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Counter currents in Title/Summary



e-Counter is a digital counter who displays count-downs specified by the user. When time finishes, the program can execute usefully tasks, like PC shutdown or hang-up an Internet connection.

  • Publisher: e-rgonomy.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Easy Calorie Counter

Easy Calorie Counter

Easy Calorie Counter is a calorie counter program. You can use the calorie information from the built-in USDA nutrition database. It can also be used to search the cloud-based user submissions, or populate the database with your own entries. The application can be used to lose your weight by managing calories.



Counter-Strike 1.6 is one of the most famous shooting games that can be played over internet o a normal LAN. It is a MOD(ification) of Half-Life that is set in a teamplay, you can choose to be a terrorist or a counter-terrorist. Warning: this great game is very addictive! You’ll download it in a few minutes and you’ll be playing it in less!

Counter currents in Description

AKNM Circuit Magic

AKNM Circuit Magic

Circuit Magic is an electrical circuits simulation program specifically designed for students teaching basics electronics, electrical laws & circuit theory. Unlike many electronic circuit analyzers, Circuit Magic can analyze circuits like a man. Circuits are simulated step by step, using natural solving strategy.



BMTL can handle transmission lines with up to nine conductors and several transmission lines can be connected to each other. Excitation can be done by either voltage sources connected at the ends of the lines or incident fields. Lines are terminated in resistors. Properties of the transmission lines are described for the program by entering the inductance and capacitance matrices.

  • Publisher: SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2011
Cratchit.org TimeTool

Cratchit.org TimeTool

Cratchit.org Time Tool helps you keep record of the exact amount of time you spend on one or more projects. It allows you to add your projects or tasks (one at a time) and start and stop their individual time counter. The program can also work in portable mode, so that you can continue to track your projects even if you work on different PCs.

  • Publisher: Cratchit.org
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2021


DUTraffic is a program that monitors your dial-up connection. No matter which dial-up program you use to connect to your ISP, DUTraffic will record statistics for each on-line session. The program can be set to open a number of applications once a connection is reached, like running your preferred browser and e-mail client, and instantly close them once you're off-line.

  • Publisher: Eugene Safonov
  • Home page: safhouse.narod.ru
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2008
Atkins Carb Counter

Atkins Carb Counter

At Atkins, we make carb counting easy. Use your Atkins Carb Counter to find the Net Carbs in many of your favorite foods. The Atkins Carb Counter software is a fun and easy-to-use program for computers. The foundation of the Carb Counter software is an rich interface with numerous resources for consumers to begin or maintain the "Atkins Nutritional Approach."

  • Publisher: Atkins Nutritionals.
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Additional Counter currents selection

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

With its extensive Tour of Duty career, a limited number of skirmish modes, updates and new features for Counter-Strike's award-winning multiplayer online gameplay, plus over 12 bonus single player missions, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is a tremendous offering of single and multiplayer content.

Counter-Strike Source 2D

Counter-Strike Source 2D

Counter-Strike is probably the mos popular game ever and is for sure the number one multiplayer first person shooter of all times. This software is an enhancer for the basic Counter-Strike game. It is a mod for Counter-Strike 2D that makes a bloom effect .

  • Publisher: Reynerold, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2010
Counter-Strike Xtreme

Counter-Strike Xtreme

It is a neat mod for the Counter Strike game. Counter-Strike Xtreme adds lots of characters to choose from, lots of weapons, different gameplay options. It also provides new zombie mode and ghost mode designed to completely change the Counter Strike experience.

  • Publisher: Bluluxabica
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2010
Counter-Strike: Source

Counter-Strike: Source

Counterstrike: Source is the evolution of the original Counterstrike and Condition Zero. It has included new graphix and physics delivering a new experience for the long time Counterstrike fans. Began as an experiment, now is an experimented success. People from all around the world play it online via STEAM.

BPM Counter

BPM Counter

With this program you can easily determine the 'Beats per minutes' of a track. On every beat press on the 'beat' button. And BPM counter determines the corresponding BPM value. If you need a cd player, push a button and start your favourite cd player...

  • Publisher: Abyss Media Company
  • Home page: www.abyssmedia.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Date Time Counter

Date Time Counter

A 100% FREE countdown timer/time tracker for counting years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds of your important events based on current time. Such as birth, marriage and anniversary.

  • Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
  • Home page: www.TriSunSoft.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021
Counter Strike Desert War

Counter Strike Desert War

Counter Strike Desert War is a very detailed and featured shooter based around the popular Counter Strike game. Challenge your shooting and war strategy skills here! First person shooter like Counter Strike except you perform certain miss. It is very easy to install and to play.

  • Publisher: Softendo Download Games
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2012
Counter-Strike Clean Edition

Counter-Strike Clean Edition

Counter-Strike Clean Edition of the game is an exact analogy of the Steam Counter Strike 1.6. It includes original models, sounds, sprites and design. It comes with original player models (Steam), Bots (Controls: "H"), unlimited download speed, and anti-hacking protection.

  • Publisher: down-cs.su
  • Home page: down-cs.su
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2016
TIFF PDF Counter

TIFF PDF Counter

TIFF PDF Counter is a handy and practical tool that allows you to know the exact number of pages of your PDF and/or TIFF documents. Besides the number of pages, you can also see the size of the files in KB and the created, accessed, and modified dates. You can query and retrieve all that information for many PDF or TIFF documents in a single operation.

  • Publisher: Winsome Technologies
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2012
Counter Strike - Source

Counter Strike - Source

This is a first person shooter game and is a complete remake of Counter-Strike. We play a team of counter-terrorists against a team of terrorists. You can buy and install the game online using the Steam platform. It only needs a DirectX 9 graphic card.