Complex calculator precision in Title/Summary

Scientific Calculator Precision 54
Scientific Calculator Precision 54 is a precise tool that allows you to perform complex mathematical calculations. The calculator handles mathematical formulas of any length and complexity. It has trigonometric, hyperbolic and inverse functions and you can store the calculation history.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: April 30th, 2013

X3 Factory Complex Calculator
Using the X3 Factory Complex Calculator tool will help you to calculate the costs, profits, and energy required for your own factory complexes for use in the X3 Reunion space trading and combat simulation game by Egosoft. The program replicates a lot of the functuality of Remco 'Merroc' Jeckman's Excel spreadsheet but you won't need Excel since this is a stand-alone program.
- Publisher: Dave Toome
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 15th, 2008

Karen's Calculator
Karen’s Calculator is a high performance calculator that has extremely high precision and is capable of handling operands containing thousands of digits and still giving very accurate and reliable results, thereby distinguishing itself from the rest.
- Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008
Complex calculator precision in Description

Complex Number Calculator Precision 45 is a complex number calculator and works with complex numbers, but also can be used as a real number calculator, that is a scientific calculator. This program has backward compatibility with College Scientific Calculator series, Scientific Calculator Precision 54, Scientific Calculator Precision 63, Scientific Calculator Precision 72, etc.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: July 13th, 2012

Complex Calculator Precision 18 is a complex number calculator and works with complex numbers, but also can be used as a real number calculator, that is a scientific calculator. The calculator has backward compatibility with College Scientific Calculator series and Scientific Calculator Precision 54.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: December 29th, 2010

Complex Calculator Precision 36 is a complex number calculator and works with complex numbers, but also can be used as a real number calculator, that is a scientific calculator. This product can be found most useful by scientists, engineers, professors, and students.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

This is a product which can be found most useful by scientists, engineers, professors, and students. This calculator follows classical approach when uncertainty of f(x) calculation is estimated by formula max|(derivative(f))|*|x*uncertainty(x)|, where maximum of function derivative is considered on interval [x-uncertainty(x), x+uncertainty(x)].
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Scientific Calculator Precision 81 for Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Vista.ScientificCalculatorPrecision81 is a software which can be found most useful by scientists, engineers, professors, and students and so much more.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021
Additional Complex calculator precision selection

Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer
Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer the most powerful authoring tool available. If you are looking at creating games, multimedia and applications, and require the most features at a competative price then this is the product to use. Using the same visual interface as TGF2 and MMF2, if you decide to upgrade from one of these products, you can dive straight in without any delay.
- Publisher: Clickteam
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

Survey Pro Ranger DEMO
Survey Pro Ranger DEMO is a program that allows you to test an environment based on the Ranger Data Collector device. You can view and edit Raw data, adjust the station settings, set up the stake points and the lines for which you want to collect the data.
- Publisher: Spectra Precision
- Last updated: August 1st, 2017

PCC Range Estimator
PCC Range Estimator is a complex calculator that helps you with mathematical formulas. You just have to plug in the numbers and then the software do all the rest for you. The PCC Range Estimator is divided into 5 sections: transmitter parameters, receiver parameters, modem RF configuration, environmental factors and results.
- Publisher: Pacific Crest Corporation
- Last updated: June 5th, 2012

CCTVCAD Calculator
CCTVCAD Calculator is a professional tool for calculating network bandwidth needed for IP cameras (video encoders) and disk space required for storing video archives. With CCTVCAD Calculator you can Calculate network traffic generated by digital (IP) cameras and video encoders for the proper design of network CCTV systems.
- Publisher: CCTVCAD Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2011

Xadrian is a factory complex calculator for the games X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude. It provides features such as: - Optional automatic base complex calculation. - Load, save and print your complexes. - Sun power is configurable per complex. - Easy creation of mines.
- Publisher: Klaus Reimer
- Last updated: June 30th, 2015

This is a product which can be found most useful by scientists, engineers, professors, and students. In the default mixed mode the calculator treats numbers as integers wherever it is possible. For example, 54! have an integer result with 72 digits. By the way, 72 digits is the internal precision of calculations. This is 8 super-digits, where a super-digit has 9 decimal digits.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: November 4th, 2010

Scientific Calculator Precision 90 has internal precision 99 digits that allows to perform division (the most difficult operation) with precision 90 digits, standard functions (power, logarithm, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions) with precision 88-90 digits, and Gamma Function, Lower Incomplete Gamma Function, Upper Incomplete Gamma Function, Beta function, Incomplete Beta Function.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Quadrature Calculator Precision 72 is a mathematical software used by researchers , teachers, scientists , engineer and stundents for complex calculations. The software is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7. The calculator is used in order to calculate definite integrals that may contain many function from the quadrature scheme.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

This calculator calculates derivative functions of high orders in symbolic and numeric forms. Numerical coefficients and values are calculated with precision 27-36 digits. Obtained symbolic formula can be used with calculators Precision series, and with Graphing Calculator 2D Numeric etc.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

CompCalc Beta
MHGS CompCalc is a mathematical complex calculator with the following features: - Algebraic syntax, not case sensitive - Parentheses () - Complex floating point numbers - Implemented mathematical constants - About 30 predefined complex functions and operations - Choice between i or j as imaginary unit
- Publisher: MHGS
- Home page: