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Clear windows graphic cache in Title/Summary

Clear Windows, Office and Internet History Software

Clear Windows, Office and Internet History Software

Clear Recycle Bin, Document History, Run History, Search History, MS Outlook History, Windows Media Player History, MS Office History, internet history and more.

Clear Cache Shortcut

Clear Cache Shortcut

This is a simple Google Chrome extension that allows you to clear your cache with the single click of a button. You can either click the icon, or if you prefer, type in the browser address bar, "cache" => [hit the tab key] => "c" => [hit the enter key] to clear your cache.

  • Publisher: Paul Yuan
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2015
PW Cache

PW Cache

PW Cache is a great password protected program that retrieves all the passwords that Windows stores for you. Shows what it's for, type, user name and password. Ability to save and print the list. Will not decrypt passwords that are encrypted by Windows.

Clear windows graphic cache in Description



This program does not require installation and will run from the desktop. It will work using all Windows versions including Vista with Aero. Some of its features are: Change the open last web settings, clear the hidden temporary files, clear the hidden cache files and more.

  • Publisher: S. C. Easton
  • Last updated: December 17th, 2011
EVE Launcher

EVE Launcher

EVE Launcher doesn't manipulate the game client in any way that actually influences the game. It just touches the EVE window from the 'outside' so to speak. It provide configure up to 4 clients, setup hot keys for: switching to a client (optionally in semi-full screen), hiding a client, relaunching a client (to get that alt fast), clear the entire cache with a single button.

  • Publisher: Grismar
  • Home page: eve.grismar.net
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2008
KioWare Lite

KioWare Lite

KioWare Lite is a program that provides vital lockdown security for browser-based applications, restricting users from accessing the OS (Windows) and desktop, allowing customization to limit Internet access. It enables you to clear of cookies, cache and print queue at session end.

  • Publisher: Analytical Design Solutions, Inc.
  • Home page: www.kioware.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Infine Windows Repair

Infine Windows Repair

Infine Windows Repair is a system repairing utility. This software can help you to repair system automatically, manage processes, analysis auto startup items, analysis system loaded modules, clear system shell, optimize and clear system

  • Publisher: Infine Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2008


WinOverBoost is a program to optimize your system's configuration. This program allows you to manage your RAM, optimizing the swap file and the cache. It's also able to boost the general performance of your system by tweaking some registry values. Any action performed by WinOverBoost can be undone, restoring the default values to the registry in case anything goes wrong.

  • Publisher: PCalMeglio.com
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Additional Clear windows graphic cache selection



At the office, I prefer to keep my Internet and Windows activity private, as I'm not the only user working on that PC. In order to that, I use ClearProg, a small application that batch removes the surf-tracks of any used browser or installed programs I usually work with.

  • Publisher: Sven Hoffman
  • Home page: www.clearprog.de
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2022
Seven Remix XP

Seven Remix XP

imageThe Seven Remix XP application was designed to improve the Graphical interface of your Windows XP. The installer automates the process of substitution of system files. It applies adjustments in the registry, it installs programs of third, skins and visual extras like sounds, styles, etc.

Paint XP

Paint XP

One of the major look changes of the new MS Paint was the introduction of the ribbon interface. Some people liked it, some hated it. Since Microsoft offered no solution to get rid of it and return to the old MS Paint look and feel, Paint XP had to be invented. Paint XP is nothing else but the old MS Paint application as we all know it from Windows XP and other older Windows editions.

  • Publisher: MSPAINTXP
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2014


You may have noticed that sometimes the Desktop and Windows Explorer start to display the wrong Icons for some file types. Running RefreshEm when they do repairs the Windows Icon Cache so that the proper ones are immediately displayed.

  • Publisher: Camtech 2000
  • Home page: camtech2000.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Windows Powertools

Windows Powertools

Speed up your PC, Clear the PC cache, Check and resolve Disk Errors, Defragment your hard drives, Convert your drives to NTFS, Compress your hard drives. Convert Images and do much more with Windows Powertools. All for Free!

  • Publisher: Vivek Narayanan
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


PCStitch is intended to create stitching patterns. The tool is quite similar to a standard drawing program and can be used in various ways. What is different about it is that you can view your patterns in several modes: solid blocks, symbols, stitches as well as combinations of them. Moreover, you can draw freehand, use built-in patterns or even import an external picture file.

  • Publisher: M&R Technologies, Inc.
  • Home page: www.pcstitch.com
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2013
Auto Clear History

Auto Clear History

Auto Clear History can help you to completely remove all traces of your online and offline activity like: browsing history, cache (temporary files), cookies, and stored passwords. It also empties your recycle bin, clears your clipboard content, cleans your history of run programs, recently opened files, and much more.

  • Publisher: AutoHideIP.Com
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2010
Colasoft Ping Tool

Colasoft Ping Tool

Colasoft Ping Tool supports ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously and lists the comparative responding times in a graphic chart, which makes it outstanding other ping tools. The Ping Summary window provides basic information such as IP address, locations, packets received/sent/lost, as well as response time of all required IP addresses or domain names.

  • Publisher: Colasoft Co., Ltd.
  • Home page: www.colasoft.com
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Desktop Architect

Desktop Architect

This free program lets you modify any of Windows' graphic and sound settings, like the color scheme, wallpaper, font, screensaver, and more. It allows you to use any of the many Windows themes available on the Web and modify any single element of them. Although it may be a little aged, this program is still fun to use.

  • Publisher: Ken Foster
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


The Windows version of FiSAT (FiSAT II) is a program package developed mainly for the analysis of length-frequency data, but also enables related analyses, of size-at-age, catch-at-age, selection and other analyses. FiSAT II was developed for computers running on Microsoft Windows operating systems and utilizes the standard Windows graphic user interface.

  • Publisher: FAO of the United Nations
  • Home page: www.fao.org
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008