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Cochlear implants in Title/Summary

Cochlear Simulation

Cochlear Simulation

CochSim is an interactive Windows PC program for demonstrating how the cochlea analyses sounds. With Cochsim you can put various signals into the cochlea and see a dynamic simulation of how the basilar membrane and excitation pattern responds to the sound.

  • Publisher: Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London
  • Home page: www.phon.ucl.ac.uk
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2012


DentalSlice is a pre-op software tool to plan dental implants and was designed to offer surgical-protection assistance with a high level of precision and enhance the safety of the treatment. The virtual environment of DentalSlice enables realistic simulations of treatment plans, taking into consideration the amount of bone support for the anchorage of the implants.

  • Publisher: BioParts Prototipagem Biomédica
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2010


WINMED features a wide number of different options, including real-time personalised reconstruction of trans-axial sections, virtual panoramic view and real-time RAY-TRACING 3D rendering of patient's jaw and dental structures. WINMED and its future evolutions purpose is to provide a valid support to the pre-surgical engineering process used to create dental implants.

Cochlear implants in Description

Speech Visualization DEMO

Speech Visualization DEMO

A Clinician's tool to use with individuals with: Voice Disorders, Cleft Palate, Dysfluencies, Deafness, Hard of Hearing, Cochlear Implants, Dialect Differences, Articulation Disorders, Parkinson Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, Dysarthria, Apraxia, Asperger Syndrome, Prosodic Speech disorders, Down Syndrome, and Age-related Voice changes.

  • Publisher: Learning Fundamentals, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011


DentalViewer is a 3D viewer of medical CT data aimed at dentistry. The viewer provides number of data visualization techniques as well as advanced functionality to support implants planning and navigation during the surgery. Basic Features - Multiplanar view (three orthogonal slices through the data). - Orthogonal XY, XZ and YZ views. - OPG-like view along a flexible curve.



ImPlan is a 3D dental viewer and implant planning software program designed for CT Scan and Conebeam images. It allows you to view and prognose Impacted Teeth, TMJ and Bifed Nerve cases more accurately. Virtually place implants in 2D and 3D, using tools like Nerve Segmentation, Distance and Density measurements to help you.

  • Publisher: 3D Dental Imaging Inc.
  • Last updated: October 9th, 2008


GALILEOS Implant is a radiological 3D program for dental diagnostics and implant planning and is integrated within the 3D Conebeam System GALILEOS. It includes an extensive implant library of most manufacturers with a realistic visualization of the implants. It uses a so-called slicing window which is used to move through the 3D volume.

  • Publisher: SICAT
  • Last updated: December 30th, 2013


JointTrack will calculate and report the 3-D motions of bones or artificial implants from 2-D image data obtained from X-Ray films or fluoroscopic video. It is easy to install and easy to manipulate. It is really a very helpful tool. So, don't hesitate at all! Try it now!

  • Publisher: shang, Scott A. Banks, J.D. Yamokoski
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2011

Additional Cochlear implants selection

SimPlant View

SimPlant View

SimPlant View is free program that allows you to view dental images and take basic measurements. SimPlant View is a good way to communicate a treatment plan to the patient, clinical colleagues or a dental lab. It offers an interactive 3D image, zoom functions, multiple contrast settings, distance and angle measurement tools, 2D images at the implant locations.

Freeform Plus

Freeform Plus

Geomagic Freeform Plus is a multi-representation, multi-purpose digital modeling and CAD system for producing manufacturable, highly-detailed objects that are intricate or organically shaped, such as toys, figurines, medical implants, fine art or other sculptural objects.

  • Publisher: 3D Systems Inc.
  • Home page: www.geomagic.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2015


With coDiagnostiX™ you can plan dental implant insertions precisely and easily. It also helps you to design drill guides to perform implant surgery in a fast, precise, and safe manner with predictable results. coDiagnostiX™ is distinguished by numerous measurement and planning functions, an implant database covering many well-known manufacturers, and precise analyzing capabilities.

DentalMaster D2D

DentalMaster D2D

D2D X-Ray allows you to create, upload, and edit pictures that serve as visual support in a dental treatment. It has clip art that can make a projection of the procedures to be performed. Useful for total prosthesis and fixed and removable partial denture.

  • Publisher: DentalMaster
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2011


Implant-Assistant® software suite is designed for planning dental implant, oral and maxillofacial surgeries. The suite consists of three modules: Implant-Assistant Planner, Implant-Assistant CT, and Implant-Assistant Guide. Implant-Assistant CT is meant for preparing data required for surgery planning.

  • Publisher: CDI Soft
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011