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Composite beam design .xls in Title/Summary

Composite Beam Design Extension

Composite Beam Design Extension

Using this application, you can quickly check and design the behavior of composite beams, or design the whole composite floor system on a floor-by-floor basis within a single Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2016 model. You can also use this application to design non-composite steel beams.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2015
Microsoft Image Composite Editor

Microsoft Image Composite Editor

Creating panoramas out of a set of pictures or video frames in the simplest way is what Microsoft Image Composite Editor was designed for. Its wizard-like interface makes this tool suitable for all types of users. This free utility is compatible with Photoshop, Deep Zoom, and Photosynth, and will also let you save your panoramic views in the most common high-quality image file formats.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: January 24th, 2018
Composite Design for Autodesk Revit 2014

Composite Design for Autodesk Revit 2014

Composite Design for Autodesk Revit 2014 is a program that enables you to perform basic structural analysis and design calculations of composite steel beams in a Revit Structure model. You can quickly design and check the behavior of composite beams or you can design an entire composite floor system on a floor by floor basis within a single Revit Structure model.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2014

Composite beam design .xls in Description



Fastrak Composite Beam is a composite and non-composite beam design tool. It includes flexible loading options, design criteria, stud optimization and stud placement. This powerful tool is available completely free in the US to help provide you with a no-obligation introduction to our solutions.

  • Publisher: CSC (UK) Ltd.
  • Last updated: June 14th, 2010


CBeam 2.0 is a windows application that calculates section properties for composite beams. CBeam is a time saving and helpful tool to virtually any engineer, and it is an excellent compliment to any design or analysis software. With CBeam, a composite beam section can be created and edited graphically using any combination of rectangle, triangle or I-beam shapes

  • Publisher: Juntunen Bridge Systems
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2011
BDES Hilti International Edition

BDES Hilti International Edition

BDES Hilti International Edition is provided free of charge to specifiers to be used for the analysis and design of composite and non-composite beams, as used in general building construction. It is designed according to Eurocode ¾, British Standard 5950 and American AISC LRFD Standard and is available in 8 languages.

  • Publisher: Hilti Corporation
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2009
SMD Elements

SMD Elements

SMD Elements design software performs all aspects of composite slab design for slabs using SMD composite decking profiles (R51, TR60+, TR80+). Main features: - Comprehensive design options for analysing the slab in construction, composite and fire stages. - Design to both BS5950 and Eurocode 4. - Intuitive graphical interface. - Save reports directly to MS Word .doc files.

  • Publisher: SMD Software
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2015
ProSteel Demo

ProSteel Demo

ProSteel 5's options include design and checking of simply supported beams, column design and checking, analysis of openings in beam webs and simple connection design. Key features- Steel beam design and checking to BS5950-1:2000- Column design and checking to BS5950-1:2000

  • Publisher: Greentram Software Pty Ltd
  • Home page: www.superbeam.co.uk
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Additional Composite beam design .xls selection



This program lets you easily make the calculations related to the design of the beams so they can stand the daily use of the building, as well as resist movements from diverse sources such as earthquakes or the daily passing of heavy trucks, taking into account the use of the building, as well as other factors. For specialized users only.

  • Publisher: Survey Design Associates Limited
  • Home page: www.superbeam.co.uk
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2018


CSiCOL is a comprehensive program that can be used for the analysis and design of columns. CSiCOL provides a 'Quick Design Wizard' tool that guides the users step-by-step, through the whole process of column design. It is capable of handling an unlimited number of load combinations both for sway and non-sway conditions.

  • Publisher: Computers and Structures, Inc.
  • Home page: www.csiberkeley.com
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2014
ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator

ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator

ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator is a program designed to facilitate the design and calculation of composite beams and non composite beams according to the principles of Eurocodes (EN) [1 to 5]. Tee user-friendly interface requires a short training time for a new user, but the user must have an appropriate knowledge in the fields of steel structures and of composite concrete-steel structures.

  • Publisher: ArcelorMittal
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2015
Concise Beam

Concise Beam

Concise Beam is a simple program for designing precast concrete beams. You can use this application to perform load analysis and design checks in accordance with the latest edition of ACI 318, CSA A23.3 & S6, AS3600, or NZ3101.1. Key code parameters can be customized to simulate other design codes too.

  • Publisher: Black Mint Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.blackmint.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


spBeam is a program used for analysis, design, and investigation of beams and one-way slabs in reinforced concrete floor systems. The program features torsion effects in the shear design and investigation allowing engineers to achieve more economical cross sections where coupled shear and torsion occur (in accordance with US and Canadian codes).

Dynamo Extension for Autodesk Advance Steel

Dynamo Extension for Autodesk Advance Steel

The Dynamo Extension for Advance Steel allows you to generate complex structures using Advance Steel beams and plates. You can assign materials, beam sections or user attributes from Dynamo to the generated elements in order to minimize the number of steps required for modeling.



The Deltabeam app is a software tool for designers to make Deltabeam design and modeling easier. With Deltabeam Preselection Software, the designer can check that the chosen Deltabeam type is suitable for the structure. The final beam design and individual dimensioning is done by Peikko.

  • Publisher: Peikko
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2017


CADEC is an online application that performs composite materials analysis as described in the textbook Introduction to Composite Materials Design.Very good program for students , teachers if they want to calculate the transverse modules and moisture expansion coefficients.

  • Publisher: Twain Engineering LLC
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2012


For nearly 30 years, ETABS has been recognized as the industry standard for Building Analysis and Design Software. Today, continuing in the same tradition, ETABS has evolved into a completely Integrated Building Analysis and Design Environment. Integrated analysis, design and drafting of building systems.

  • Publisher: Computers and Structures, Inc.
  • Home page: www.csiamerica.com
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2012
Autodesk Simulation Composite Design

Autodesk Simulation Composite Design

Autodesk Simulation Composite Design is a program that delivers composite analysis tools for design simulations. It provides designers and composite engineers with rapid, detailed information on the behavior of composite materials, laminates and simple structures. It delivers advanced failure criteria including Hashin, Puck and MCT.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2013