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Closed loop system in Title/Summary

Ground Loop Design

Ground Loop Design

Ground Loop Design is the leading software suite for geothermal heat pump and ground heat exchanger system design. Main features: - Thermal Conductivity Module - Piping Module - Hourly Model Simulations - Time of Use Modeling - Predictied kWh Consumption - Design Dashboard Results Comparator - Weighted Average Thermal Conductivity Calculator

  • Publisher: Gaia Geothermal
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2014
HFP AP Loop Calculator

HFP AP Loop Calculator

HFP Loop Calculator is a program that allows the fire system designer/specifier to determine the loop length depending on the proposed fire alarm control panel, the fire cable and the planned devices. It is really easy to use and it has a friendly interface.

  • Publisher: HFP Systems
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2016
Loop Calculator NLH

Loop Calculator NLH

The purpose of the Apollo Loop Calculator is to establish the viability of a system design. It enables engineers to calculate the total loop loading in a proposed XP95 or Discovery fire detection system by inputting relevant variables such as control panels.

  • Publisher: Apollo Fire Detectors Ltd
  • Last updated: December 16th, 2017

Closed loop system in Description



GeoDesigner is a residential earth loop design energy analysis tool. Main Features: -Uses standard ACCA Manual J or ASHRAE loads input -Climate table featuring over 200 North American cities -Extensive report capability with color graphing -All heat pump types support electric or fossil auxiliary heat -Unlimited storage for utility rate profiles

  • Publisher: ClimateMaster, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 1st, 2013
Loop Filter Calculation Tool

Loop Filter Calculation Tool

Loop Filter Calculation Tool is a program that calculates component values for PLL loop filter design. The program calculates component values based on system performance specifications provided by the user. It supports integer or fractional PLL modes, plots open and closed loop gain and phase margin.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments
  • Home page: www.ti.com
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2014
Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMAX

Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMAX

The CMAX plug-in generally enables the input of values within the absolute limits prescribed by the CMAX. You can find information on the drive/valve combinations approved by Festo together with permissible lengths, sizes, etc. in the system description for the CMAX.

  • Publisher: Festo
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2012
Advanced Aircraft Analysis

Advanced Aircraft Analysis

The AAA program allows students and preliminary design engineers to take an aircraft configuration from early weight sizing through open loop and closed loop dynamic stability and sensitivity analysis, while working within regulatory and cost constraints.

  • Publisher: DARcorporation
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2012


PsyChart is a tool designed to work with psychrometric charts on a computer, with all the advantages that that represents in comparison with working on paper charts. With PsyChart you can get instantly all the information related to any point on the chart just by a click of your mouse. PsyChart allows you to work with thermodynamic processes.

  • Publisher: Elite Software Development, Inc.
  • Home page: www.elitesoft.com
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2011

Additional Closed loop system selection



MCSize (also known as DriveSize) is a sizing tool for motion control applications. With MCSize you can compute torque requirements, compare gearing choices, select a correct drive and motor combination, compute the proper braking chopper and resistor, compute multiple axis systems, calculate harmonics, and export results to Excel.

  • Publisher: ABB Oy / Drives
  • Home page: new.abb.com
  • Last updated: September 7th, 2015
Aspen OnLine

Aspen OnLine

Aspen OnLine enables the online execution of an Aspen Plus equation-oriented model for continuous online, closed-loop profit optimization. The integration between the optimizer and Aspen DMCplus is seamless. At the end of each optimization cycle, optimized setpoints are communicated to Aspen DMCplus automatically.

Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMMO-ST

Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMMO-ST

The CMMO-ST plug-in enables the configuration and commissioning of the motor controller type CMMO-ST. The motor controller CMMO-ST includes a position controller with integrated closed-loop controllers for current, velocity and position. The Festo Configuration Tool (FCT) represents an access point for plug-ins with uniform project and data management.

  • Publisher: Festo
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2014


CamShot will allow you to turn your computer into a monitoring system using an available webcam. A surveillance system could be very useful not only to detect intruders or robberies but also to monitor a patient’s room in a hospital or to collect evidences of domestic violence.

Spida 5

Spida 5

Spida 5 is a 32-bit PC based Spirometry software package, with a user-friendly, modern multi-window, visual interface and many new advanced features and improvements. Closed loop test technique and the overlaying of previous curves for comparison are now possible.

  • Publisher: Micro Medical Ltd
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2009
SmartSensor Manager HD

SmartSensor Manager HD

SmartSensor Manager HD is a program designed to collect radar traffic data from the Smart Sensor HD detector. The two beams generated by SmartSensor HD transmit parallel to each other, creating a speed trap similar to a dual loop system. It provides superior protection of the dilemma zone by continuously detecting the estimated time of arrival (ETA) of every vehicle approaching the intersection.

  • Publisher: Wavetronix LLC.
  • Last updated: December 17th, 2014
XSoft-CoDeSys SP2

XSoft-CoDeSys SP2

You can also test your application program when the PLC is not connected. This is possible thanks to the integrated offline simulation. You don‘t need to forgo the regular operator interface either, and handling is not any different to online mode with the PLC connected.

Escon Studio

Escon Studio

The ESCON servo controllers are small, powerful 4-quadrant PWM servo controllers for the highly efficient control of permanent magnet-activated DC brushed and brushless motors. Escon Studio is an application that allows you to program ESCON servo controllers. It also lets you update the firmware and capture realtime data from the devices.



The SICAM TOOLBOX II provides all necessary functions for integrated engineering for the whole product line SICAM. Furthermore it provides interfaces to other SIEMENS systems (e.g. SICAM PAS, Spectrum PowerCC) as well as to other products of third-party manufacturers.

  • Publisher: Siemens AG
  • Home page: new.siemens.com
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Multi Zone Tension Control

Multi Zone Tension Control

Multi Zone Tension Control is required for production machines use continuous web. This application has closed loop controllers to manage tensions affecting one another in the individual zones. It features automatic adaptation of control parameters, acceleration compensation, and an integrated simulation model of a digital printing machine.

  • Publisher: Bernecker + Rainer Industrie Elektronik Ges.m.b.H.
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2016