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Classic form demo swf asp in Title/Summary

JOGL Gears Demo

JOGL Gears Demo

JOGL Gears Demo is a Classic OpenGL demo that demonstrates exhibit advanced functionality such as vertex and fragment programs, shadow maps and hardware-accelerated offscreen rendering via pbuffers. This demo requires Java Web Start and runs under Windows operating systems.

  • Publisher: JogAmp
  • Home page: jogamp.org
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2014
SWF Demo Maker

SWF Demo Maker

SWF Demo Maker is a tool for developing interactive,highly compressed SWF animations.SWF Demo Maker has a built in optimization engine that calculates each frame individually comparing it with the other layers on the movie.

  • Publisher: XYZSoftware Corporation
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2008
wPDFControl/wRTF2PDF TextDynamic Server DEMO

wPDFControl/wRTF2PDF TextDynamic Server DEMO

The component wPDFControl was created to make it easy for programmers to add PDF support to their application.wRTF2PDF / TextDynamic Server Version 3 is based on an entirely new rtf engine. It supports much more formatting features, including sections, text boxes and footnotes.

  • Publisher: WPCubed GmbH
  • Home page: www.wpcubed.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Classic form demo swf asp in Description



Climogram is a classic form of representation of the climate, what allows in a simple way, the comparison of the climatic variation between two or more areas. The climogram is useful to evaluate the introduction, development, adaptation, and spread possibilities for living species in the areas under study.

  • Publisher: Ricardo Sgrillo
  • Home page: www.sgrillo.net
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Church Windows

Church Windows

Church Windows software provides an easy way to track the church congregation, its happenings and its giving. Available in its classic form or under one of nine denominational versions, Church Windows efficiently handles the church receipts and disbursements, its budget and its employee payroll.

  • Publisher: Computer Helper Publishing
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2011
ASPDataForm Wizard

ASPDataForm Wizard

It conserves resources by using disconnected ADO recordsets which are closed as soon as the data is retrieved. There are no additional Design Time Controls or COM components used. The generated structured ASP code can be edited with a normal text editor as well as any of the other popular ASP development tools such as Interdev, Drumbeat, Dreamweaver or UltraDev.

  • Publisher: W.R. & H.Hardy Pty Ltd
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2008
SWF Maestro SCR

SWF Maestro SCR

Create a colorful screen saver with great visual effects from any SWF project. Make a statement about your company or promote your services with a custom screen saver. Protect your work and distribute your SWF animation to as many viewers as possible

  • Publisher: SWFMaestro.com
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2007


gmStudio enables an agile Tool-Assisted Rewrite Methodology that accelerates the migration process and saves time without sacrificing quality or control. As a migration development platform, gmStudio helps you verify, improve, and customize your translations so that they fit the unique requirements of your source code and .NET development standards.

Additional Classic form demo swf asp selection



RAD PDF is an HTML based PDF viewer, editor, and form filler for ASP.NET. Compatible with 99% of internet browsers on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, & Linux, RAD PDF allows you to deploy your solution universally without imposing additional requirements.

  • Publisher: Red Software
  • Home page: www.radpdf.com
  • Last updated: October 4th, 2014
Barcode ASP.NET Web Control

Barcode ASP.NET Web Control

Barcode ASP.NET Web Control is a component intended to be used particularly in ASP.NET web applications. You can use it to add barcodes to your ASP.NET application as easily as other Web Form components. Barcode ASP.NET Web Control can be easily integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio. Besides, you can use the control the same as old ASP components using the IMG tag to get a barcode image.

  • Publisher: RKD Software
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2008
DataMatrix ASP.NET Web Control

DataMatrix ASP.NET Web Control

DataMatrix ASP.NET Web Control is a component intended to be used particularly in ASP.NET web applications.You can use it to add barcodes to your ASP.NET application as easily as other Web Form components.DataMatrix ASP.NET Web Control can be easily integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio. Besides, you can use the control the same as old ASP components using the IMG tag to get a barcode image.

BusinessSkinForm Demo

BusinessSkinForm Demo

BusinessSkinForm Demo library helps you to create applications with skins support for forms, menus, hints, many standard and DB controls. Also this library includes Office2010 skins, Ribbon UI control and Ribbon UI Application Menu. With this program you can create skins using the special editor.

  • Publisher: Almediadev
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2009
Auto Email

Auto Email

With ASP.NET Auto Email, you can create very sophisticated email forms in minutes and create as many as you like. If you are a web designer or developer, you can charge your clients more money because you can create forms that do more for them (and because it takes you so little time, you make more profit.)

  • Publisher: 360 IMPACT
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2008
DynaPDF Demo Version

DynaPDF Demo Version

Whether you want to edit, split, merge, or personalize PDF files, create Interactive Forms or convert EMF files - with DynaPDF every task is simple. DynaPDF offers also reliable functions to extract contents from PDF files, such as text, images, or vector graphics.

  • Publisher: Jens Boschulte - DynaForms GmbH.
SWF & FLV Player

SWF & FLV Player

Eltima's SWF & FLV Player 3.0 another way to show that Eltima cares about the development community and end users to have more technical know how of a SWF or FLV files. With freedom to play either local files or a web browser links Eltima's SWF & FLV Player 3.0 makes it easier for users to get technical details.

  • Publisher: Eltima Software
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
The Witcher

The Witcher

The Witcher is a roleplay game in the third person for the PC developed by CD Projekt RED STUDIO and published by Atari. Inspired by the writings of Andrzej Sapkow, the Polish writer, The Witcher is a title in which a warrior will face some monstrous beings known as the "werewolves".

  • Publisher: CD Projekt RED STUDIO
  • Home page: www.thewitcher.com
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2017
Demo Builder

Demo Builder

Demo Builder is great in that it is both professional as an editor and simple as a program for people who want to help their business by creating a demonstration. It s a nice-looking program with a professional interface that is simple at the same time. It provides access to various tools and features you can utilize in order to create a demonstration presentation, a tutorial, etc.

Aneesoft Flash Gallery Classic

Aneesoft Flash Gallery Classic

Aneesoft Flash Gallery Classic is a piece of software designed for creating 2D photo Flash galleries that can then be posted on Blogger, Facebook, MySpace, or your personal website. The utility is easy-to-use, because it has an intuitive user-interface, and the resulting photo albums will indeed look aesthetically pleasing.

  • Publisher: Aneesoft Corporation
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2011