Change date time exif mov in Title/Summary

Titlbar Date-Time
Titlebar Date-Time displays the date and/or time on the right hand side of the titlebar of whatever program is active. Main features: - Full weekday, abbreviate weekday, hide weekday (Monday, Mon). - Full month, abbreviate month, hide month (January, Jan). - Two digit year, four digit year, hide year (2006, 06). - 12 hour time, 24 hour time (Military time), hide time.
- Publisher: Whispering Pines Software
- Last updated: July 10th, 2017

Advanced Date Time Calculator
A full-featured date time calculator that used to get result date time, calculate differences and count the days of week, weekdays, weekends between two dates/times, get the conversion between various time elements/zones, calculate UNIX date.
- Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2021

Date/Time Calculator
Date/Time Calculator is made for easy life.Easily add/subtract date time value. Parse date/time from string, convert date/time into string. Calculate the duration between 2 dates. You can calculate UTC/GMT Time, Unix Timestamp, Day of the year, Week of the year, Local time zone
- Publisher: Huang Kai
- Home page:
Change date time exif mov in Description

AttributeMagic Standard
AttributeMagic Standard utility for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 simplifies the process of renaming files and changing file/folder attributes and dates: last modified date, creation date, last accessed date. Utility can process a whole directory tree (or certain branch).
- Publisher: Elwinsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012

TGMDev PhotoRenamer
PhotoRenamer can rename multiple photos in any format that you choose. It can extract the information from images such as name, resolution, date & time, Exif MetaData, and IPTC MetaData and use them in the file name. PhotoRenamer also gives a nice interface where you can preview the images in a folder, along with their metadata.
- Publisher: TGMDev
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 28th, 2018

Delimon.Software Win32 File Explorer
Delimon Win32 Explorer allows you to access files and folders that have too many characters for the Windows interface. You can view, delete, move, copy, read and write like a normal Windows explorer but this one supports files and folders names up to 32,767 characters.
- Publisher: Johan Delimon
- Last updated: December 14th, 2017

2Tware Change File Date Free
With 2Tware Change File Date you can change date and time for files and JPG images as well. Change files creation date / time, last modified date / time and last accessed date / time (timestamp).Some features:- File name Unicode support. - Expands "property" tabs to display additional file properties. - Change file date and time (timestamp).
- Publisher: 2Tware Tech Development Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: July 16th, 2012

Easy Photo Sorter
Easy Photo Sorter is capable of renaming and organizing your entire photo collection in a simple and efficient way. Its wizard-like interface will guide you through its simple and straightforward sorting process in just three steps. The program’s high level of flexibility and customization is surely its main asset.
- Publisher: Dimitry G.
- Last updated: February 1st, 2012
Additional Change date time exif mov selection

Date Time Counter
A 100% FREE countdown timer/time tracker for counting years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds of your important events based on current time. Such as birth, marriage and anniversary.
- Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

Attribute Changer
Though there are certain system attributes of your files and folders that you can change just by using the Properties dialog, most of them are usually off limits. Attribute Changer can unlock your files and folders properties and make them editable for you—from the more standard system properties (such as read-only, hidden, etc.) to traditionally untouchable ones like the date and time stamps.
- Publisher: Romain Petges
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

EXIF Date Changer
Many digital photographs carry a set of metadata with information about when and where they were taken, with what camera, on what light conditions, etc. They are usually stored following the EXIF standard, and they can be easily modified using EXIF Date Changer. This simple utility can update selected EXIF information in bulk, be it an entire folder or a user-defined batch of pictures.
- Publisher: Rellik Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Kundli for Windows
Kundli for Windows is an astrology software with support for Indian Charting.Main Features:-Windows Compatibility -Good Presentation -Most Accurate Calculations -Screen Preview -Storage of horsocopes and modules for future references -South/North Indian Charting -Aynamsa N.C. Lahiri/ K.P. / B.V. Raman -Latitude and Logitude databases, Time Zones database -Company Name, Address Phone No. and Background Option
- Publisher: horizonaarc
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2017

Time Tasks
Time Tasks allow users to perform mathematical operations on time and date. Time Tasks also has an alarm, a countdown and a stopwatch function with the option to shutdown or execution of any file at the specified time. Time Tasks can show the whole difference or fractional difference.
- Publisher: Rohit Nair
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 18th, 2010

Ant Renamer
Ant Renamer 2.1 is very good file utility to rename files or folders. Ant Renamer offers a good set of options to rename files and folders and you can preview the file before you rename it. Ant Renamer offers several options to rename your files or folders.
- Publisher: Ant Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 28th, 2016

Astro-Vision LifeSign Mini
Astro-Vision LifeSign Mini is a software solution that generates a complete horoscope analysis on your personal details based on the Vedic astrology system, thus providing individual life predictions. The report includes various predictions and is based on the Indian astrology.
- Publisher: Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2020

ISM Office
ISM Office is the perfect multilingual office automation solution for Indian language word processing and data processing, on-line communication. Main Features: -Macros for Open Office, Libreoffice and MS-Word like find-replace, keyboard shortcut, converter, spellchecker, synonym dictionary, official language dictionary, mail merge now also available in UNICODE
- Publisher: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
- Last updated: August 9th, 2023

Autodesk Featured Apps 2016-2017
Autodesk Featured Apps 2016-2017 is a plug-in that adds a tab to the ribbon that displays recommended apps. The program displays an RSS feed of featured or suggested apps. The apps displayed in the ribbon will change from time to time as recommended apps in the store are updated. This plug-in is designed for the 2016-2017 versions of Autodesk products.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023

GeoSetter can be used to view and edit geo data and other information (IPTC/XMP/Exif) of image files. It supports JPEG and TIFF as well as camera RAW formats including DNG (Adobe), CRW, CR2, and THM (Canon), NEF and NRW (Nikon), and MRW (Konica Minolta).
- Publisher: Friedemann Schmidt
- Last updated: June 9th, 2018