Coil selection program development in Title/Summary

Greenheck Coil Selection
This is a coil selection and pricing software for Windows OS. This free program can generate individual submittal drawings, multiple submittals for schedules as well as pricing and performance. You have a choice as to what information you want to submit.
- Publisher: Greenheck Fan Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2016

Air Terminal Selection Program
Carrier's air terminals are designed to be fully compatible with most control options, including our ComfortID™ controls - an advanced option that can identify and meet each zone requirement to control temperature, humidity, CO2, and other indoor air quality (IAQ) needs.
- Publisher: Carrier Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 18th, 2008

Kruger Selection Program
K-Select provides you with a terminal and GRD selection program that incorporates powerful engineering tools to provide a design reference that can save significant time in the design of a building's HVAC system.K-Select can also save your product selections to a schedule, which can be exported directly to project documents.
- Publisher: Krueger-HVAC, Division of Air System Components
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2008
Coil selection program development in Description

The SPC run-around coil selection software speeds the selection and costing of coupled supply and extract coils. It also provides you with data for flow-rates, pressure drops, and fluid temperatures. The SPC RAC program makes full use of the advanced routines developed for the SPC 2000 coil selection software.
- Publisher: S & P Coil Products Limited
- Last updated: May 19th, 2008

PrecisionCoils Selection
PrecisionCoils Selection is an easy-to-use coil selection and pricing software. Main features: - Enhanced features to aid customers selecting replacement HVAC coils. - ThermiCoil Selections (Double Wall Construction, Caulked and Painted Housing Option).
- Publisher: PrecisionCoils
- Last updated: November 30th, 2016

Re-open saved designs and build your own Tesla coil design database. All length and weight values are easily and automatically converted. TeslaMap is written in JAVA and C# for maximum cross-platform compatibility. All design parameters are grouped and formatted for easy study.
- Publisher: TeslaMap
- Last updated: December 27th, 2017

Grasso Compressor Selection
From the wide range of Grasso compressors an easy selection can be made with the aid of the documentation and Grasso' s compressor selection program, Comsel, covering the complete reciprocating and screw compressor range. In addition, one can select standard accessories, such as oil separators and interstage coolers.
- Publisher: Grasso Consultants B.V.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 21st, 2012

SELECT'IT is unique selection software for all chilled water terminal units, such as : VH, AquaFan, KOG, KCO, VPX and WESTHERM units. For the time being, it contains selection program for VH units only. As soon as we update selection programs for other units, they will be systematically implemented in SELECT'IT.
- Publisher: Wesper
- Last updated: June 1st, 2011
Additional Coil selection program development selection

Walter Roller Selection Program
Walter Roller Selection Program brings you information regarding the Walter Roller products. Click on the file you want to download and store it in a temporary directory on your computer. The installation can be done offline. The app has an intuitive interface.
- Publisher: Walter Roller GmbH & Co.
- Last updated: October 27th, 2015

B.A.C. Evaporative Condenser Selection Program
BAC’s Product Selection Software contains performance and technical data for all of BAC’s evaporative cooling products including Evaporative Condensers. The software provides equipment selections and technical information (dimensions, weights, motor horsepower, connections sizes etc.).
- Publisher: Baltimore Aircoil Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 26th, 2011

Ostberg Fan Selection Program
Östberg Selection Program is an interactive catalog which provides a full overview of Östberg products and helps customers to fit the best solution for their needs. The application helps explore a variety of Östberg fans or accessories and makes easier understanding the laws of fan world.
- Publisher: AB C.A. ÖSTBERG
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

Fantech Product Selection Program
Fan and Silencer Selection Program helps you to select fans and silences. Main features: - Select & compare fixed and adjustable pitch fans at the same time. - See all technical data in one easy view. - Allows you to design finely tuned, energy efficient systems
- Publisher: Fantech Pty Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2016

Sense is a drag-and-drop programming environment that will allow you to develop multimedia programs within minutes. It has been designed to work with the SenseBoard, a powerful, flexible and yet amazingly simple-to-use hardware kit that can sit at the heart of a thousand different projects, giving you a few of the features of a research laboratory in something that fits in the palm of your hand.
- Publisher: SENSE Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 9th, 2014

Tecumseh Europe Selection Software
Tecumseh specializes in different types of compressors and condensing units. Tecumseh Europe Selection Software allows you to select the right product for your requirement. You can specify the required parameters such as temperature, frequency, voltage, type of refrigerant, etc. and this program will automatically shortlist the devices accordingly.
- Publisher: Tecumseh Europe
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 24th, 2016

mikroC PRO for AVR
mikroC PRO for AVR is an ANSI C compiler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers. You get features such as LCD Custom Character Tool, GLCD Bitmap Editor, Seven Segment Editor, UART Terminal, UDP Terminal, and HID Terminal, which improve the speed of program development.
- Publisher: MikroElektronika
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2013

Danfoss Foresee
Foresee™ is a calculation and selection program for Danfoss products. It calculates the capacity of a given compressor and searches for compressors that match a required cooling capacity.The program can switch rapidly from model selection to capacity selection. Results are listed in a tabular form which can be sorted by capacity and by model name.
- Publisher: Danfoss Commercial Compressors
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008

Compute-A-Fan is a fast, accurate and easy-to-use fan-selection program. A comprehensive, cross-reference interface allows the user to select fans based upon the product specifications of any major manufacturer. This tool gives point-and-click access to COOK's entire line of fans, blowers, gravity ventilators, energy recovery ventilators and laboratory exhaust systems.
- Publisher: Loren Cook Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 24th, 2016

S7-SCL is particularly suitable for programming complex algorithms and arithmetic functions or for data processing tasks. It combines language elements known from high-level language programming, such as serial loops, alternative branching and branch distributors with language extensions typical for PLCs, such as addressing of inputs and outputs or start and querying of timers and counters.
- Publisher: Siemens AG
- Last updated: January 4th, 2012