is designed for companies that want the best protection for their workstations. It protects against viruses and other known and unknown threats including spam, spyware, dangerous or time-wasting content, phishing scams, hackers and intruders.
- Publisher: Panda Security
- Last updated: January 16th, 2014

BioniX Wallpaper Changer
BioniX Wallpaper Changer can get hundreds of background images from the Internet and switch your desktop wallpaper at specified intervals. Using this program, you can easily create thematic playlists, filter unwanted images, sort wallpapers by file size/resolution/name/rating, rename or delete wallpapers directly from playlist, edit wallpapers, etc.
- Publisher: Bionix Wallpaper
- Last updated: November 7th, 2018

Resize Pictures Plus
With this program you can resize, watermark, renamed and optimize pictures to make them more suitable for email, or for any other use. This program allows you to open more than 40 picture file formats and save them in GIF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, MIFF or TGA etc.
- Publisher: Angel Software
- Last updated: April 9th, 2011

My Pictures 3D
My Pictures 3D 1.2 is a screensaver and a program that lets you walk trough a gallery with your favorite photos. There are two modes to visit your photo galleries: the Freemove Mode, where you can wander freely inside the virtual space and the Automatic Mode, in which the computer will guide you through the gallery.
- Publisher: VicMan Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Vertus Play With Pictures
Vertus Play With Pictures is a program that allows you to enhance your images. You can mix photos, add effects to your images, add parts of other photos, create picture memories of holidays and special occasions, cards and invitations and share your projects with friends and family.
- Publisher: Vertus
- Last updated: June 25th, 2014

AMD Fusion Utility for Desktops
The AMD Fusion Utility for Desktops is a tool for optimizing your system's performance. It has a very simple design and it can be used by anyone thanks to its many preset profiles, each with a detailed description. If you don't find any preset profile that suits your needs, you can create a custom profile and configure it how you see fit.
- Publisher: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- Last updated: April 17th, 2012

BeyondTrust PowerBroker Desktops Client
BeyondTrust PowerBroker Desktops 5.2 is the fastest and easiest way to secure desktops by removing administrator privileges without end user disruption. Eliminate the impact of removing administrator rights by elevating privileges for applications, software installs, system tasks, scripts, control panel applets and more, allowing end users to remain productive.
- Publisher: BeyondTrust Software, Inc.
- Last updated: September 26th, 2012

SoftGrid for Windows Desktops
With SoftGrid for Windows Desktops you are able to virtualize your applications and deliver them over the network. With application virtualization, your software applications are never installed on the end user devices so there are never any software conflicts. Because of this, software testing is reduced, time to set up end user computers is reduced and software troubleshooting is reduced.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

MSN Pictures Displayer
MSN Pictures Displayer is a freeware which enables you to display in a slideshow your own pictures as Messenger avatars, while chatting with your friends. You can create you own slideshows and show them to all your contacts, even if they haven't installed MSN Pictures Displayer. The slideshows are recordable and can be stored or shared with your friends.
- Publisher: Sébastien BEGOUIN
- Last updated: November 20th, 2010