Comparator apsic word in Title/Summary

ApSIC Comparator
ApSIC Comparator is a freeware tool that allows you to create side-by-side reports with all the changes made to a translation by a reviewer. These comparison reports can be used both to evaluate the quality of the translation and to provide feedback to the translator.
- Publisher: ApSIC, SL
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2008

ApSIC Xbench
ApSIC Xbench provides simple and powerful Quality Assurance and Terminology Management in a single package. Just load files in any of the dozens of CAT formats supported and get your translation quality to the next level. Add terminology sources in most common CAT formats including TMX, XLIFF, Trados, Wordfast, MemoQ, Deja Vu, IBM Translation Manager and many more.
- Publisher: ApSIC, S.L.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2016

ApSIC Xbench Plugin for SDL Trados Studio 2014
ApSIC Xbench Plugin for SDL Trados Studio 2014 is a program that allows you to create an Xbench project automatically gathering information from your current SDL Trados Studio 2014 project, and then automatically launch ApSIC Xbench so that you can run QA on the files of the project.
- Publisher: ApSIC, S.L.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 17th, 2015
Comparator apsic word in Description

Trix DrawingCenter
Trix DrawingCenter is a viewer, redliner and comparator. Plus it converts marked up drawings to PDFs and emails them to colleagues and customers who cannot open engineering file formats. Features: - Open and View Scans, CAD & PDF files. - Print, Watermark, Text Overlay. - Create and Share Redline and Comments. - Convert files to PDF. - Email PDF Copies direct from Application.
- Publisher: Trix Systems Inc.
- Last updated: September 1st, 2014

Tire Size Comparator
Tire Size Comparator is a free program that allows you compare two tire sizes, visualize and calculate the differences. Tire Size Comparator has photo-realistic tires and wheels, better wheel scaling, supports 85 series, and wheel sizes can now go to 25".
- Publisher: Cooney Applied Tech., Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 6th, 2009

SQL Comparator
A general purpose tool for data and database validation, SQL Comparator can compare the output of any two SQL statements/rowsets and identify/highlight/quantify differences between the execution results. SQL Comparator runs two user defined queries and compares the results in a graphical mode designed to facilitate the identification of minimal differences in complex tables.
- Publisher: Mark Routbort
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Comparator Fast
Comparator Fast is an application that simplifies the comparison / verification / synchronization status of two different directories. This program can change files attributes and date/times (Modified, Created, Last Accessed) with the Touch Files tool.
- Publisher: D.S.M. / Interdesigner Software Development.
- Last updated: December 24th, 2012

TracTrix lets you to view, mark up and compare drawings. Using this program, you can open scans, CAD and PDF files. You can also convert the files to PDF and email them directly from this application. You can use the Automatic Drawing Comparator that highlights changes between different versions of the files.
- Publisher: Trix Systems AB
- Last updated: November 16th, 2015
Additional Comparator apsic word selection

Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents. It includes tools for the creation of tables, word arts, charts, etc. You can insert various shapes, images, flow-diagrams, and clip-arts to your document. Cross-referencing allows you to manage a list of references, or a numbered list of illustrations and tables.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 19th, 2023

PDF to Word Doc Converter
This application allows you to convert your PDF files to word doc for free. Free PDF to Word Doc Converter 1.1 is considered one of the best Free software to convert Adobe .PDF files to Microsoft .doc files. With this program, you will be able to extract text and images from PDF files.
- Publisher: Hellopdf Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 29th, 2020

Microsoft Office Word Viewer
Word Viewer lets you view, print and copy Word documents on a computer that does not have Word installed. This download is a replacement for Word Viewer 2003 and all previous Word Viewer versions. The Word Viewer, together with the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats, allows you open Word documents saved in different formats.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

Free PDF to Word Converter
As it name implies, this is a free PDF utility that allows you to convert PDF documents into MS Word .doc format. The application offers a quick and simple solution to convert documents, preserving the layout and structure of the original file. It works on any Windows version and does not require Adobe Acrobat or Reader.
- Publisher: SmartSoft LLC
- Last updated: December 30th, 2021

Word to PDF Converter
Word to PDF Converter is a simple tool that makes it easy to convert MS Word files to PDF documents. It installs itself as an add-in to MS Word and lets you quickly convert any opened Word document to a PDF file, right from the interface of MS Word: just press the “Save as PDF” button from the newly added toolbar and select the output location for the PDF document.
- Publisher: PDF-Convert, Inc.
- Last updated: June 7th, 2022

Word Slinger
Word Slinger combines elements of Scrabble with a crossword-style puzzle to form an unforgettable and addictive gaming experience. Try your word wielding hand at two exciting modes: Speed and Strategy. Don't let the list of words reach the top in Speed mode. Take your time to plan each move in Strategy mode.
- Publisher: GameHouse
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Wondershare PDF to Word
If you ever need a straightforward, simple, and fast PDF to DOCX converter, Wondershare PDF to Word is a serious option to consider. It supports batch conversion, and makes everything in its power to preserve the original layout and formatting. The resulting Word file will allow you to edit and perform whatever changes you need to perform without the restrictions imposed by the PDF format.
- Publisher: Wondershare Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 4th, 2018

Quran in Ms Word
Quran in MS Word adds a menu to MS Word which allows browsing and searching the Quran for “Suras” (chapters), “Ayahs/Ayats” (signs), verses, and other texts of the Holy Quran, and quickly adding them to the currently opened MS Word documents. Finding Quran translations is also possible using this tool.
- Publisher: Mohamad Taufiq
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

PDF to Word is a handy application, which can convert any PDF file to a plain text or a Microsoft Word file. It supports all kinds of Adobe PDF files and versions, and it is possible to open the converted file in any text editor so having Microsoft Word is not quite necessary. You can use the basic Windows text editor to open the resulting text file.
- Publisher: Quick-PDF Software
- Last updated: March 5th, 2012

PDF to Word Converter
GIRDAC PDF to Word Converter offers various conversion options that extract text, columns, tables, images, tables, and hyperlinks from any PDF file without ruining its original format and saving the results as a DOC, DOCX, or RTF file. It can turn your PDFs into plain-text files (TXT and XML) or extract their images and save them as individual files in any of the most common image file formats.
- Publisher: GIRDAC InfoTechnologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2017