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Chess puzzles program in Title/Summary

800 Chess Puzzles

800 Chess Puzzles

Chess puzzle software for beginners and intermediate chess players to learn and practice chess tactics. The chess puzzles of the program were selected from many training positions, chess compositions and real chess games. The puzzle winning motifs are explained in the puzzle solutions.

  • Publisher: Bohdan Vovk
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2016
Chess Assistant Light

Chess Assistant Light

Chess Assistant Light for Windows 2000/NT/XP is a unique chess program for managing chess games and databases, playing chess on the Internet, viewing electronic texts, studying openings, analyzing games, or playing chess against the computer. CA Light possibilities.

  • Publisher: Convecta Ltd.
  • Last updated: July 10th, 2012
Chess Administrator

Chess Administrator

Program's application. The program is designed for chess tournament organizers and chess arbiters. The program is intended for chess organizers and chess arbiters, it encompasses most of the technical aspects of actual tournament management. The program may be used for various kinds of chess tournaments: Round Robin, Swiss (several versions), Knock-out, Scheveningen as well as mixed ones.

Chess puzzles program in Description



ChessPartner is a chess-related program that will allow you to play versus a strong computer opponent or against other players from all over the Internet. What’s even better is that this application provides a tutor mode that will help you improve your knowledge about how to play the game.

  • Publisher: Lokasoft
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2010


Reptor was the first Triple Happy chess program. Reptor is a chess training program. It is intended to help you memorize chess knowledge, typically opening lines but also technical endgame material. Basically Reptor works by challenging the user to play down one side of a line from a database. There are other programs available that work on the same principle.

Carl's Classics

Carl's Classics

Carl's classics is a game platform with 14 different games. It features games like Chess, Backgammon, Checkers, puzzles, mosaics and more. 2 or more people can play versus each other on the same computer, and some games can be played over the network as well.

  • Publisher: GameOn
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2008


KGB'secrets is a program that will let you train your memory using KGB techniques. This program will begin testing your memory by placing two chess pieces in a 4x4 board, and will tell you to remember their position. When you think you are done, you must press the OK button, and then drag the pieces on the proper place.

  • Publisher: BBAD Inc.
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2008
Chess Tournaments

Chess Tournaments

This is a chess program to help you to organize any chess tournaments without using real chessboard and chess clock. If you want to know about chess rules, look at the main web site of World Chess Federation at www.fide.com

Additional Chess puzzles program selection

Shredder Classic

Shredder Classic

Professional chess program by the twelve times world computer chess champion Stefan Meyer-Kahlen with many features and extremely powerful play.

  • Publisher: Stefan Meyer-Kahlen
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018


ChessDB is an excellent chess board game that contains a huge database that allows the user to record every single movement and master the most importabt aspects of the game. It is offered in many languages and contain a good tutorial and many tips to improve the player`s skill.



ChessBin is a great chess engine that contains many of the features found in a commercial chess playing program such as Save Games, Opening Book, FEN and PGN, with a more attractive price of free. ChessBin allows you to play as white or black, it will flip the board when playing black.

  • Publisher: ChessBin
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2011
MinkiChess Lite

MinkiChess Lite

Minkichess is a program for learning chess. It introduces chess games and lessons at regular intervals. Lessons are presented in stages as the player levels up. Minkichess features multiple AI opponents from 100 Elo - 2050 Elo ratings. Lite Edition is perfect for those looking to play chess for fun or master the basics techniques in chess.

  • Publisher: MinkiChess
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2017
Reptor (small board)

Reptor (small board)

Reptor is a complete, stable and capable program that many people may find useful. Reptor was the first Triple Happy chess program. Reptor is a chess training program. It is intended to help you memorize chess knowledge, typically opening lines but also technical endgame material. Basically Reptor works by challenging the user to play down one side of a line from a database.

ChessGenius Classic

ChessGenius Classic

Features: - Incredibly strong play Excellent play even on the 'instant' level - Unlimited playing levels Ten easy levels. ChessGenius makes deliberate mistakes Unlimited time based levels. Instant, 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 5 sec, ... 3 mins ... Unlimited Blitz levels. Whole game in 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min, .... 2 hrs .... The Chess Clocks count down in these levels.

Chess Pro 3D

Chess Pro 3D

Chess Pro 3D is a board game designed for people who like to spend their spare time playing chess matches. It also helps you improve your chess skills or try new strategies. You can choose between two game modes: Single Player or Player VS Player. The Single Player mode features 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, and Hard.

  • Publisher: GameTop
  • Home page: www.gametop.com
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016
Lucas chess

Lucas chess

Lucas chess is a Chess game with 40 chess engines of varying levels, from 0 to 3300 elo. In Lucas Chess there are several competitions, and in two of them you can publish the results. The first is a one-to-one competition against all the engines, starting with the weakest.

Infant Puzzles

Infant Puzzles

Infant Puzzles is a collection of jigsaw games that can be enjoyed by all family members. The name of the game can be a bit misleading as it is actually suitable for all ages, and adults will particularly enjoy its relaxing gameplay. The game is free, supported by advertising, so it will display an ad while the game is loading.

  • Publisher: MyPlayCity
  • Last updated: August 7th, 2009
Xmas Puzzles

Xmas Puzzles

This program consist in dozens of Christmas-themed jigsaw puzzles. You can choose the one that best matches your ability level, from 28-piece to 126-piece puzzles; also, it is possible to increase even more the difficulty level by increasing the number of pieces, up to 1040, among other options.

  • Publisher: Fly-Games
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2010