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Chip online labchart reader in Title/Summary

LabChart Reader

LabChart Reader

LabChart Reader is a free application that allows you, your colleagues and students to share, view and conduct limited analyses of LabChart data.Main features: - LabChart calculations. - Cyclic measurement functions. - Scope view. - XY plot. - Spectrum. - Spirometry extension. - Cardiac Axis extension.



LabChart software combines the familiar simplicity of a traditional strip chart recorder and oscilloscope with the powerful analysis features of a digital acquisition system. In conjunction with a PowerLab data acquisition unit, LabChart software (for Windows and Macintosh) provides the data integrity, display and analysis features needed for today's science.

Dolphin Chip Designer

Dolphin Chip Designer

Designing a secure chip bank requires input from many people within the casino. Treasury and cage, operations, surveillance and security, information technology and marketing all contribute to ensure the final chip design and features included meets the casino requirements.

  • Publisher: Dolphin Products Pty Ltd
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2012

Chip online labchart reader in Description

GoToTags Windows Desktop App

GoToTags Windows Desktop App

This program allows you to read, create, and use NFC tags using a Windows PC and a compatible NFC reader. The GoToTags Windows App reads the UID, NFC chip type, memory details, etc. from the NFC chip while the NFC tag is on the NFC reader. When the NFC tag is removed from the NFC reader, the NFC chip information is removed. You can also create and edit NDEF records easily.

  • Publisher: gototags
  • Last updated: July 22nd, 2015
EMV Card Browser

EMV Card Browser

EMV Card Browser is a utility that allows you to query and view the contents of the chip on your Chip & PIN or EMV smart card. It allows you to communicate with your smart card reader correctly in both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows. It is written in .Net which meant lots of P/Invoke calls to the Microsoft Smartcard API’s to access the PC/SC reader hardware.

  • Publisher: Nic Bedford
  • Home page: nicbedford.co.uk
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2012
ADInstruments Event Manager

ADInstruments Event Manager

ADInstruments Event Manager is an add-on for LabChart that monitors incoming signals, detects user-defined events, and performs associated user-defined actions. It monitors LabChart data, such as raw incoming signals, online channel calculations or computed functions.

ADInstruments Wii Balance Board

ADInstruments Wii Balance Board

The Wii Balance Board Device Enabler Add-On for LabChart facilitates communication between a Wii Balance Board and LabChart over a wireless Bluetooth connection. When installed, LabChart will automatically recognize the Wii Balance Board on startup. This extension is ideal for studies of static posturography.

ADInstruments Video Capture

ADInstruments Video Capture

ADInstruments Video Capture is a module designed for the LabChart and PowerLab apps. It adds audio and video capability to LabChart, it allows you to sync and analyze a Windows Media Video or QuickTime movie and LabChart data file. It includes studies that require video observation with data acquisition.

Additional Chip online labchart reader selection

DomDomSoft Manga Downloader

DomDomSoft Manga Downloader

This program is a tool for downloading Japanese comics called Manga. It has a very simple layout, and everything is made to be used with little effort. It is compatible with a lot of manga sites and it also has a good search function if you're looking for something specific.

  • Publisher: DomDomSoft
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017
Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader

With Acrobat Reader DC, you can do even more than open and view PDF files. It’s easy to add annotations to documents using a complete set of commenting tools. Acrobat Reader DC is connected to Adobe Document Cloud, so you can work with your PDFs anywhere.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: September 19th, 2024
Times Reader

Times Reader

Times Reader is a program that allows you to read the famous New York Times daily newspaper - not only the current day's issue, but also those up to six days older. If you do not have time to read, you can watch news in videos or pictures. You can also print and email your favorite articles.

ICE Book Reader Professional

ICE Book Reader Professional

To the many hardware-based e-book readers available, we have to add now a plethora of software reading tools that have followed an increasing demand from e-book lovers – the option to transform our laptops, smart phones, and tablets into e-book readers. ICE Book Reader Professional covers that demand while offering also something completely different – teleprompting and TTS capabilities.

Adobe Reader Lite

Adobe Reader Lite

Adobe Reader Lite, to make your day-to-day PDF tasks easier. This application can be used for making it easier to work along with Adobe PDF documents. The application can be used to open, view, print, manage and use PDFs which are created with Adobe Acrobat.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2015
Times of India News Reader

Times of India News Reader

Innovative desktop application powered by .NET (Windows Presentation Foundation), intended to transform the way news content is consumed on the desktop for the convenience of reading. Read the news when you are not online. With the Times of India Reader take the news with you. Download the news once in the morning and your are all set. Simply read the stories you want when you want.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free PDF reader that lets you open and print PDF documents. Using an online Adobe account, you can easily store, view, and share PDF files with others. Acrobat Reader also facilitates form-filling, adding signatures, highlighting, and addition of comments or text-boxes to documents.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Home page: get.adobe.com
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2025
Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader lets you view, annotate, form fill, and sign PDF across desktop, mobile, and web – no matter if you’re at the office, home, or on the go. Experience the power of PDF through a full functioned PDF Reader. Reading and printing PDF couldn’t be easier. Leverage existing forms and workflows with standard PDF (Acroforms) and XFA (XML Form Architecture) form filling.

Realtek USB Card Reader

Realtek USB Card Reader

Realtek USB Card Reader 6.3.9600.30176

  • Publisher: REALTEK Semiconductor Corp.
  • Home page: www.realtek.com
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2024
Ultra Hal Text-to-Speech Reader

Ultra Hal Text-to-Speech Reader

This program will read your documents out loud. You can listen to Internet pages, E-mail and standart Windows dialogs too. This program works with AOL, AIM, ICQ and MSN Messenger clients. You can choose the parts of the text to listen to. You have an oppurtunity to make all your programes speak.

  • Publisher: Zabaware, Inc.
  • Home page: www.zabaware.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020