Coreldraw x5 fonts khmer unicode in Title/Summary

Khmer Unicode Conversion
Khmer Unicode Conversion is a nice and very useful program, easy to manipulate. It will help you to convert a text into the khmerian language. If you want to write a letter for a friend from Cambodgia and you have problems with the language, this is the right tool for you.
- Publisher: PAN Localization Cambodia
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 31st, 2008

Thoolika Unicode Fonts
With this Unicode keyboard driver software and OpenType Unicode fonts you can input Unicode standard Malayalam text in any Unicode compatible software like MS Word-XP, Access-XP, Excel-XP, Outlook etc. ThoolikaUnicode have both Reformed Malayalam and Traditional Malayalam Open Type Unicode fonts and alphabetical sorting of Malayalam is 99% accurate in Unicode text.
- Publisher: Supersoft
- Last updated: January 6th, 2009

All-In-One Khmer Fonts 2010
All in one Khmer Fonts 2010 is a package of free writing styles. We’ve just updated our “All Khmer Fonts” download – you can download it here. To preview the fonts you can view SBBIC All-Khmer-Fonts Preview PDF (615) showing all the font names and a sample Khmer text.
- Publisher: Society for Better Books in Cambodia
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 28th, 2011
Coreldraw x5 fonts khmer unicode in Description

Hindi Unicode Converter by Window India
Hindi Unicode Converter is the first, fast and foolproof UNICODE CONVERTER now in the market, which can Convert Kruti Text into Mangal font directly in MS Word Files for HINDI, MARATHI, NEPALI and Other DEVNAGRI SCRIPTS. It supports Kruti to Mangal.
- Publisher: Window India
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 14th, 2016

WashRa Transformer
WashRa Transformer is a tool that converts documents written with WashRa fonts to Unicode-Ethiopic documents. The transformation is done by converting each character from WashRa ASCII code to Unicode-Ethiopic character and by modifying the font definitions to the new WashRa fonts, which support Unicode-Ethiopic character set standard.
- Publisher: Senamirmir Project
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

Moyura is a very advanced e-mail client based on the code of Thunderbird. The program is also multilingual and it permits changing language directly from one of the menus. The program requires that the computer is prepared for Khmer Unicode. The program features junk mail filters, advanced security and the option to customize Moyura.
- Publisher: KhmerOS
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 11th, 2010

TransType SE
TransType font converter will enable you to convert your font formats from/to PostScript Type 1 and TrueType formats. Using the program's batch converter you can convert hundreds of fonts at a time. TransType SE also supports converting fonts directly from Stuffit archives and you can convert Multiple Master fonts into single-master fonts.
- Publisher: FontLab
- Last updated: June 5th, 2008

FontLab BitFonter
BitFonter is a powerful and professional tool to create bitmap fonts. This software is available on Mac and Windows operating systems. It has the functionality to create bitmap fonts from any source such as scanned pictures or photos. It is a tool targeted t the professionals and supports open type and true type font conversion into Bitmap fonts.
- Publisher: FontLab
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 7th, 2008
Additional Coreldraw x5 fonts khmer unicode selection

Khmer Converter
KhmerConverter is an application that alow syou to add documents in ODT/Plain text and webpage format to explort to the same formats, but with Khmer OS and derivates. The software has two working mode: legacy to unicode and unicode to legacy. The unicode uses a wide range of ABC family fonts.
- Publisher: CSAMAK
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2010

Shree-Lipi allows you to type and prepare documents in various Indian languages. Its user-friendly interface comes with TXT and RTF formats for document editing and conversion. You can also install selected Indian fonts as per your requirement. You can use Shree-Lipi with Open Office, Inscape, Gimp, Scribus, and other applications.
- Publisher: Modular Infotech
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

Hindi Unicode Font Converter Pro
Hindi Unicode Font Converter is a free program that enables you to convert Hindi Unicode fonts to Chanakya, Kundli, Kritidev-10 or from Chanakya, Kritidev-10, Kundli to Unicode Hindi fonts. By using this small lightweight tool you can convert all of major Hindi fonts to Unicode and then you can post them on your blogs, news sites and social networking sites.
- Publisher: RDestWeb Solutions India
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

Dyalog APL Unicode IME
Dyalog Unicode IME is a program that defines the mapping of keystrokes to Unicode characters – it can be regarded as an overlay of the standard keyboard which contains just APL characters. It enables APL characters to be input into any Microsoft Windows application that supports IME input, including Dyalog Unicode Edition (not Classic), PuTTY, Notepad and the Microsoft Office Suite.
- Publisher: Dyalog
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 10th, 2015

Font Converter is a Windows program which allows convenient converting of any PC installed font into an emWin (bitmap) font that can be easily integrated into emWin based applications. It automatically displays the Font generation options dialog box and it allows you to select the output font and the Unicode format.
- Publisher: Segger
- Last updated: April 19th, 2016

Delphi SWF SDK
Contains pure Object Pascal library for creating Macromedia Shockwave Flash movies (SWF), without using of any external dynamic libraries.
- Publisher: FeatherySoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

ParmisPDF - Premium Edition
ParmisPDF is the perfect PDF with the ability to perform wide range of operations on PDF files & converting files to PDF; Comprising a user-friendly interface ideal for users of any skill level. This application is useful for businesses in any scale.
- Publisher: InforDesk
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

ParmisPDF - Professional Edition
ParmisPDF is a complete industry-standard PDF software with batch operation feature. Perform wide range of operations on PDFs & convert files to PDF.
- Publisher: InforDesk
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

ParmisPDF - Enterprise Edition
ParmisPDF is a complete industry-standard PDF software with batch & command line feature. Perform wide range of operations on PDF documents and convert files to PDF.
- Publisher: InforDesk
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

ParmisPDF Command-Line
Complete PDF solution designed to enable developers to create PDF files & perform wide range of operations on PDF files. ParmisPDF is 100% standalone & does not rely on external libraries. All the features are packed into a single executable files.
- Publisher: InforDesk
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020