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Collocation extraction software in Title/Summary

Feature Extraction

Feature Extraction

Features: - Integration with eArray to automatically download grid files and software protocols for improved ease-of-use - Application-specific QC reports provide metrics targeted to the experiment - QC Metric Sets with Thresholds provide guidance on identifying key metrics and establishing normal ranges of metrics for Agilent microarrays

  • Publisher: Agilent Technologies
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2014
Collocation Extract

Collocation Extract

Collocation Extract is designed to provide a list of collocations in the corpus. Users can search for collocates of a particular word in the range of 2 to 5 words, or search for all collocations of two-word chunks. Three statistical methods, namely Dunning's Log Likelihood, (pointwise) Mutual Information, and Chi-square, are used in this software. Below is the steps in using the program

  • Publisher: Wirote Aroonmanakun
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011


TermeX is a tool for automatic collocation extraction and terminology lexica construction. It is based on statistical measures called association measures (AMs).Fourteen AMs are implemented in TermeX, which, combined with lemmatization, enable users faster and better construction of terminology lexica.

  • Publisher: FER, ZEMRIS, KTLab
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011

Collocation extraction software in Description

Search Engines Parser

Search Engines Parser

Search Engines Parser is data scraping and extraction software that can automatically scrape search results from Ask, Bing, Faroo, Google, and Yahoo.

  • Publisher: eBGenius
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2015
Web Content Extractor

Web Content Extractor

Web Content Extractor is a web scraping software, which lets you automate the process of data extraction from websites. It can grab product pricing data, extract real estate data, parse Forex and stock market figures, extract book, song, or movie information, gather news and articles on a certain topic, etc. Its multi-threaded web crawler engine speeds-up the process of data extraction.

Studio Player

Studio Player

Studio Player is an advanced video playback and still image extraction software companion to Studio Surveillance and Studio Capture. Studio Player allows video file's captured with Studio Capture and Studio Surveillance to be played back at different playback rates and at different sizes.

  • Publisher: Studio86Designs
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
RS Email Extractor

RS Email Extractor

RS Email Extractor is a lightweight and powerful email extraction software which is a quick and easy to use tool that allows you to extract email addresses from various sources like local files, websites, search engines, etc. In most of the case all you just need to enter valid URL or type keyword in the search bar to get the targeted email addresses.

Agilent MassHunter Workstation Profinder Software

Agilent MassHunter Workstation Profinder Software

Profinder is a fast, batch-processing feature extraction software for differential analysis that supports data from Agilent GC/MSD, GC/Q-TOF, LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF instruments. Profinder speeds up differential and flux analysis workflows using an intuitive user interface.

  • Publisher: Agilent Technologies
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2017

Additional Collocation extraction software selection



IntelliGet - PDF/Text File/Report/Log Parsing/Data-Extraction Software/Utility/Tool - Text to CSV converter - SWIFT FIX csv xml - free download.

  • Publisher: MountOne Technologies
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Software Informer

Software Informer

For this new version, Software Informer has taken a small step back to make a giant leap forward. It has recovered the more compact and smaller interface we all knew and loved without compromising any of its many features and functions. All the updates for your apps and drivers, all the free programs, recommendations, and reviews are still there – they just take less space on your desktop now.

  • Publisher: Informer Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025


With efficient file compression and duplicate file detection, you can store, open, zip, encrypt, and share multiple files and large files quickly and easily. The power of WinZip effortlessly keeps your computer organized and simplifies time consuming tasks. Your time is valuable, spend it on what matters most.

  • Publisher: Corel Corporation
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2024
NVIDIA PhysX System Software

NVIDIA PhysX System Software

We are living with physics games at the moment and for the industry it is not an easy task. The environment is based on a unique set of physics algorithms which require amounts of simultaneous mathematical and logical calculations to make a simple game display. This is where NVIDIA PhysX Technology comes in.

  • Publisher: NVIDIA Corporation
  • Home page: www.nvidia.com
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2017
LightScribe System Software

LightScribe System Software

LightScribe System Software (LSS) facilitates good operation of the LightScribe system. It comes with a handy control panel that allows the user to customize the LightScribe settings and even keep track of the system’s information. The user can double click on the LightScribe icon placed in the system tray on the right lower corner of the Windows desktop screen.

Data Extraction Kit for Outlook

Data Extraction Kit for Outlook

What was the last time you backed up your emails? If the answer is “never”, think about the potential threats that could damage or completely wipe out years’ worth of business or personal correspondence. With Data Extraction Kit for Outlook, backing up your Outlook data becomes a snap.

Intel (R) PROSet/Wireless Software

Intel (R) PROSet/Wireless Software

The Intel PROSet/Wireless Software is used to set up, edit and manage network profiles to connect to a network. The program features: automatic detection of and connection to wireless access points based on adapter preferences, detection of access point security levels, easy and secure switching between networks, and more.

  • Publisher: Intel Corporation
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025


Many of us have ever desired to enjoy our favorite videos on our TV sets, but this is usually not possible because of the limited compatibility and number of supported formats of our home DVD players. Fortunately, today we can use software tools like ConvertXtoDVD to convert one or more videos into a standard DVD movie with customized menus and subtitles.

Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate

Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate

Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate is a tool for converting more than 160 audio and video formats. You can easily clip audio and video files using the Clip function. The software helps you merge videos or pictures into one file and add special effects. It can also convert HD videos and videos for iPad, iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. It is a genuine expert in audio and video convertions.

  • Publisher: Xilisoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.xilisoft.com
  • Last updated: July 14th, 2022