Copert 4 in Title/Summary

Copert III
Features: -A more user friendly environment -.NET instead of Access (Runtime version of Access is no longer needed although data is stored in an Access file for backwards compatibility) -Possibility for time-series in one file -Possibility of more than one scenarios in one file
- Publisher: Emisia
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

COPERT 4 is an MS Windows software program aiming at the calculation of air pollutant emissions from road transport. The methodology is based on measurements conducted in both gasoline and diesel passenger cars and calculates extra CO2 emissions in g/km.
- Publisher: EMISIA S.A.
- Last updated: June 30th, 2012

COPERT Street Level
COPERT street level uses the COPERT software to calculate emissions from road transport. You can calculate emissions on a single street or on a full city street network. It requires a minimum set of input data to produce results. Emissions can be displayed on a GIS map for better visualization.
- Publisher: EMISIA S.A.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 15th, 2018