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Convert md5 salt to md5 in Title/Summary

MD5 Fingerabdruck

MD5 Fingerabdruck

MD5 Fingerabdruck is a tool for calculating any file's MD5 hash. The program can generate a .md5 file with the found MD5 that can be used the program later for verifying that the file was not changed . The program also supports command-line arguments.

  • Publisher: Carstens & Co. GmbH Informationsmanagement
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008
MD5 Calculator

MD5 Calculator

MD5 Calculator 1.0 is a tiny tool for calculating MD5 digest for any file just simply right click any file on your computer and choose "MD5 Calculator" to instantly get the md5 value for that file . MD5 is now commonly used by webmaster of downloadable programs on the their websites to ensure their content is not infected or modified in anyway.

  • Publisher: Bullzip
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2008
MD5 Checksum

MD5 Checksum

With the help of MD5 Checksum 1.1 you can get the md5 checksum of any file on your computer by just right clicking it . It has the functionality of comparing two md5 to each other to know if they match or not. It supports the English and the French language.

  • Publisher: Okaryn
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2008

Convert md5 salt to md5 in Description

Tweak PDF To Word

Tweak PDF To Word

Tweak PDF To Word is, as its name says, an application that allows you to convert any PDF file to Word format. An advantage of using this program is the fact that all images, tables, etc. will be safely stored in the resulted Word file. The program supports batch conversion, which means that you are able to convert as many PDF files as you want with just a few clicks.

  • Publisher: Tweak PDF
  • Last updated: February 6th, 2012
Lionsea AVI Converter Ultimate

Lionsea AVI Converter Ultimate

AVI Converter is used by most people as AVI format is used by a large amount of people. If you want your video to look more attractive or special, AVI Converter is just the one you need to have a try. You will not lose hope with this video converter.

  • Publisher: Lionsea
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2013
Aiseesoft Total Media Converter Platinum

Aiseesoft Total Media Converter Platinum

Aiseesoft Total Media Converter Platinum can help users rip any homemade DVD disc and convert popular video/audio files to any other video/audio format. Also it allows you to convert homemade DVD/videos to 3D videos.

  • Publisher: Aiseesoft Studio
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2014
.NET CF Mail Component for CS VB.NET

.NET CF Mail Component for CS VB.NET

The Ultimate Mail is a part of the Mail Component which offers a comprehensive interface for downloading e-mail messages from a server and managing your mailbox remotely, all from within your application.

  • Publisher: ComponentPro
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2013
MD5 for Win32

MD5 for Win32

WinMD5Free is a tiny and fast utility to compute MD5 hash value for files. It works with Microsoft Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7.As an Internet standard (RFC 1321), MD5 has been used in a wide variety of security applications, and is also commonly used to check the integrity of file, and verify download.

  • Publisher: Kenneth Ballard
  • Home page: www.winmd5.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2012

Additional Convert md5 salt to md5 selection

MD5 Checksum Verifier

MD5 Checksum Verifier

MD5 Checksum Verifier can check the integrity of files using common MD5 algorithms. Using this tool, you can create checksums of files and verify their integrity in the future. It is quite useful while sharing files though the Internet or external storage devices.

  • Publisher: FlashPlayerPro
  • Home page: FlashPlayerPro.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021
MD5 File Hasher

MD5 File Hasher

MD5 File Hasher is a program that can be used to check any file for changes or damage, using its MD5 checksum. MD5 hash values for several files, a folder or an entire drive can be created automatically. These can be exported into a text file or saved as a Checkfile. The program can also create Checkfiles.



HaoZip is an archive program which supports RAR and ZIP files. The settings menu gives you the possibility to change the default theme; in addition it enables you to select the target archiving formats. It also supports decompressing various format files, including .zip,. 7z, and .rar. The program works fast and it is easy to use.

  • Publisher: RuiCheng Network Technology Co. Ltd
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2014
mst MD5

mst MD5

mst Defrag was the world's first proactive defragmentation software. This is a technological jump start that relieves private users of routine tasks and pays off in both small and large companies by lowering their administrative costs and work. The proactive technology of mst Defrag guarantees maximum system performance not just in the moments after the defragmentation has just finished.

  • Publisher: mst software GmbH
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008


Bitser is a powerful tool that lets you manage archives and backup files of various types, including popular ones like ZIP, 7-ZIP, EXE, RAR, ISO, MSI, TAR, and so on. Anyway, it supports most of these formats only for extraction, as for creating new archives it can handle only the ZIP, 7-ZIP and self-extracting EXE output types.

  • Publisher: Bitser
  • Home page: www.bitser.org
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2015
MD5 Checker

MD5 Checker

Like our fingerprints are unique to us and can be used to identify us, computer files can also be examined to produce a unique identification in the form of a block of 32 letters and numbers. Using a computer program containing the MD5 creation code (called an algorithm), it can generate this block for each computer file that is examined.

MD5 Checksum Tool

MD5 Checksum Tool

MD5 Checksum Tool is a nice program to check MD5 value of any file or multiple files at once and compare them to expected MD5 values. The program also supports detecting duplicated files based on their MD5 hash value. You can export the results to many file formats.

  • Publisher: Ferruh Mavituna
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2012
MD5 Hash Generator

MD5 Hash Generator

The MD5 Hash generator allow you to generate 128-bit MD5 hashes for your files, allowing you to check for corruption during downloads, or to generate the MD5's for distributing with your software. The MD5 Hash generator has:Drag and Drop functionality, Right-clicking on any file shows "Generate MD5 hash" option, etc.

  • Publisher: drnaylor.co.uk
  • Last updated: October 11th, 2009


Par-N-Rar is a graphical utility which accepts a directory as input and will repair/verify any PAR/PAR2/SFV/MD5 files in that directory. Once it verifies a set of files, it will attempt to unRAR them. Once it finishes unRARing a RAR archive, it will (optionally) remove the original PAR/RAR files.

  • Publisher: MilowSoft
  • Home page: www.milow.net
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
MD5 Password

MD5 Password

MD5 Password is a password recovery tool for security professionals, which can be used to decrypt a password if its MD5 hash is known. MD5 is an industry standard hash algorithm that is used in many applications to store passwords. Key Features: * Fast, highly optimized recovery engine (supports multi-core, multi-CPU, hyperthreading)

  • Publisher: LastBit Software
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011