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Convert kml to cdr in Title/Summary

KML/KMZ to GPX Converter

KML/KMZ to GPX Converter

Easy way to convert Waypoints from KMZ or KML to GPX file format with the KML/KMZ to GPX Converter free. Easy Steps : - Save your waypoints in KMZ or KML format with google earth - Import that format in the KML/KMZ to GPX Converter free - Then select waypoint you want to convert to GPX format - Export the GPX format - Upload the GPX format in your GPS

  • Publisher: HotelResortClub.com
  • Last updated: February 23rd, 2010
KML To CSV Converter Software

KML To CSV Converter Software

KML To CSV Converter Software offers a solution to users who want to convert one or many KML files into CSVs. The user may choose to the delimiting character: comma, comma-space, semi-colon, tab or other. This software can save many hours by arranging KML files into an easy-to-read and import format.

KML Feature Extractor

KML Feature Extractor

KML Feature Extractor is a program designed to extract the features of KML/KMZ files (the native format of Google Earth). The program will scan for features, extract them, and convert them to shapefiles. The shapefiles can then be imported into most GIS applications.

  • Publisher: Warp Engine Software
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2010

Convert kml to cdr in Description

FoxPDF CorelDraw to PDF Converter

FoxPDF CorelDraw to PDF Converter

FoxPDF CorelDraw to PDF Converter allows you to convert CorelDraw(CDR) to PDF directly, NO CorelDraw required, batch conversion supported. It converts CDR files into vector PDF files, quick and easily.

  • Publisher: FoxPDF Corporation
  • Home page: www.foxpdf.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2013
CDR Viewer

CDR Viewer

CDR Viewer is free for use software tool. This viewer can be used to open/display CorelDRAW image files and gives you and options to convert .cdr file types to other image file formats as .jpg, .gif, .png, .tiff and .bmp. CDR stands for CorelDRAW and this extension is proprietary format used by Corel software.

  • Publisher: IdeaMK
  • Home page: CDRviewer.org
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2011
FoxPDF CorelDraw (CDR) to PDF Converter

FoxPDF CorelDraw (CDR) to PDF Converter

This tool converts your Corel Draw CDR files into PDF documents. However, it can also convert other kinds of files - like JPEG images and text files - into PDF. The program allows you to convert several source files into PDF in a single operation. Besides, it supports CDR files from most versions of CorelDraw.

  • Publisher: FoxPDF Corporation
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2012
SysTools CDR Viewer

SysTools CDR Viewer

CDR Viewer Freeware software is designed in such a way that helps to open, read, search, and view CorelDRAW CDR files that are damaged as well as corrupted in exact form without losing a bit information. CDR Viewer Freeware does not modify the damaged file, it view its complete data in its original form.

Recovery Toolbox for CorelDraw

Recovery Toolbox for CorelDraw

Recovery Toolbox for CorelDRAW is a neat and handy tool that attempts to repair and recover CorelDraw CDR files. It supports recovering CDR files regardless of the CorelDRAW version you apply, as long as it is at least CorelDRAW 10. It’s not guaranteed to work every time and for every damaged file, but it’s still better to try it than just to despair and do nothing.

Additional Convert kml to cdr selection

Convert to PDF

Convert to PDF

Convert to PDF is a program that enables you to convert any file to a PDF file format. It provides support for converting DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, VSD, WDB, WPS, DOCX, XLSX, DWG, DXF, DWF, CDR, SHW, WP5, WP6, WPD, WPF, WS, XDW, WB1, WB2, WQ1, RTF, TXT, HTM, HTML, BMP, JPG, JPEG, JP2 files.

  • Publisher: Abdio Software Inc
  • Home page: www.abdio.com
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2015
Video Convert Master

Video Convert Master

A common error you might get while trying to watch videos on your PC, iPhone or iPad is the inability of the video player to load a unsupported movie format. Video Convert Master helps you with this issue by allowing you to convert your films to various video formats.

  • Publisher: McFunSoft Inc.
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2011
Free Audio Converter

Free Audio Converter

Free Audio Converter is an all-in-one audio converter and extractor, you can also convert files in batches. allowing you to both convert between different format audio files and extract audio from video files to mp3 aac format



ExpertGPS is a GPS map software, which helps you plan outdoor adventures. It can show GPS waypoints and tracklogs from any handheld GPS receiver over aerial photos and US topographic maps. Thus, you can plan trips using scanned USGS topo maps and send routes directly to your GPS receiver to guide you in the field.

Magic Video Capture/Convert/Burn Studio

Magic Video Capture/Convert/Burn Studio

This program brings together three of the main functions when working with video files. Instead of using one program for recording audio and/or video, another for converting your files into different formats, and yet another to burn videos into DVD or VCD discs, this program lets you do all these three things in an easy and convenient way.

  • Publisher: Magic Video Software
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2011
Convert DOC to PDF For Word

Convert DOC to PDF For Word

This Word extension can help you create PDF documents. It has the advantage that it lets you use Microsoft Word for this purpose. As this text processor is widely known and used, any user can edit and create PDF documents without the need to use more specific software.

  • Publisher: 8848SOFT, Inc
  • Home page: www.8848soft.com
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
office Convert Pdf to Jpg Jpeg Tiff

office Convert Pdf to Jpg Jpeg Tiff

office Convert Pdf to Jpg Jpeg Tiff offers an easy way to convert the popular PDF format to various graphic formats, such as: GIF, BMP, JPG, TIFF etc. It provides fast conversion speeds and delivers professional results. Moreover, the software runs well on all popular Windows versions.

  • Publisher: Officeconvert Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2011
TCX Converter

TCX Converter

TCX Converter is more than a simple conversion solution for TCX files. It can also load GPX, KML, TRK, FITLOG, FIT, PLT and CSV files and export to TCX, GPX, KML, PLT, HRM, TRK, CSV and FIT files. It offers many other features besides the obvious conversion function.

ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop

ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop

ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop is a program that allows you to bring spatial data from many sources into the ArcGIS environment for mapping, visualization, and analysis. It provides a zero-coding environment to read, transform, and write in hundreds of GIS- and business-friendly formats from files, databases, and the web.

  • Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
  • Home page: www.esri.com
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2015
Convert Doc

Convert Doc

'Convert Doc' has been optimized for rapid conversions. It also allows for the saving and restoring of 'conversion jobs'. A 'conversion job' is one or more conversion tasks. From simple to complex it can quickly recall past work. Command line capability is fundamental to ALL of our software tools.