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Chinese grammar checker in Title/Summary

OnLine Grammar Checker

OnLine Grammar Checker

OnLine Grammar Checker is a special program for grammar checking, as it helps users to know not only their grammatical faults, but also how strong or how good their sentences are. OnLine Grammar Checker relies on yahoo and google search engines to tell a user how many times his sentence was repeated on the Internet.

  • Publisher: Vombato
  • Last updated: April 13th, 2008
Grammar Checker Plugin

Grammar Checker Plugin

This application is a spelling and grammar checker plugin for Windows Live Writer.This plugin for Windows Live Writer uses the "After the Deadline" web service and my C# wrapper library to integrate grammar checking in Windows Live Writer.It uses the "After the Deadline" web service to provide advanced grammar checking abilities.

  • Publisher: Arik Poznanski
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2011
Grammar and Spelling checker by Ginger

Grammar and Spelling checker by Ginger

Ginger Page for Chrome is the ultimate tool for writing, offering everything you need to write great English in your favorite websites.

  • Publisher: Ginger Software, Inc
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Chinese grammar checker in Description

Grammar Expert Plus

Grammar Expert Plus

It is another helping hand from Wintertree Software for the world community of computer users. Grammar Expert Plus is a very useful tool for English learner as well as professionals to ensure that the written communication is done with utmost care and professionalism. There are number of highly useful features available like Grammar checker, Spelling Checker, Word count per sentence,

Grammar Slammer Deluxe Checkers

Grammar Slammer Deluxe Checkers

Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Spelling and Grammar Checkers (or Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers) is a multiplatform program for native and non-native English speakers who need a serious application that can correct their grammar and spelling mistakes when writing in English.

  • Publisher: English Plus
  • Home page: englishplus.com
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008


SuperChinese is a very powerful and comprehensive Mandarin Chinese learning application, including Chinese lessons for Chinese pronunciation, simple speaking Chinese, Chinese grammar and the basic knowledge of Chinese writing system and Chinese input method etc.

  • Publisher: Betterdo, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 24th, 2009


TeXstudio is an integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents. The program comes with built-in support for various LaTeX compilers, index, bibliography and glossary tools and Latexmk, automatic detection of the need for multiple LaTeX runs and an integrated PDF viewer with word-level syncing.

  • Publisher: Benito van der Zander
  • Home page: www.texstudio.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


With this program you can find doubled words, punctuation errors, capitalization mistakes, missed quotation marks, and other mechanical errors, all without you having to read anything. Spelling checkers, and even the built-in Microsoft Word Grammar Checker do not catch all of these mistakes

  • Publisher: Elite Minds, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 2nd, 2010

Additional Chinese grammar checker selection



Ginger is a proofreader that checks your spelling and grammar. Once installed on your computer, it connects to the Internet to provide its services, which are available from both desktop and online applications. This program is equally useful for native speakers and learners of English as a foreign language. Fortunately, the tool comes with a video tutorial.

WhiteSmoke US Toolbar

WhiteSmoke US Toolbar

WhiteSmoke US Toolbar is a great search engine tool that allows you to browse over Internet for images, videos, applications, etc. Also, with this great tool, you have access to a free online grammar checker, free online dictionary, thesaurus and translations!

Microsoft Office Proofing Tools

Microsoft Office Proofing Tools

Microsoft Office Proofing Tools is an add-in package that contains the proofing tools that Microsoft makes for over 30 languages. For example fonts, spelling and grammar checkers, AutoCorrect lists, AutoSummarize rules (Microsoft Word only), translation dictionaries, and, for Asian languages,

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2023
Grammar Slammer

Grammar Slammer

English grammar help + reference that answers the questions the grammar checker cannot. Get Answers not Questions and real grammar help for Windows. Handy + Easy. Use as tutor, too.

  • Publisher: English Plus+
  • Home page: englishplus.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Dewan Eja Pro

Dewan Eja Pro

Officially endorsed by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, it helps you write correct Malay language in MS Office in terms of both spelling and -- for the first time -- grammar. Furthermore, you can learn a new word instantly simply by hovering the mouse cursor over it in any Windows applications.

  • Publisher: The Name Technology Sdn. Bhd.
  • Home page: www.tntsb.com
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2016


All-Business-Documents is designed to help you write any business document and create a polished corporate image by using high-quality documents created by lawyers, consultants and specialized professionals. All-Business-Documents helps you be more efficient in your writing, and to ensure that what you write is relevant for the purpose.



WriteClick is a powerful application that encourages writers to think critically about their writing, then review, edit, and revise effectively — anywhere they write. WriteClick encourages the writing process, calls out potential errors for consideration, and offers suggestions for improvement.

After the Deadline

After the Deadline

After the Deadline uses artificial intelligence to check spelling, style, and grammar of text in your Google Chrome Window. You can use it to check your tweets, find mistakes in your email, and socialize with confidence. Just click the ABC icon in the lower-right corner of an editable area to proofread your writing.

  • Publisher: Automattic, Inc.
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2020


LanguageTool is an Open Source style and grammar checker for English, French, German, Polish, Dutch, Romanian, and other languages. LanguageTool as a software to detect errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, e.g. mixing up there/their, no/now etc. It can also detect some grammar mistakes. It does not include spell checking.

  • Publisher: Daniel Naber, Marcin Miłkowski
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2012
WhiteSmoke Grammar Check

WhiteSmoke Grammar Check

WhiteSmoke grammar checker software is a powerful tool for improving your writing and well worth a look. At the heart of WhiteSmoke's grammar checker is a sophisticated artificial intelligence database.

  • Publisher: WhiteSmoke Inc.
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2018