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Commons assembly and assembly 8085 in Title/Summary

Assembly Information

Assembly Information

Assembly Information is a tool designed for .NET developers that displays .NET assembly information on their projects. It will display the compilation mode debug\release, .NET assembly full name and .NET assembly references recursively. After installation you can double-click on any .NET Assembly (DLL) to get a popup window with useful information.

  • Publisher: .Net Tools
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Assembly Analyzer

Assembly Analyzer

Assembly Analyzer allows the user to view the resources and metadata contained within .NET assemblies. It also contains a disassembler that displays source code for methods and dependencies, including call graphs. Assembly Analyzer is easy to use and is a freeware.

  • Publisher: Assembly Analyzer
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2013
8085 Instruction Set Simulator

8085 Instruction Set Simulator

A cool way to learn and write 8085 assembly language programs. Gone are the days when you punched in the assembly language in hex format and hoped nothing went wrong. The salient features include. Write your programs using the syntax highlighting text editor which also gives contextual help in the status bar.

  • Publisher: Vijay Kumar
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2008

Commons assembly and assembly 8085 in Description

ToDoT start for Autodesk Inventor EN

ToDoT start for Autodesk Inventor EN

Convert drawings from IDW to PDF,DWG,DXF,DWF from an assembly or a directory. ToDoT speeds up work when exporting drawings created with autodesk inventor to other formats, choosing all parts of an assembly or all drawings in a directory.



GC-PrevuePlus delivers performance and features unmatched in the industry. It is designed to reduce manufacturing production expenses and enhance productivity. To accomplish this, GC-PrevuePlus runs on a desktop PC platform and eliminates the need for expensive workstations. GC-PrevuePlus' off-line verification capabilities ensure efficient workflow to manufacturing equipment.

Cause and Effect Factory

Cause and Effect Factory

This program is made up of 12 fun segments with a factory and assembly line theme. This program is an age appropriate cause & effect program but can also be used with younger children for its sound and graphics. Pressing the switch will cause another part of the assembly line process to continue.

  • Publisher: Judy Lynn Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.judylynn.com
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2011


This is a "Three-in-One" program: - an editor : you can write your code in an user friendly environment with all the tools that you would need. - a compiler : you can check your code for 8085 assembly language syntax. - a debugger : here is the main part of the program; the commands you write are converted into machine code and saved into a virtual 64KB memory.

  • Publisher: HomeSoft Software
  • Home page: www.HomeSoft.gen.tr
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2008
8085 Simulator IDE

8085 Simulator IDE

8085 Simulator IDE is powerful application that supplies 8085 microprocessor users and educators with user-friendly graphical development environment for Windows with integrated simulator (emulator), 8085 basic compiler, assembler, disassembler and debugger for the Intel 8085 8-bit microprocessor.

  • Publisher: Oshon Software
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2017

Additional Commons assembly and assembly 8085 selection



CheckAsm is a program that displays assembly references in a tree with the analyzed assembly on top. Assemblies having issues are marked with a special icon. The Create Graph feature lets you visualize references when the tree view is just not enough. It verifies assembly versions, locations, architectures, circular references.

  • Publisher: bATDUCK
  • Last updated: November 25th, 2014
GAC Explorer

GAC Explorer

GAC Explorer is an application that can be used by DotNet Developers to download assembly(s) from Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The program contains features like copy assembly(s) to clipboard or copy to some folder in local machine. Also, the program supports DotNet 4.0 GAC structure.

  • Publisher: Saurav Maity
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2016


If the production files with the placement positions are unavailable, VisualPlace can help you create them. VisualPlace scans the PCB images (notably the silk-screen) and uses character and shape recognition techniques (OCR) to establish footprint positions and map these to the designators of the components.

  • Publisher: CompuPhase
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
DataGridViewColumns .NET assembly

DataGridViewColumns .NET assembly

DataGridViewColumns .NET assembly from RustemSoft is a DataGridView Columns software package specifically designed for .NET developers.The assembly allows you to use all strengths of the MS Windows .NET forms DataGridView control without waiving the user interface elements your customers need.

  • Publisher: RustemSoft
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Atmel Studio

Atmel Studio

Atmel Studio is an integrated development platform for Atmel AVR and ARM microcontrollers. You can easily get started by exploring the included example projects and run your solution on a starter or evaluation kit. The refactor and intellisense features in the editor make editing easier.

  • Publisher: Atmel Corporation
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2015
DeepSea Obfuscator

DeepSea Obfuscator

DeepSea Obfuscator is a handy application created especially to obfuscate the code in .NET applications. Its main advantage comes from the fact that it can perform a perfectly secure automated obfuscation thanks to the fact that it’s capable of accurately detecting the assemblies, classes and other code fragments that cannot be obfuscated.

  • Publisher: TallApplications
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2013


Geneious is a research tool designed for biologists and not computer scientists. Main features: - Drag and drop to convert and import sequence data. - Powerful SNP detection and variant calling. - Streamlined microsatellite genotyping. - Tree building and viewing without juggling files. - Add your favourite algorithm, database or visualization to Geneious.

  • Publisher: Biomatters Ltd.
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2018
XVL Player Pro

XVL Player Pro

MSOffice Support: embed the XVL Player and model in Microsoft Office documents. Product PMI and Meta Data: view PMI and meta data that was authored in the CAD system. Security: create secure viewing with AES encryption approved by NIST. View: examine your models with robust viewing options including full camera control and multiple display modes.

  • Publisher: Lattice Technology
  • Home page: www.lattice3d.com
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2017


This program allows you to make backup copies of your favourite DVDs. Also, you can make anthologies by joining parts of several DVDs into a single one. Lastly, you can remaster your music collection into a DVD using the corresponding feature. The trial version has some limitations, so you need to purchase the full version to get rid of them.

  • Publisher: Eximius B.V.
  • Home page: ggnome.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
CodonCode Aligner

CodonCode Aligner

CodonCode Aligner is a software program that targets genetics research, a domain with high complexity, and is equipped with tools that can be used to realize DNA sequence analysis, detect and assembly sequence mutations, or view informative base traces graphs.

  • Publisher: CodonCode Corporation
  • Home page: www.codoncode.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023