Children learn from quiz show in Title/Summary

MindPoint Quiz Show
Transform students into contestants by presenting ExamView® content in a game show format and watch classroom participation thrive. Instructors can assess students while the Quiz Show host directs the game. View results by state standard, topic, or learning objective. Challenge the computer or compete against classmates.
- Publisher: eInstruction® Corporation
- Last updated: October 7th, 2009

World Flags Quiz
World Flags Quiz is a unique flag quiz which takes the flags of the world to the level. In this flag quiz all country flags are available as well as the most region flags of the world. From the most famous flags like United States or China fl
- Publisher: Falco Software Company
- Last updated: June 30th, 2023

Figuring Out Slot Machines Quiz Guide
Figuring Out Slot Machines Quiz Guide software will help you learn various tips and tricks for winning in the game Figuring Out Slot Machines Quiz. The main sections of this guide are: introduction, tips and tactics and recommended resources. Figuring Out Slot Machines Quiz Guide has a user-friendly interface that will help you navigate faster through the program.
- Publisher: Slot Machine Web
Children learn from quiz show in Description

TriviaNet Challenge
Test your wits against the TriviaNet computer, the toughest and meanest quizmaster in town. All the fun of your favourite TV quiz show, with over 6,000 questions in nine categories including TV, Music, Movies, Sport, Science and more.
- Publisher: Glimmer Games
- Last updated: July 6th, 2010

Animals For Kids
Animals For Kids is a simple utility which helps children learn to identify animals. Kids have the possibility to make the distinction among 60 different domestic and wild animals. A click on the selected label brings in front an image of the animal which hides behind.
- Publisher: PapaTsoftware
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Arthur's Math Games
Learning Maths was never so easy if it were not with Arthur`s Math Games . Providing 6 fun filled activities with 5 different difficulty levels,kids between age 4-7 yrs would really relish learning the so called difficult subject MATHS.Arthur`s Maths games would really shape the calculative abilities of children.
- Publisher: The Learning Company
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Drawing for Children
Drawing for Children is a drawing application specially designed for children, even for those who still can't read. Colorful icons show children the graphical actions they are representing. The application includes normal drawing commands as lines, circles, etc. and many different ways of drawing, so children learn how to use it by playing around with all the pictures and buttons.
- Publisher: Fabricant par défaut
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Inside Day
Inside Day is a educational software that will help your children learn a funny poem. Inside day will also learn your children about meteorological phenomenas and it will give them ideas of spending a day inside home, in a funny and productive way. Inside day give meaning to words and concepts. The children can use the software on their own, by simply pressing the spacebar.
- Publisher: HiYah
- Last updated: September 19th, 2011
Additional Children learn from quiz show selection

PySyCache is a great teaching program that allows kids to learn how to click and move the mouse and drag'n'drop objects using it. It includes five games with different activities: revealing a hidden picture, moving the camera to observe images, leading animals to their respective shelters, catching items, and drag-and-dropping pieces completing a Jigsaw puzzle.
- Publisher: Vincent DEROO
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 13th, 2008

HighC is a graphical music creation tool. It is a synthesizer, a sequencer and a mixer. Its goal is to make music composition as simple and direct as sketching. An entertaining and educational tool-No music experience needed: create stunning soundscapes and crazy ringtones in a matter of minutes. Learn acoustics, music theory and audio synthesis with a gentle, graphic approach.
- Publisher: Thomas Baudel
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 14th, 2014

PlayConquer is a bug-free Conquer Online private server to implement all features, quests and events from official servers. Enjoy a fair and fun MMORPG experience with cool CP/EXP drop system and new events. All classes, items, and spells are fully implemented, tested and work exactly the same as official Conquer.
- Publisher: EzGame
- Last updated: February 29th, 2016

QuizMaster Manager
The purpose is to help a Quiz Master to handle lots of questions (in a database) and to make it as easy as possible to make selections from those questions to form a good Quiz show
- Publisher: RDC Tools International
- Last updated: March 15th, 2009

Crayola Creative Studio
Crayola® Creative Studio is a multi-purpose program combining the features of four Crayola art software titles in one program - allowing you to draw, paint, animate, photo-edit, and apply special effects. Features: -Twelve realistic art tools simulating real art media -Hundreds of pre-set colors or mix unique colors on digital palettes
- Publisher: Core Learning
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Game Show Presenter
Help people pay attention! Increase attention and participation with a fun quiz show presentation that you customize to your topic Just write your quiz or review questions and choose options. Show has music, effects, funny host and scorekeeping.
- Publisher: Bodine Training Games LLC

Crayola Animation Studio
Crayola® Animation Studio brings artwork to life! It combines sequences of images to generate moving images, using a film frame metaphor. See the previous frame as a shadow when you are drawing the current frame. Create exciting moving images in minutes. - Twelve realistic art tools simulating real art media - Hundreds of pre-set colors or mix unique colors on digital palettes
- Publisher: Core Learning
- Last updated: June 16th, 2011

Flash! was designed to help grade school children learn their basice math facts - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It is fully configurable, scores your child, provides immediate feedback and actually increases or decreases the difficulty of the problems automatically as your child practices.
- Publisher: Cosentient Technologies

Nouns A
Nouns A is a simple and useful application, which will help your children learn the main words that start with letter A. This educational software is made for children of 18 months to 4 years of age (or higher for children struggling with language delays due to autism or other causes).
- Publisher: HiYah
- Last updated: January 13th, 2010

Nouns I
Nouns I is an easy-to-use application, designed to help children learn the well known words that start with letter I. This educational program is made for children between18 months and 4 years of age (or higher for children struggling with language delays due to autism or other causes).
- Publisher: HiYah
- Last updated: October 7th, 2011