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Control panel zip file in Title/Summary

A Control Panel File Maker

A Control Panel File Maker

This utility generates a Control Panel Applet (.cpl file) that runs the application of your choice.Main features: -Generates a Windows Control Panel applet (.CPL file). -Runs a program of your choice via an ICON installed in the Windows Control Panel.

  • Publisher: JS Payne of Cortland NY
  • Home page: www.jspayne.com
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
Microsoft DirectX Control Panel

Microsoft DirectX Control Panel

The Microsoft DirectX control panel is a small improvement for the Windows Control Panel, which allows you to easily access the properties of DirectX. Standard Windows installation includes both basic and advanced tools for working with all kinds of user requests, but sometimes access to the service for beginners is difficult. For example, DirectX information can be obtained through the dxdiag tool, but extensive parameters are invisible to the naked eye.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2017
JSR Control Panel

JSR Control Panel

JSR Control Panel will allow you to control the PRC50 Pulser-Receiver Card, the DPR500 Dual Pulser/Receiver or the DPR300 Pulser/Receiver from your PC. In addition, a Simulation Mode is included within this application that will allow you to view and change settings without having hardware in place. Windows Support for PRC50, DPR500 and DPR300 instruments

Control panel zip file in Description

Registry Clean Pro

Registry Clean Pro

Registry Clean Pro is an easy-to-use application that uses high-performance algorithms to quickly identify invalid or orphaned references within the Windows Registry and allows you to repair each item selectively or repair them all automatically, making your PC faster and more efficient.

  • Publisher: QSX Software Group
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008
XdN Tweaker

XdN Tweaker

Everybody wants to look different and feel special nowadays, even when they’re working with computers. With XdN Tweaker you get a quick and direct access to change many settings and configure the behavior you want for your operating system ordered in categories. This software is easy-to-use and you can access to it for free.

  • Publisher: Xenomorph dot Net
  • Home page: xenomorph.net
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2013
.NET ZIP Component for CS VB.NET ASP.NET

.NET ZIP Component for CS VB.NET ASP.NET

A high-speed, reliable Zip library with affordable price which lets you add zip/unzip functionality to your .NET applications with only few lines of code.

  • Publisher: ComponentPro
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2013
Zip Repair Toolbox

Zip Repair Toolbox

ZIP Repair Toolbox is a state of the art recovery solution for WinZIP archive repair. Repair all ZIP archive type with ease, including repairing files with incorrect CRC values and enjoy previews and selective restore of recovered data Download now!



A zip self-extractor is a program that is attached to a zip file to allow the contents to be extracted without using a zip file reader such as Zipfocus or Winzip™. Self-extractors are often used to distribute software. In this case, files may be extracted into a temporary folder before a command is issued to initiate program installation.

  • Publisher: J D H Turner
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Control panel zip file selection

Express Zip File Compression

Express Zip File Compression

With Express Zip File Compression Software you can shrink your huge files in the blink of an eye. This handy tool is wonderfully straightforward: just drag your files or folders into the program, click a button, and there you go. All your data is neatly packed away in a compressed ZIP file.

Express Zip File Compression Software

Express Zip File Compression Software

Express Zip Software for File Compression and Archiving. Easily create, edit, manage and extract zipped files and folders. Zip or compress to reduce file size for email transmission or save hard drive disc space. Supports .zip, .rar and .tar.

GWX Control Panel

GWX Control Panel

GWX Control Panel is a free program that can remove and disable the 'Get Windows 10' notification area icon on Windows 7 and Windows 8. Also, the application can disable 'Upgrade to Windows 10' behavior in the Windows Update control panel. The app has an intuitive interface.

Startup Control Panel

Startup Control Panel

Startup Control Panel is a very effective and small sized application which is used to configure windows startup programs. The software is very simple to use and small in size. Startup control panel is compatible with almost all common Windows versions such as Windows 98, 2000 , Me, NT and Windows XP.

  • Publisher: Mike Lin
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2008
Guitar Hero Three Control Panel

Guitar Hero Three Control Panel

Guitar Hero Three Control Panel allows you to manage Guitar Hero 3 data. The software is updated regularly and it's available as a free release. The software requires that original Guitar hero 3 must be installed before use. It supports mp3 files and Guitar Hero : Aerosmith.

PearPC Control Panel

PearPC Control Panel

PearPC emulates a PPC Macintosh inside of Windows and Linux. It emulates a machine capable of running OS X versions up to 10.4 (Tiger). PearPC does not emulate a Machine capable of running OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or greater. The emulated machine can also run Darwin and Linux.

Master Control Panel

Master Control Panel

Master Control Panel is a free Master Clock Setup / Computer Time Setting application designed to work with the ES-102U, ES-103U, ES-185U, ES-160U and ES-188 devices. You can choose to set the time and date of your master clock manually or to have your computer's clock updated automatically.

Two Worlds Control Panel

Two Worlds Control Panel

Two Worlds Control Panel enables you to tweak and manage Two Worlds. You will need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installed. Features: - Reworked behaviour of Mods: Intelligent refreshing only changed data. Update of mod database can be triggered manually. - Improved fallback if downloaded mod database is broken - Reading used mods for savegames.

CnC Shark Control Panel

CnC Shark Control Panel

Your Shark brings the speed and precision of computer- controlled machinery to your shop with the top value CNC system. The CNC Shark, along with a router or other power tool, is a computer-numerically-controlled (CNC) routing system. As such, it is a powerful system that can reduce your woodworking risks by providing a method of cutting wood

  • Publisher: Next Wave Automation
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2014
Progress Control Panel

Progress Control Panel

Telerik Progress Control Panel allows you to install and update all your Telerik products from a single interface. After logging in to this program, you will be presented with a screen containing sections for all products, purchased products, trial products, and free products.

  • Publisher: Telerik AD
  • Home page: www.telerik.com
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2024