Copy user settings microsoft in Title/Summary

Niko Home Control User settings
Niko Home Control User settings is a free program that allows you to make adjustments to the settings of your home control kit. Items containing programmable parameters will light up stronger, animations and design are aligned on all platforms, and a dark-color theme is implemented to align all platforms and to be different from the control app.
- Publisher: Niko NV
- Last updated: February 1st, 2016

XP Keep Per User Display Settings
XP Keep Per User Display Settings: allows each user on a Windows XP system (typically in a home / "fast user switching" configuration) to have separate display settings (e.g. resolution). The Microsoft Windows XP development team has decided that all users sharing a Windows XP PC must have the same display settings -- same resolution, same color depth, same refresh rate.
- Publisher: Stéphane Barizien
- Last updated: December 8th, 2009

32bit Settings Application
32bit Settings Application enables users to maintain individual codec settings, but in the meantime they can also integrate direct commands in users account. The application detects new users then it saves and applies the Administrator's settings for everything.
- Publisher: Shark007
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 26th, 2013
Copy user settings microsoft in Description

Barcode Label Printer
Barcode Label Printer software can make bars in multiple manner to print. Barcodes labeling application is user friendly to use depends and support all windows version operating system. Bar codes can also copy paste in microsoft word.
- Publisher: Barcode Label Software
- Last updated: December 24th, 2012

Cisco Video Monitoring System
An intuitive user interface allows for quick configuration of the motion detection settings. Ten motion detection windows can be created in the SWVMS16 interface, regardless of the number of motion detection windows natively supported by the camera. Configurable motion detection settings and external input triggers reduce storage needs by recording only video of interest.
- Publisher: CISCO
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2010

Barcode Software
Barcode Software can creating labels of bars by simple program user make tags. Barcode labeling program can do multiple types of stickers making also change the value and text according to products. Support linear as well as 2dimension labels.
- Publisher: Barcodes Software
- Last updated: March 18th, 2013

Migration Manager
Migration Manager migrates all user settings and files from one device to another. It enables flawless settings transfer between versions of Windows and Office. It has excellent, dynamic, automated migration for user and admin-directed migrations.
- Publisher: Tranxition
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

XCell Compiler
Excel Compiler offers an easy and hassle-free workbook copy protection for Microsoft Excel. You can compile an Excel spreadsheet into an EXE application with securely-protected formulas in binary format and protected VBA code. With its registration/license management feature, you can protect your compiled Excel workbook from illegal copying by using a hardware locking mechanism.
- Publisher: DoneEx
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2017
Additional Copy user settings microsoft selection

GoldWave has made a name in the professional audio editing field for the last two decades for all the right reasons – a comprehensive set of editing features, outstanding audio cleaning functions, superb waveform graphics, and simplicity of use. Its intuitive interface is the perfect wrapping for one of the most comprehensive catalogs of enhancing, cleaning, and editing tools available.
- Publisher: GoldWave Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

KeePass Password Safe
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can store all your passwords in one database, which is locked with a master key. So you only have to remember one single master key to unlock the whole database. Database files are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES-256).
- Publisher: Dominik Reichl
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

Path Copy Copy
Path Copy Copy is an add-on for Windows Explorer that lets you copy paths of files and folders in various formats. It works on Windows Vista and later versions. You can copy the name, path, and parent folder path in short, long, and Internet formats.
- Publisher: Charles Lechasseur
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

Microsoft RichCopy
Microsoft RichCopy is an advanced program to copy files. Although it allows for a fine tune and complex configuration of every copy detail, it can also be used just as “fast copier”. It has a simple graphic interface for the more basic uses, but if you need them, you will find all the advanced options.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: June 20th, 2023

Registry Repair
The Windows Registry is a database that stores critical information about the operating system, hardware, user settings and much of the software that resides on your computer. This information is used, among other things, to instruct programs how to run and locate the files needed to perform different tasks.
- Publisher: Migo Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024 Settings Organizer Settings Organizer is a program that allows you to configure, secure, tune and speed up your system. It provides access to more than 185 hidden Windows options and additional Windows program and the backup feature allows you to reverse changes if necessary.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 1st, 2013

Barcode Creator
With Barcode Creator, you can print bar code (ean, upc and more formats) labels with desktop printer not need special (also high-priced) bar code printer or generate barcode graphics file.
- Publisher: Barcode Creator
- Last updated: March 15th, 2008

Access Password Recovery
With this tool you can recover your database password, user-level security records (logins and passwords), user and group IDs as well as user/group structure. arrow Using this tool you can open any protected MS Access database and recreate lost Workgroup information file.It is a very powerful tool for sysadmins, security officers and users who have problems with MS Access security.
- Publisher: Thegrideon Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2012

Mada CM
Mada CM is a free program that enables you to configure the ZTE USB AX320 and the ZTE USB AX326 modem devices. The program automatically detects the device connected to your computer enabling you to set up the user preferences and check out the data records.
- Publisher: Mada
- Last updated: September 15th, 2010

French Spelling Settings
The complete French Spelling update requires two downloads: the first download contains the word lists for the spelling dictionary, thesaurus, and AutoCorrect (and is available from the French Spelling reform page on the Microsoft Office Online, France site.)
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008