Chinese handwriting font in Title/Summary

Learn Chinese 2007
With this Chinese language program, you can work on reading, writing and memorizing your customized character selections. It also provides character grid-search, translation, pronunciation, handwriting exercises and a dictionary (English, Fr, De)
- Publisher: Lchinese
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

Learn Chinese 2003
With this Chinese language program, you can work on reading, writing and memorizing your customized character selections. It also provides character grid-search, translation, pronunciation and a dictionary.
- Publisher: Lchinese
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Chinese Simplified Fonts Support For Adobe Reader X EN
Adobe Reader X Font Packs enable you to display and interact with documents authored in languages other than those supported in your native Adobe Reader software. They are needed to correctly display a document when an author does not embed the appropriate font into the document.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: August 9th, 2012
Chinese handwriting font in Description

NJStar Chinese Pen
NJStar Chinese Pen is a Chinese handwriting recognition software that enables Chinese input using mouse or tablet. It can recognize and input both simplified Chinese characters and Traditional Chinese characters with excellent accuracy. With it's build-in voice function, the program will pronounce the character in mandarin as soon as the hardwriting recognition is done.
- Publisher: NJStar Software Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 23rd, 2011

Windows Journal Viewer
Windows Journal Viewer 1.5 is a useful and easy to use application that enables users to view files that were created in Microsoft Windows Journal on a Tablet PC. With this program users can view, copy, and print notes and templates, but they cannot change or save them with Windows Journal Viewer.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Font Manager Pro
Font Manager Pro is a program that lists and shows all the fonts installed on your computer and enables you to activate and deactivate any fonts in order to increase the system performance. The program allows you to group your favorite fonts in font sets.
- Publisher: Cheapshareware
- Last updated: May 31st, 2008

Font Factory
Font Factory is a powerful program to create and edit your own fonts. The program is compatible with English, Spanish, Portuguese languages. Characters are added by typing them using the keyboard. The program can save a font's project so you can edit it later.
- Publisher: VirtuallTek Systems
- Last updated: February 8th, 2013

ScanFont Turn graphics into fonts. Version 5.0 for Mac and Windows. Put a signature, logo or symbol into a font Turn someone's handwriting into a font Convert old print lettering or letterhead into modern electronic format Create symbol fonts Six simple steps: Step 1. Open any bitmap image or a vector illustration — EPS, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF, directly from a scanner, on Mac OS X also PDF Step 2. Improve and adjust the image using transformations, filters and effects — remove background, adjust brightness/contrast and hue/saturation, rotate, sharpen, remove noise, blur Step 3. Automatically separate the image into single character shapes — using several presets and customizable precision Step 4. Adjust character baselines and remove any unwanted shapes Step 5. Export the character shapes into an outline font editor — using a fine-tuneable autotracer, optimized for font creation Step 6. Finalize and generate a Type 1, TrueType or OpenType font — using TypeTool, FontLab Studio or AsiaFont Studio. It includes many powerful automation tools which speed the process so that complete fonts can be prepared from a collection of bitmap images in only minutes. Scanfont includes a complete set of bitmap editing tools for tidying up images before they are converted and a very flexible set of options for the conversion making it possible to accommodate almost any image.
- Publisher: FontLab Design Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2010
Additional Chinese handwriting font selection

nciku Toolbar with Tooltip Dictionary
With this software you can listen and learn: Hear how to pronounce all of the dictionary entries and even whole phrases with the text to speech system. You can use three different search modes: default, to search all of nciku; pinyin, to search for words you only know how to say; and example, to find out how to use new words.
- Publisher: NHN Corporation.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 7th, 2008

NJStar Chinese WP
A Windows version word processor software, which is designed for both Chinese and English languages. It is also an ideal tool for Chinese learning and teaching with powerful dictionary functions. Main Features: - Type, edit, format, convert and print Chinese documents; - Supports both Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters;
- Publisher: NJStar Software Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Font Fitting Room Deluxe
Font Fitting Room Deluxe is a font manager tool that helps you to activate/deactivte and preview sets of fonts with maximum efficiency. Also supports preview for both installed and yet to be installed fonts , with full character map and multilingual font properties.
- Publisher: ApoliSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Adobe Reader
With Acrobat Reader DC, you can do even more than open and view PDF files. It’s easy to add annotations to documents using a complete set of commenting tools. Acrobat Reader DC is connected to Adobe Document Cloud, so you can work with your PDFs anywhere.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: September 19th, 2024

LCD Font Maker
LCD Font Maker 3 can make pixel font data for LCD. (Examples: C/ASM Format)Source font comes from all windows truetype font and BMP picture. Character Set support unicode. For example, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese,Korean, Japanese, French, German, Arabic
- Publisher: C51BBS
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008

Chinese Writing Master
A very useful tool for learning how to write Chinese characteres. Now you can master this art and communication form by watching animations of all and every stroke. Also, you can customize the window size, the speed of the animation, the color of the font, and so on. If you are a student learning the Chinese language, this tool is for you.
- Publisher: Changjei Computer Co.
- Last updated: June 6th, 2008

Microsoft Office IME 2010 (Traditional Chinese)
Once you have installed the Global IME and started the Office XP program you want to type in, you can use the Language bar (appears by default in in the upper-right corner of the screen in any Office program) to switch between input languages and then select IME options. If you do not see the Language bar in your program, you may not have the Office XP Speech or Handwriting feature installed.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: December 10th, 2013

Extended Asian Language font pack for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Adobe Reader XI Font Pack enables you to display and interact with documents authored in languages other than those supported in your native Adobe Reader. It is needed to correctly display a document when an author does not embed the appropriate font into the document.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: April 17th, 2015

Font Fitting Room Standard
Font Fitting Room is a preview and management tool for both installed and yet to be installed fonts, with full character map and multilingual name property support. It handles the most popular font types used on PC today, helps you to add them to and remove from system easier. These font types include True Type font(*.ttf, *.ttc), Open Type font(*.ttf, *.ttc,*.otf),PostScript Type 1 font(*.pfm,*.pfb), and Microsoft Windows font(*.fnt, *.fon). Character map displays all the supported characters of a font, with a magnified window appeared for any selected char. You needn't install the font to see this feature. In this way you can get a full impression of the font before actually install it into system. Property shows name table strings for Open Type font, catagoried by locale. You can find how font typeface name presented in different locales, and many other useful information. Font Fitting Room is Unicode based which allows you to type sample sentence simultaneously containing any different locale characters. For example, you can preview Chinese and Korean characters in the same sample string. LCD ClearType tuning function is an add-on feature to make ClearType font smoothing more convenient.
- Publisher: ApoliSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Zebra Font Downloader
Convert TrueType fonts into soft fonts compatible with your printer. This program works only on EPL printers only. Zebra TrueType provide powerful added value to your Zebra bar code printers. Take advantage of enhanced printing, conversion, and administration capabilities; message management; and much more.
- Publisher: Zebra
- Last updated: April 11th, 2012