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Compressed archives high in Title/Summary

Browsable Compressed Archives NSE

Browsable Compressed Archives NSE

Browsable Compressed Archives NSE allows you to browse into most of the archive types supported by the open source 7-zip program.This app is has support for: - Archives: 7Z, RAR, ARJ, GZ, GZIP, LZH, LHA, LZMA, TAR, ZIPX, JAR. - Images: ISO, IMG, DMG.

  • Publisher: Zabkat
  • Home page: zabkat.com
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016
Files Compressed

Files Compressed

Files Compressed can help you solve your zipping/unzipping issues. This software supports the top zip formats and helps you extract files from zipped archives in minutes! Main Features: - Supports Over 40 Compression Formats. - 100% Free Software - Free Technical Support - Simple to Use Software Interface

  • Publisher: Files Compressed
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2010
Unzip Photo Archives

Unzip Photo Archives

Unzip Photo Archives is simply the fastest, easiest way to batch Unzip Zip and RAR photo archives on your computer.

Compressed archives high in Description

BulkZip File Compressor

BulkZip File Compressor

BulkZip features high performance compression that allows you to create compressed archives. The compressor ranks first in multiple benchmarks regarding strength and speed.

  • Publisher: Northstone Consulting Ltd.
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


Filzip is a FREE file compression utility for Windows. You can use it to compress your book collection in an single package or to extract the archives you download from the web. Filezip supports opening and extracting archives of the following formats: ZIP, BH, CAB, JAR, LHA,TAR, GZIP, ACE, ARC, ARJ, RAR, ZOO, UUE and XXE. And it can create ZIP, BH, CAB, JAR, LHA,TAR and GZIP archives.

  • Publisher: Philipp Engel
  • Home page: www.filzip.com
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2009


ZipStar is a FREE file compression utility. You can use it, for instance, to compress your personal pictures into a single package or to unzip them when you want to know what are those compressed archives with mysterious names. It exclusively supports ZIP, SQX and CAB archives.



Simplyzip is a free file compression utility. With Simplyzip you are be able to open most popular file compression formats like ZIP, CZIP, ACE, CAB, RAR, TAR, GZIP, LZH, BZ2, SQX, RS, UUE, XXE, BASE64, UCL, ARJ, ZLIB, ALIB, RPM, DEB, 7-ZIP. And, of course, you can create compressed archives in a number of formats like 7z, ZIP, CZIP, Cab, LHA, TAR, TAR GZ TAR BZ2, ACE, etc.

  • Publisher: Paehlsoft
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2011


DocShield is a document backup and most importantly a version tracker utility which helps users monitoring defined system folders for any performed changes. The program automatically creates compressed backups or the archives being watched in the desired location

  • Publisher: PanIO Systems
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2012

Additional Compressed archives high selection

PDF Converter Pro

PDF Converter Pro

PDF Converter Pro is capable of transforming nearly any document available in digital form into a PDF or PDF/A file. The new version of this tool has increased the number of file formats supported for the input from 149 (an already respectable figure) to more than 500. This includes not only all text-based file formats you can think of, but also quite a few image- and graphic-based file types.

HandyBits EasyCrypto

HandyBits EasyCrypto

Try this state-of-the-art encryption utility. This is really the easiest and most reliable way to secure your data with strong encryption.rnStandard product setup includes: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish languages.

  • Publisher: Teknum Systems
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2022


DAEMON Sync lets you synchronize and share files between your PC and mobile devices. Using this app, you will no longer need to connect your phone via USB to upload a file to your computer. Instead, using your local wireless connection, you can quickly share photos, music, and videos among your devices without uploading them to the web.

  • Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2015


Find the information you want with powerful text patterns (regular expressions) specifying the form of what you want, instead of literal text. Search and replace with one or many regular expressions to comprehensively maintain web sites, source code, reports, etc. Extract statistics and knowledge from logs files and large data sets.

  • Publisher: Just Great Software
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023
PDF Explorer

PDF Explorer

PDF Explorer is a PDF, and CHM, file management software. It allows you to easily index all your pdf documents, present in hard disks, cd/dvd rom network or other media supports, to a database file using metadata fields.

PAK Explorer

PAK Explorer

The PAK Explorer allows you to create, browse and modify *.PAK files (compressed archives). The program features the following: export files/folders/archive, import files/folders, drag'n'drop (import from Explorer/Desktop), view files (only works with files that have registered viewers) and support for ZWP archives (Dark Reign).

  • Publisher: Leinen Software Development
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2008
Magic FAT Recovery

Magic FAT Recovery

Magic FAT Recovery is a completely safe and absolutely easy to use recovery tool. A fully guided wizard will help restoring files and rebuilding partitions step by step. An instant, fully visual preview is available for recoverable files such as documents, pictures, emails, compressed archives, video, mp3 and other common files.

Incredimail Backup8

Incredimail Backup8

Incredimail Backup8 allows you to backup Incredimail messages, stores, plugins, address books and more. All your data from Incredimail is saved to an archive file, which is compressed with high ratio algorithm. With the Archive Explorer, you can easily browse your backup archives and restore them in a few clicks.

UltimateZip 2007

UltimateZip 2007

UltimateZip is a commercial file compression utility. You can use it to compress all your documents in a single package in order to save disk space or to hide your sensitive information from prying eyes, protecting it with a password. Other things you can do with this powerful program are automating the process of backing up your important data and creating self extracting files.

  • Publisher: Oliver von Schleusen
  • Last updated: January 14th, 2013
Zip Repair Tool

Zip Repair Tool

Compressed archives are the most popular form of data storage and transmission. Among them the zip file format is uniformly acknowledged for its compression and security. The latest 64-bit extensions to the format push its carrying capacity much forward. They lift restrictions on the file size, thus providing vessels for virtually limitless amount of data.

  • Publisher: ZRT Labs
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2009