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Control loop analyzer in Title/Summary

VAT - Control Performance Analyzer

VAT - Control Performance Analyzer

Using this software, basic functions like “setup of controller”, “open valve”, “close valve”, “learn”, “up- download of learned data” can be executed, and many convenient functions like “monitoring pressure/position”, “analysis of pressure control performance”, “communication monitor”, etc. are available.

  • Publisher: VAT Vakuumventile AG
  • Home page: www.vatvalve.com
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2017
OptiControls Loop Simulator

OptiControls Loop Simulator

OptiControls Loop Simulator software allows you to interact with and tune simulated process control loops. The simulator mimics various processes, controller options, disturbances, and control valve issues. This real-time simulator clearly and effectively demonstrates the essentials of process dynamics, PID controllers, control loop tuning, and more

  • Publisher: OptiControls Inc.
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2013
Loop Recorder

Loop Recorder

Loop Recorder is designed for capturing songs from the radio. The loop mode infinitely records in a continuous loop while scrolling the data. Songs can be saved as MP3, OGG, ASF.

  • Publisher: Thomas Riechmann and Gerald Riechmann
  • Home page: www.looprecorder.de
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2011

Control loop analyzer in Description

Standback Tuner

Standback Tuner

The Standback™ uses a PID control loop or Proportion, Interval, Derivative. This is a very complex and powerful control loop algorithm that, when done properly provides excellent control. The Standback™ can clear codes and change maps (2) from inside the car (hazard lights).

  • Publisher: Custom Performance Engineering
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012


PC-ControLAB, is a Windows based process control loop simulation program. The program contains 13 control strategies (Feedback, Dual Feedback, Ratio, Cascade, 2 forms of Feedforward, Override, 2 forms of Decoupling and 4 forms of Model-Based Control) and numerous process model representing typical dynamic processes such as temperature, pressure, flow and level applications.

  • Publisher: Wade Associates, Inc.
  • Home page: www.wadeco.com
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2015
Ansur ESA615 Plug-In

Ansur ESA615 Plug-In

Ansur ESA615 Plug-In is a free application that enables automatic safety testing with the Fluke Biomedical ESA615 Electrical Safety Analyzer. You can also control the analyzer and in order to use this plugin you will have to install Ansur 2.9.7 or higher on your computer.

LinMot® MPC Configurator

LinMot® MPC Configurator

The MPC software concept was particularly developed for using linear modules (from manufacturers defined combination of linear motor and linear guide unit, e.g. For achieving best control performance, the load must be defined precisely. Based on the application data the controller calculates the optimal motion profiles and sets the feed forward parameters of its position control loop.

  • Publisher: NTI Ltd.
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2010
ArduCopter Configurator

ArduCopter Configurator

The purpose of this tool is to allow the user to setup the ArduCopter before it's first flight and to quickly adjust settings for desired flight characteristics. There are user programmable values that can be adjusted and stored. The user will be able to graphically observe correct operation of the sensors, transmitter commands and motor control of the quadrocopter.

  • Publisher: DIY Drones
  • Home page: code.google.com
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012

Additional Control loop analyzer selection



zenon is an open-design, object-oriented industrial automation application. It is used by many companies around the world for process visualization, as a human/machine interface (HMI) and as a process control system (SCADA). It has the capability to process and analyze data from all automated production equipment within your facility and other sources of data.

  • Publisher: COPA-DATA
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2014
PowerLog 430-II

PowerLog 430-II

With Power Log, you can download recorded logged data from Fluke Power Quality analyzer 430-II to a PC and generate data tables. It also lets you view, print, and export time plots of all channels. You can perform harmonic studies, print tables, graphs, and comprehensive, formatted reports.

  • Publisher: Fluke Corporation
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2017


This tool simulates a control loop consisting of a first order process with deadtime and a PID controller. The process is specified by the process gain, time constant and dead time. The PID controller has 3 parameters: gain, integral and derivative. Key in these values into the appropriate cells. If the integral time is keyed in as 0, the integral term is ignored.

  • Publisher: Engineers-Excel
  • Last updated: January 2nd, 2013


OscilloSpectroXpro gives to your pc the functions of an audio spectrum analyzer and numeric oscilloscope for audio control. The program can be used for: acoustic measurement, sound analysis, sound system settings and control, the maintenance of recording devices, electronics, telecommunication and all the domains where computers and audio devices are connected.



RMCTools is a motion control software package for setting up, tuning, troubleshooting, programming and controlling all features of Delta's RMC70 and RMC150 motion controllers. The program offers high-speed communications to the RMC75E and RMC150E via USB and the RMC75S and RMC75P via RS-232 serial.

Regulator Toolkit

Regulator Toolkit

This application is designed to guide you quickly and easily toward the Emerson products that will help solve your particular Emerson pressure control loop problems. Included in the application are many sources of information, including Fisher, Tartarini, and Francel, brand products and the principles of applications to specific industry segments, such as Tank Blanketing, Natural Gas, etc.

  • Publisher: Emerson Process Management
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2015


PIDassist is a multi-purpose Windows program. It combines the functions of a process simulator, a simulated controller, a data logger and an automatic code generator to provide you with a comprehensive toolset for developing PID control applications.

  • Publisher: SPLat Controls
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2008
Matrikon OPC Excel Reporter

Matrikon OPC Excel Reporter

Matrikon OPC Excel Reporter is a control loop analysis application. It works with popular OPC-HDA capable data sources like OSI PI, AspenTech InfoPlus 21, GE-Fanuc Automation Proficy (iHistorian), Wonderware Historian (InSQL), MatrikonOPC Desktop Historian, Honeywell PHD and Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Publisher: Matrikon Inc
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2013
Blue Cat's StereoScope Pro

Blue Cat's StereoScope Pro

Blue Cat's StereoScope Pro VST is a real time stereo field analyzer with multiple views and MIDI/automation output capabilities. The stereo analysis can be controlled in details and the precise measurements capabilities combined with the zoomable displays let you monitor what is exactly happening.

Hamamatsu HCImageLive

Hamamatsu HCImageLive

HCImage Live is a basic imaging application that is included with the purchase of a Hamamatsu camera. It provides comprehensive control of Hamamatsu cameras using the DCAM-API driver. HCImage Live includes the necessary tools for basic image acquisition, processing and analysis, all in a flexible, easy-to-use application

  • Publisher: Hamamatsu
  • Home page: hcimage.com
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2018