Challenge rummy instructions in Title/Summary

Rummy Challenge
Rummy Challenge offers a challenge for both the new and experienced player. Play against computer opponents at Novice or Expert level.Rummy Challenge is very interesting game and it was designed for those that really love this card game so it can offer them the pleasure of playing anytime online.
- Publisher: AGCrump Software
- Last updated: August 16th, 2018

Rummy From Special K
RUMMY contains all the classic Rummy games. You can choose the standard games of RUMMY, GIN RUMMY, 500 RUMMY, PINOCHLE RUMMY, KALUKI, OKLAHOMA GIN, MICHIGAN RUMMY, BOAT HOUSE RUMMY, ROUND THE CORNER, HIGH - LOW, ONE MELD, WILD CARD, INDIAN RUMMY, or you can customize the rules to play the way that you want. You can even make up your own game.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 16th, 2014

Classic Rummy
Classic Rummy is one of the most popular online rummy sites that have the reputation of providing good rummy games and great prizes. So if you are a player looking for a good online rummy session, you can place your bets on Classic Rummy. Players can play free games as well as real-cash games, the choice is theirs’.
- Publisher: Classic Rummy
- Last updated: May 29th, 2014
Challenge rummy instructions in Description

RUMMY Card Game From Special K
Play Gin Rummy, 500 Rummy, Oklahoma Rummy, Michigan Rummy, Boat House Rummy, Pinochle Rummy, Kaluki, Round the Corner Rummy, One Meld Rummy, Wild Card Rummy, Indian Rummy.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

Rummy Card Games from Special K
Play INDIAN RUMMY, Gin Rummy, 500 Rummy, Oklahoma Rummy, Michigan Rummy, Boat House Rummy, Pinochle Rummy, Kaluki, Round the Corner Rummy, One Meld Rummy, Wild Card Rummy.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2017

Rummy is the name given to a unique group of skill-based card games. Rummy is a family of card games which are known and respected around the world and which offer hours of fun and amusement for those who know how to play. Online Rummy games are suitable for the whole family and can be played by retirees and teenagers alike.
- Publisher: RM Royal Media Ltd
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011

Rummy Royal
Royal Rummy is an online casino that includes many card games that can be played for real money or for fun. The application includes four categories of games, namely Rummy, Gin, Kalooki 51, and Turk Rummy. It includes demos for all games, so you can easily learn the rules.
- Publisher: RM Royal Media Ltd
- Last updated: July 15th, 2010

Gin Rummy by Meggiesoft Games
Gin Rummy is another card game from MeggieSoft Games. This one offers an electronic version of the classic card game also known as “Gin”, one of the most popular card games of the “Rummy” family. This version of the Gin Rummy game supports both the Oklahoma Gin and the Hollywood scoring methods.
- Publisher: Meggiesoft Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 21st, 2016
Additional Challenge rummy instructions selection

Super GameHouse Solitaire
If you like cards and have time to play a good card game you must download Super GameHouse Solitaire Vol. 3. Once you download it you can choose from a great variety of solitaire games, from the challenging Scorpion to a relaxing game such as classic solitaire.
- Publisher: GameHouse, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 25th, 2008

Monster Truck Challenge
This program lets you drive a monster truck in a speed contest in which you need to knock down different obstacles such as barrels, walls, logs, and to jump across ramps, all of this in different climates and locations. In general, the game is fun and easy to play since there aren't many rules; you simply need to cover the assigned route in the less time possible.
- Publisher: MyPlayCity
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 21st, 2008

BMW M3 Challenge
The BMW M3 Challenge is a game to promote the BMW M3 Coupe. BMW teamed up with 10Tacle Studios to release a modified version of the GTR framework for this. The game includes the M3 car and the Nurburgring race track. You can race in single player or multi-player mode. It is a good solid package that you can get for free.
- Publisher: 10TACLE STUDIOS AG
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

BigFoot 4x4 Challenge
BigFoot 4x4 Challenge is a free truck racing game. As it is clear from the game's name you will drive a bigfoot truck across fields, mountains, water, etc. and your goal is to be the first. You will be able to choose the kind of race, either Sprint or Event. It is a really entertaining game with cool graphics, music and nice realistic sound effects.
- Publisher: MyPlayCity, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2010

Toy Defense 2
Toy Defense 2 is an exciting strategy game where your objective is to protect your base by deploying your army troops around the premises and eliminating waves of enemies. This tower defense game brings you many challenging levels, provides you with plenty of useful instructions, and automatically saves your progress.
- Publisher: Melesta Games
- Last updated: November 16th, 2013

Zombie Apocalypse
Zombie Apocalypse is a shooter game where your objective is to protect your shelter from zombie attacks. The app brings you 45 challenging levels, lets you choose between 4 types of weapons, and provides you with plenty of useful gameplay instructions.
- Publisher: GameTop
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2016

RocketBowl Plus
If you love bowling games you will enjoy this great challenge and new experience. Rocket bowl has a new challenge in a combination of different sports like bowling with golf. This great game will challenge you with different levels, each level increases the difficulty and every shot presents a nice strategy.
- Publisher: Large Animal
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2008

Zzed is a new type of puzzler-shooter games that require quick thinking, good reaction and excellent stress management skills. If space waste management carrier sounds good to you (I promise, it
- Publisher: NevoSoft
- Last updated: July 19th, 2010

The Path of Hercules
The Path of Hercules is an entertaining puzzle game that brings you plenty of challenging levels. The app provides you with various types of mini-games, such as Match-3 or hidden object, gives you access to detailed gameplay instructions, and automatically saves your progress.
- Publisher: Zagrava Games Studio
- Last updated: April 25th, 2013

GameHouse Solitaire Challenge
GameHouse Solitaire Challenge provides a fantastic combination of different types of solitaires. It includes ten different solitaire games with different rules and levels of difficulty, namely easy, medium, hard, and expert. Some of them are spider, pyramid, nestor, addiction, free cell, among others.
- Publisher: GameHouse, Inc.
- Last updated: September 4th, 2010