Converter calculator deluxe edition in Title/Summary

Tank Calculator Deluxe
Allows tank operators to input the Tank Length, Tank Diameter and current Product Levels to determine the Gross Product Volume from the tank. Tank shapes can be either Vertical (Aboveground), Flat Ended (steel) or Cylindrical (fiberglass). The program assumes that the ends of cylindrical shaped tanks are true hemispheres.
- Publisher: Ken Wilcox Associates, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 1st, 2010

TimeLeft Deluxe edition
TimeLeft Deluxe edition is a desktop clock with several applications. You can use this program as a countdown clock, adding events. The program can also be used as a stopwatch, or a timer. It is also possible to post a sticker on your desktop, that will remind you about events.
- Publisher: NesterSoft Company
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

I Hate This Key Deluxe Edition
Tired of accidental key taps that throw you out of the hot battle in Counter Strike or Quake, make your e-mails screaming or computer sleeping? Try I Hate This Key Deluxe Edition and be happy. I Hate This Key can customize any system-wide keys on any keyboard.
- Publisher: ByteGems
- Last updated: January 21st, 2009
Converter calculator deluxe edition in Description

SlovoEd Deluxe English-Russian
English-Russian and Russian-English Slovoed dictionary software for Windows lets you easily find appropriate translation of any word and express yourself most precisely thanks to high translation rate, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases and easy-to-use interface.
- Publisher: Paragon Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

FirstStop WebSearch Visual Edition
FirstStop WebSearch Visual Edition with the all-NEW FirstStop WebSearch Visualization technology. Search the Web quickly and efficiently with filtered and verified results. And narrow your search by with thumbnail images of your search results.
- Publisher: FirstStop WebSearch, LLC.
- Last updated: December 26th, 2008

SureThing CD Labeler Deluxe
CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, labels, case inserts, and covers in any size and shape can be easily produced and printed with SureThing Disc Labeler Deluxe. This comprehensive design tool supports all the most common label types and manufacturers, and comes with a set of useful tools to help you create professional-looking disc labeling projects.
- Publisher: MicroVision Development, Inc.
- Last updated: February 28th, 2017

SureThing Disc Labeler Deluxe
Disc Labeler can be used for creating CD/DVD labels, covers, and complete media packaging. It comes with an image library featuring thousands of colorful images to be used as backgrounds or clipart for your project. Support for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format ensures that you get smooth edges of icons and images.
- Publisher: MicroVision Development, Inc.
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

CyberLink Screen Recorder
Gamers, vloggers, streamers, and anyone wanting to record and share videos online will find in CyberLink Screen Recorder the ally they were looking for. With this compact tool, you can capture, save, and share online anything that happens on your screen, be it a game, a business presentation, or new content for your vlog.
- Publisher: CyberLink Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Converter calculator deluxe edition selection

GoWin!The Football Forecaster Deluxe Edition
Warm up the winter with hot football predictions! Benefit now by the most prolific period of the year for a successful season with GoWin! According to the statistical studies that continuously monitor both the GoWin! Predictions’ performance and our users’ feedback, now is the time of year with the best prediction performance for GoWin!. Enjoy it now!
- Publisher: GoWin! Software Company
- Home page:

DPLS Science Calculator - Free Edition
This calculator acts as a science toolkit. The main calculator is a scientific calculator that is able to calculate molecular mass, and from this calculator over 60 other calculators, converters and science tools can be called. The system also contains numerous science data reference tables, flowcharts and a science glossary.
- Publisher: Dot Point Learning Systems
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Gold Calculator Plat Edition DEMO
Gold Calculator Platinum Edition gives you a fast and easy approach for all calculations and weight conversion needs. It computes gold, silver, sterling, platinum and gives a complete breakdown in kilo's, ounces, dwt (pennyweight), grains, grams and total pure ounces. It calculates any karat desired and give a complete price and weight breakdown.
- Publisher: Gold Calculator Software Products
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008

Alien Isolation - Digital Deluxe Edition
Alien: Isolation is a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. The Digital Deluxe Edition is a downloadable content for Alien: Isolation. It includes the full game of Alien: Isolation, Crew Expendable bonus content and the complete Season Pass giving you access to all 5 add on packs.
- Publisher: Creative Assembly
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 11th, 2015

PG Calculator (Second Edition)
PG Calculator is a powerfull scientific calculator and an excellent replacement for standard Windows calculator. It ofers full customizable user inteface and looks like real calculator on user desktop. PG Calculator works Algebraic and RPN modes.
- Publisher: P.Gridniew
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2008

KeyChanger Deluxe Edition
View and Change your product keys for both Microsoft No Restarting or Reinstalling No need to reinstall or restart your Software. KeyChanger Deluxe can change your Microsoft product keys in a matter of seconds. KeyChanger Deluxe is capable of changing Retail, OEM, and Volume License product keys
- Publisher: Keytech-Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 8th, 2009

Plansoft Calculator - Standard Edition
The Plansoft Calculator provides Australian comprehensive personal tax and financial calculators designed to assist tax payers and financial advisers in tax and financial planning by estimating the current, past and future tax liabilities. Check entitlements to Family Assistance Office and Centrelink payments and determine net income.
- Publisher: Plansoft

Neutral Trend TradeMax Deluxe Edition
Neutral Trend TradeMax Deluxe Edition For active traders who traded in multiple currencies, the cash balance and account value calculation must be a tough and tedious chore, TradeMax’s Multiple currency Accounting feature solve this dilemma based on the latest downloaded exchange rate, so that users can track the trade performance from instant to instant.
- Publisher: Neutral Trend Inc.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

SimCity 4 Deluxe
SimCity 4 is a city building simulation game created by Maxis under Electronic Arts (EA) license. It is the fourth episode in the SimCity series and originally was released on 2003. It has a single expansion pack known as Rush Hour which adds additional features to the game. But the Deluxe Edition contains the original game and Rush Hour combined as a single product.
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

FirstStop WebSearch Deluxe Edition
"Lighting-Fast" web search software for your PC that searches leading search engines all at once. Then filters, verifies, orders results in a single merged list. Obtaining only relevant results with automatic validation and duplicates removal.
- Publisher: FirstStop WebSearch, LLC