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Code native radio flash in Title/Summary

DJ Native Swing - SWT Demo

DJ Native Swing - SWT Demo

Cross-platform Web Browser, Flash Player, HTML Editor, Multimedia Player and more. The NativeSwing library allows an easy integration of some native components into Swing applications, and provides some native utilities to enhance Swing's APIs. It is composed of a framework library, and an SWT-based implementation that provides many rich components.

RISE PostgreSQL code generator

RISE PostgreSQL code generator

The PostgreSQL code generator for RISE generates a native PL/pgSQL script. The script incrementally updates the tables, columns, indexes and constraints in the database to match the RISE model. Once the database model is updated, the views defined in the RISE model are created, or replaced, in the database and possible default data, entered in the model, is inserted

Cnc Code Maker

Cnc Code Maker

A very simple 2D CAD/CAM software with toolpath generation and user-editable postprocessors. Suitable for most CNC machines on the market. There are post-processor specific cycles, contour cycles and simple point-to-point functions. Fanuc, Heidenhain is supplied with the software. Drawings can be saved in DXF or a native XML, human readable format. Import of DXF files (R12) are supported.

  • Publisher: CNCSimple.com
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2011

Code native radio flash in Description

Flash Decompiler Trillix

Flash Decompiler Trillix

Flash Decompiler Trillix can generate an FLA file from an SWF. Since FLA is the format in which the source code of a Flash file is stored, this will allow you to modify a compiled SWF file, even when the original code is no longer available. This comes in especially handy when you are working on a project and lose the corresponding files but you still have the resulting SWF.

Topview Programmer A

Topview Programmer A

The Topview Programmer A maintains separate buffer areas for selected device’s flash memory, Program Encryption Table, User parameter Table, Serial EEPROM in the programming environment. Initially you need to transfer your target program code/data from the files into this buffer and then program the selected device with these buffer contents.



FireChrome extracts files from the Firefox and Chrome cache. FireChrome is a files explorer utility witch let you extract files from both Firefox and Chrome cache. The cache explorer is rich of useful images (png, gif, bmp, exif, jpg etc), JavaScript (JScript), HTML code, CSS sources, Flash Movies, Video Movies (FLV YouTube, MPEG, AVI, MOV etc), RAR and ZIP archives etc, that you can use.

  • Publisher: AlyxSoftware
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2011
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium

Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium

This software offers essential tools for producing everything from professional page layouts to rich interactive experiences in a unified environment that lets you work more productively than ever before. Create web and interactive content and design websites. Enjoy new creative effects and controls, as well as productivity enhancements such as Multi-file Place and table and cell styles.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
TOTAL .NET Protector

TOTAL .NET Protector

TOTAL is a right tool to native compile .NET executables. TOTAL .NET Protector totally stops MSIL disassemblers. This is the assurance that no one will see your source code. Obfuscation cannot protect from breaking the piracy protection security.

  • Publisher: RustemSoft
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Code native radio flash selection

Adobe Flash Builder

Adobe Flash Builder

Adobe® Flash® Builder® 4.6 Premium software is an Eclipse™ based development tool for rapidly building standout mobile, web and desktop applications using ActionScript® and the open source Flex framework. Use professional testing tools to build higher performing applications.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2012
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

JPEXS is an open-source Flash SWF decompiler and editor. It can be used to extract resources from Flash animation files. You can also use it to convert SWF to FLA format, edit ActionScript code, and replace images, sounds, texts, or fonts. Various output formats are available for saving the resources.

  • Publisher: JPEXS
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
.NET Reactor

.NET Reactor

.NET Reactor is a code protection and software licensing system for applications written in the .NET Framework. It uses code virtualization, obfuscation, hiding of method calls, string encryption, and other methods to prevent reverse engineering of your programs.

  • Publisher: Eziriz
  • Home page: www.eziriz.com
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2022
MySQL Provider

MySQL Provider

MySQL OLE DB Provider can be used to access MySQL database in your native code and .NET code as well. It has few dependency and is is very easy to use and very easy to deploy as well. The MySQL OLE DB Provider is implemented with ATL OLE DB Provider templates so that the provider itself has small footprint even though the provider does not have many dependencies

Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Porting Kit

Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Porting Kit

Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Porting Kit is a program that enables you to create, modify and build Micro Framework firmware images customized according to your needs. You can write new drivers, leverage native code routines through interop and deploy them on your device hardware.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2014
Code Breaking

Code Breaking

In this game there is a text that is written in strange symbols. You need to guess what the symbols are and drag the correct letters to replace the symbols and reconstruct the original message. There is a hint button that can be used when you are stuck. The faster you decrypt the text and the lesser the hints are used, the higher the score you get.

  • Publisher: Novel Games Limited
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


SP-Forth is an ANS forth system for Windows and Linux. It features optimized native code generation, high speed execution, full ANS'94 support, small yet highly-extensible kernel, big number of additional libraries for developing sophisticated windows applications, active and helpful community.

  • Publisher: RUFIG
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2009
Ham University

Ham University

Ham University (TM) helps you learn Morse code and prepare for your FCC Exams. It includes Morse code lessons, exercises and a neat game (Pentode(TM)) inspired by Tetris(R). For the written exam there is a training program plus practice exams.

  • Publisher: MICA
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
servervideo.com Toolbar

servervideo.com Toolbar

servervideo.com Community Toolbar — stay connected and get so much more. servervideo.com Community Toolbar include multiple tools for your browser like radio,flash games,youtube acces,facebook buttons,twitter,microsoft office pac,etc. Search the Web and get a wide choice of useful search engines.

  • Publisher: servervideo
  • Last updated: October 9th, 2012
Fresh Flash Catalog

Fresh Flash Catalog

Fresh Flash Catalog is an electronic publishing software that allows you to quickly and easily create native page turning electronic publications such as Online e-Books, e-Catalogs, e-Brochures, e-Presentations and much more fast and easy. You can make your own digital publications easily by Fresh Flash Catalog flash page flip software.

  • Publisher: Gokhan Bulut
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020