Convert .pkg to .exe in Title/Summary

PPTX to EXE Converter
PPT to EXE Converter is an ideal solution for distributing PowerPoint 2007 and PowerPoint 2010 PPTX ot PPSX presentations. It doesn't take imitation way, it can view full-featured presentations created by PowerPoint 2007 and PowerPoint 2010 PPTX ot PPSX versions, that is to say the converted exe file is exactly the same as the original PowerPoint PPTX file.
- Publisher: VaySoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter
ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter is an application that will help you convert PDF file to self-running EXE file. ApinSoft PDF to EXE Converter encrypt the original PDF file, the output EXE files get the PDF data through memory stream, so your users cannot get it in his/her computer hard disk, This feature will strongly protect your PDF, it can prevent users from getting the original PDF file.
- Publisher: ApinSoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

ImElfin Free MSI to EXE Converter
ImElfin Free MSI to EXE Converter enables the potential users to smoothly, quickly convert their MSI installation files to .EXE files.
- Publisher: ImElfin
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 25th, 2013
Convert .pkg to .exe in Description

Power Flash Decompiler
Power Flash Decompiler is a hot piece of application designed to decompile flash files. Detailed user manual may guide you to export resources from flash movies, extract fla data from flash movie to rebuild new flash file, convert between exe and swf format and edit current flash file effortlessly.
- Publisher: Color7 Tech Inc.
- Last updated: October 31st, 2009

Magic Flash Decompiler
Magic Flash Decompiler is professional SWF decompiling software which offers a treasure trove of tools for those who want to extract elements from flash movies, edit dynamic texts and images of flash movies. You can effortlessly convert between EXE and SWF files.
- Publisher: Magic Video Software Inc.
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009

It generates the high level code in the back end of the decompilation. Just as a compiler may have several back ends for generating machine code for different architectures, the decompiler(the free disassembler) has several back ends for generating high level code in different high level languages.
- Publisher: RustemSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

SISContents is a tool that allows you to unpack, edit and sign Symbian 9 SIS packages (Nokia S60 3rd, 5th Edition and Sony Ericsson UIQ 3.x platforms are supported). It helps you to inspect the files contained in SIS package, to see certificates against which it was signed as well as to view the PKG script that describes the on-device installation process.
- Publisher: CD Shell Team
- Last updated: April 5th, 2012

TMurgent App-V PkgView
View App-V "pkg" file content, both file and registry. You select the Pkg file you are interested in and click on the Analyze button. The display on the left shows an information tab with GUIDs and versions and dates and sizes of things. To this we add the counts of the number of file/folder and registry changes contained in the pkg file.
- Publisher: TMurgent Technologies, LLP
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
Additional Convert .pkg to .exe selection

VaySoft PDF to EXE Converter
VaySoft PDF to EXE Converter can help you generate personalized output EXE files. For example, you can set private icon images as an output EXE file and configure your picture images before or after playing the PDF. The program supports not only JPG, BMP, or EMF, but also PNG and GIF files, so you can make your own irregular or animated welcome interface.
- Publisher: VaySoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Bat To Exe Converter
Bat To EXE Converter can help you create executable files from batch files, which are composed of a series of DOS instructions. The tool is extremely straightforward and consequently appropriate for any kind of user. However, it is important that you know the syntax of the source code, except probably when you intend to import already existing BAT files.
- Publisher: Fatih Kodak
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

Advanced BAT to EXE Converter
Convert BATch files to .EXE format with encryption. Mouse Input. Select EXE Icon. Run Invisible. Embed dependency files. Select EXE version properties, print centered color text, gather user input, do math. Option to Password Protect EXE.
- Publisher: BDargo Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 10th, 2024

Exe to msi Converter Pro
Exe to MSI converter enables IT administrators to convert exe installers to the Windows Installer (MSI) packages. You can deploy these msi packages using Active Directory GPO or SCCM. This app provides three different methods of conversion: Repackaging, Unattended installation, and GUI scripting.
- Publisher: APREL Technologies, LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 29th, 2016

PPT to EXE Converter
This utility converts your PowerPoint PPT/PPTX files to executable EXE files. This makes it possible to view your presentation on any Windows computer without needing any additional software. Besides single-file conversions, it can also batch convert. Trial version is available for 30 days without any limitation.
- Publisher: VaySoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011

PictureViewer .EXE
It has never been easier to view your photos, whether they come from the internet, picture galleries, digital cameras or scanners. Create slideshow presentations, browse folders, make playlists, skim thumbnails, rotate, zoom and print images.
- Publisher: SoftTech InterCorp
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

CHM To Exe
Chm To Exe is a free program that allows you to convert Microsoft HTML Help files (.chm) into ebooks and applications (executable files). You can open CHM files, explore them, extract all source files and create related HTML Executable projects. Features: - Display splash screens, custom message boxes. - Turn your HTML Help files into trial ebooks so you can sell them.
- Publisher: G.D.G. Software
- Last updated: January 10th, 2013

MSI to EXE Compiler
Already have an MSI package, but your client need EXE file? MSI to EXE compiler can help! This is professional solution to convert MSI to EXE with minimal overhead and maximal compatibility. MSI to EXE Compiler allows you to assign custom icon to the installer. Compiler can be used from command line or in GUI mode.
- Publisher: Abyssmedia
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2021

Exe to msi Converter
If an application comes without a .msi file you cannot use the deploying by using GPO. However you can publish it by making msi package with the Exe to Msi Converter. Tool builds setup executable in to a msi package which can be used for deployment on multiple machines via Active Directory.
- Publisher: QwertyLab
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2011

The files are recovered regardless of the software used to convert the presentation to EXE. PPT to EXE Converter, PPT to EXE Converter Pro, PPTX to EXE Converter, PPtoEXE, PowerPoint SlideShow Converter, PPT2EXE Packer, custom "improved" WinRAR, IExpress and WinZIP Self Extractor protections and even Secure Pack are fully supported.
- Publisher: eLock Soft
- Last updated: January 30th, 2012